ChemEd DL WikiHyperGlossary (WHG): A Social Semantic Information Literacy Service for Digital Documents 245 th ACS National Meeting CINF Oral Session Library Cafes, Intellectual commons and Virtual Services, Oh My! Charting New Routs for Users into Research Libraries Robert E. Belford 1,Dan Berleant 2, Michael A. Bauer 2, Jon L. Holmes 3 & John W. Moore 3 1 Dept. of Chemistry, University of Arkansas at Little Rock 2 Dept. of Information Science, University of Arkansas at Little Rock 3 Dept. of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin - Madison
First a little Background The WikiHyperGlossary grew out of the MSDS Hyperglossary developed by Dr. Rob Toreki Rob Toreki ACS Presentation
First a little Background 2006 Bob Hanson & I organized a ConfChem Rob Toreki and I presented on the MSDS Hyperglossary Several papers were on Wikis Rob Toreki So Why not a WikiHyperGlossary? The name stuck, even though it is now outdated
Presentation Outline 1.Overview ICTs 2.Challenges for Free Agent (DIY) Learners 3.WHG as an Information Literacy Technology Glossary Architecture to Provide Background Knowledge Molecular Editor Enabled Knowledge Pathways
The WikiHyperGlossary (WHG) as an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) ICTs determine how humans share and communicate information. ICTs determine the cognitive artifacts used to represent and manipulate information ICTs influence the schema used to derive knowledge from information
What is the story of this prehistoric cave drawing from the Magura cave in Bulgaria? Subjective Interpretation Rorschach Blot? Rorschach Blot Brief Evolution of ICTs Information and Communication Technologies
With written script the information (story) could be accurately transmitted to the future. Dead men can talk
In the Dark Ages, with so few texts, few outside of the clergy were literate. Even Kings were Illiterate
Around 1440 Gutenberg Invents the Printing Press
wikipedia/commons/c/c7/Prior_Health_Sciences_Library_Mural_Printing_Press.jpg Printed Material enabled “mass communication” and was adopted by scientific societies in the pursuit of science
Printed Material Become Ubiquitous to the Point that the United Nations Currently Considers Literacy to be a Fundamental Human Right
Web 1.0 (World Wide Web) Content (write[publish] once/read many) html/client side scripting Search services and instant publishing and delivery Web 2.0 (Social Web) Dynamic (write many/read many) content Server side scripting offering collaborative content generation Web 3.0 (semantic web) Organic knowledge frameworks Software agents directly extracting online data and exchanging information InChI enables cheminformatic functionality
In a Book?Online? Where do Today’s Researchers Prefer to Seek Information?
Copyright Project Tomorrow 2011, slides courtesy of Julie Evans
Emergence of the New Free Agent Learner
Copyright Project Tomorrow 2011, slides courtesy of Julie Evans Is this reflected in research?
What kind of challenges do Free Agent Learners face?
Personal Knowledge Distal Knowledge Football Addition & Subtraction ZPD Multiplication & Division Logarithms & Exponentiation Automobiles Chemistry Vygotsky They will often operate in their Distal Knowledge Space
Can digital technologies be developed which enhance learning of material in the Distal Zone through directed scaffolding of content from a student's ZPD?
Social Semantic Information Literacy Technology (Targets Experts and Novices) Automates markup of digital text documents and web pages to database content associated with glossary terms. Content may be textual or multimedia Associates chemical identifiers with chemical terms which can be used by various software agents
HyperGlossary Parser Document Marked-Up Document External Sources ChemEd DL ChemSpider PDB Terms Definitions Unique Identifiers Match Glossary Terms HTML Markup HG DB Data Query Connecting Gutenberg
"Cognitive scientists agree that reading comprehension requires prior "domain-specific" knowledge about the things a text refers to, …” -E.D. Hirsch, Jr., "The Knowledge Deficit"
Readers need to know around 90% of the words to be able to infer the meaning of the words they do not know. The omitted words, what the text implies but does not say, are as important as the written words -E.D. Hirsch, Jr., "The Knowledge Deficit"
When an author writes a document, s/he assumes a level of prior knowledge that defines the implicit text, the omitted text. -E.D. Hirsch, Jr., "The Knowledge Deficit" “In 1861 the North fought the South”
Reading comprehension suffers for documents in one’s Distal Knowledge Space because the prior knowledge is not there.
1.Need to know what the words mean. 2.Need to know the implied knowledge, the knowledge the author assumed the reader knew and omitted when scripting the narrative Two Core Issues 27
Non-editable IUPAC definition of entropy with citation Wiki generated social multimedia definition of appropriate ZPD to provide subject-domain background knowledge for reading comprehension 28
As you scroll down you can get up to 4 social definitions targeting different ZPD with multimedia elements 29 Video
30 Can embedding in a document social produced multimedia ZPD-appropriate definitions be done at a sufficient term density to provide enough background knowledge for novices to generate understanding in a document which would otherwise be in their distal zone?
Semantics &Chemical Identifiers Word Type = "Chemical" has input for InChI 31 videoSkip Slides
3D Visualizations Through InChI query ChemEd DL Models
Engage Jmol with IR spectra 33
Visualize Symmetry Elements 34
Generate basic Jmol if molecule not present in Models
2D Molecular Editor 36
Molecular Editor Enabled Knowledge Framework 37
Molecular Editor Enabled Knowledge Framework 38
Molecular Editor Enabled Knowledge Framework 39
Molecular Editor Enabled Knowledge Framework 40
Molecular Editor Enabled Knowledge Framework 41
Molecular Editor Enabled Knowledge Framework 42
Molecular Editor Enabled Knowledge Framework 43
Molecular Editor Enabled Knowledge Framework 44
Molecular Editor Enabled Knowledge Framework 45
Other WHG Related Presentations Jikitou biomedical question answering system: Using multiple resources to answer biomedical questions. (Michael Bauer) Tuesday, April 9, :30 AM Linking Bioinformatic Data and Cheminformatic Data Location: MCC, Room: WikiHyperGlossary (WHG): New knowledge frameworks for historical documents and the role of Web APIs Monday, April 8, :00 PM Undergraduate Research Posters (12:00 PM - 02:30 AM) Location: MCC, Room: Hall D
This material is based upon work supported by the NSF DUE Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation
Questions? 48 Bob Belford: