Welcome to seminar 2. We will begin our discussion in just a few minutes.
EXCELLENT JOB ON THE DISCUSSION BOARD!!! Just a reminder – be sure to answer all parts of the discussion questions and respond to at least 2 other students (more for a higher grade). Also double check your spelling, grammar and capitalization when posting on the discussion board. If you cannot attend seminar, please complete seminar option 2 for credit.
Last week I gave you all a challenge... How did your 24 hour challenge of staying positive go?
Did you notice a difference in yourself or in others?
I appreciate you all trying the challenge and hopefully you saw the impact of being positive. Just remember that your attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference...in all areas of your life.
Glad to have you all here today! I hope you all had a stress free week or have a stress free week coming up, since we are discussing stress management tonight
Before we get started on our discussion on stress management, I would like to have all of you take a few minutes and go to a website to view a video. There is music with the video but you do not need speakers to watch the video
The video is at the following website, this source is from the Daily Motivator website, enjoy: x.htm x.htm Please go and enjoy the video and I will see you back here in 5 minutes
I hope you enjoyed the video. A little something to get us started off in a stress free mode
How stressed are you? Rate on a scale from 1 to 10 – (1 being low/10 being high)
What factors presently add to your stress level?
What are some indicators that you might be stressed?
Very good, all of these are indicators of stress. There are also very serious symptoms, which some of you mentioned, that can be very harmful to your health such as heart attacks, ulcers, high blood pressure, etc. People also can gain weight or lose weight due to stress Those are all things that we need to make sure we are aware of and keep in mind because we only have one body and stress can cause it harm. That is why we need healthy ways to deal with stress.
How can self-awareness help you to deal with your stress?
Provide some positive tips or examples of how you deal with stress for your classmates.
Provide negative examples of how people deal with stress.
What is the one thing that helps you reduce your stress level the most?
How can stress be positive?
Eustress ◦ Good stress Creates motivation, focus, dedication Distress ◦ Bad stress Creates anxiety, health problems, lack of energy and desire
How does your ability to handle stress impact society, those around you and those who you will be working with?
Remember….Stress is not always a bad thing. When you do get stressed take a moment and choose how you will handle the situation. Try not to let situations or other people take control of you. You are the only one that can control how you deal with stress. Make sure you keep control over your life and your own stress.
Let’s look at time management… What takes up most of your time?
List for your classmates some suggestions on how you manage your time successfully.
Key factor in dealing with stress Dealing with the demands of others We can say NO!!! Use unexpected gifts of time How do we balance? ◦ To-Do Lists ◦ Calendars ◦ Prioritizing
What are the dangers? How can we overcome it?
Consider your career choice. How will the time and stress management strategies discussed in this unit and seminar help you specifically in your work-related responsibilities?
Visual ◦ Learn by seeing ◦ Examples Auditory ◦ Learn by hearing ◦ Examples Kinesthetic / Tactile ◦ Learning by doing or feeling ◦ Examples
What is your preferred style? How do you use your learning style to fit with your future career?
Early childhood education is the formal teaching and care of young children by people other than their family or in settings outside of the home. 'Early childhood' is usually defined as before the age of normal schooling - five years in most nations, though the U.S. National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) instead defines 'early childhood' as before the age of eight. A child's needs at this period are different from those of older schoolchildren, because early childhood sees the greatest growth and development, when the brain develops most rapidly, almost at its fullest. It is a period when walking, talking, self-esteem, vision of the world and moral foundations are established. The early years of life are critical to the development of intelligence, personality and social behavior. Research on brain development attests to the importance of key mental, physical and social capabilities. If these fundamental capabilities are not well established from the start, and especially if neurological damage occurs, a child's learning potential could be adversely affected. As such, education in early childhood must has its own specific practices and issues.
This week we will dive straight into the field of early childhood development! As you know, the field of early childhood development consists of countless services, which include programs for infants and toddlers, preschool programs, family childcare, childcare centers, kindergarten, and schooling for primary age children. Each has the potential to foster healthy development and learning as well as positively impact children's lives; however, each of these require professionals to have similar characteristics as they partake in the role of working with children and their families.
Take a couple minutes and check out the Occupational Outlook Handbook website: See anything that interests you about your future career?
Go to an online career/employment site, such as Monster.com or Jobing.com, and search for jobs in human services. Search for jobs in the childcare, preschool, or the K-2 setting. After you have explored the job listings, choose two of the jobs that interest you. Then, for each job, complete the following using the template provided in the Unit 2 directions for the project: ◦ List the job title and job description. ◦ List the skills needed for the job, taken both from the job description and your own analysis of the job. Be sure to list at least five skills, three of which are specific skills in the early childhood development field. ◦ Explain why each of the skills listed in #2 would be needed to succeed in the position you have selected.
Your project should be completed using the template provided and should be written in Standard American English. The project will be based on your findings from the career/employment sites that you use. Please make sure you indicate which sites you have used to find your information and answer the three questions. In addition, projects should demonstrate careful proofreading. Save your project and submit it to the Unit 2: Project Dropbox.
Seminar ◦ Attend flex seminar or complete option 2 Discussion ◦ Answer to the discussion questions in the unit and respond to at least 2 other classmates with substantial posts Complete Unit 2 project – Job Exploration
Great job today! Thank you for coming I will stay on for questions; otherwise feel free to log off and have a great week!