Then and Now Teacher is modeling a specific comprehension strategy and reading the story aloud Students are actively engaged – responding to the teacher’s questions or conferring with a partner/group Authentic Trade Books Lesson length – 20 – 30 minutes Teacher directed – Skill focused Teacher is reading aloud or having students take turns reading Teachers asks questions to assess understanding while reading the story Students answer questions Basal text Lesson length – minimum of 30 minutes or longer
Purpose: Making Meaning is designed to help children build their reading comprehension and social skills in a whole group lesson framework.
Comprehension Strategies: K12345 Retelling Making Connections Visualizing Wondering/ Questioning Making Inferences Determining Important Ideas Understanding Text Structure Summarizing Synthesizing
Making Meaning – Program Components Regular use of read-alouds Direct teaching and practice of comprehension strategies Guided and independent strategy practice Teacher-facilitated discussions Cooperative structures Individualized daily reading (IDR)
Direct Teaching and Practice Whole Group Practice the strategy Practice the MM Lesson with the class, a partner, strategy with a or independently self-selected book
Social Skills: A child’s reading comprehension development is linked to their ability to interact cooperatively, respectfully, and responsibly with peers. Cooperative structures holds students accountable for their own learning. Turn to Your Partner Think, Pair, Share Think, Pair, Write Heads Together Group Brainstorming
Assessments: Grade K: Informal observations (weekly) Grade 1: Class Progress Assessment (weekly) Grades 2 – 5: Social Skills Assessment ( three times per year) Class Comprehension Assessment (weekly) Individual Comprehension Assessment (end of each unit)
Making Meaning Expectations: 1. All students will develop at their own pace into readers with high levels of comprehension. 2. All students can develop positive effective interpersonal skills.