Systemic forms of care for people with intellectual disabilities (PID) and their parents in Slovenia
Different systemic forms of care for the PID and their parents can be presented according to a chronological approach Early age – from birth to school School age Adulthood, including old age Lifelong
Important turning point in our case is the age of majority Why? It regulates relationships (rights and obligations) between all parents and their children, including the relationships between parents and children with intellectual disabilities Marriage and Family Relations Act
What are special features for parents of children with intellectual disabilities? Article 118/1 provides that: On the proposal of parents or a social work centre, the court may decide to extend the parental rights after the maturity, if a child is incapable of taking care of him/herself, of his/her benefits and rights due to a physical or mental disability.
Furthermore, the Act lays down that If a person has already reached the age of maturity and the proposal for the extension of parental rights was not filed in time, the court may grant the parental right to parents and extend it after the child’s maturity.
Special provision of the Act until last year read article 123/2 of the Act laid down the obligation thereto: If a child is incapable of independent life and does not have sufficient means for subsistence due to physical or mental disability, the parents are obliged to maintain him/her in accordance with their possibilities and with the aid of the social community. This article was omitted by the last Act Amending the Marriage and Family Relations Act!
Marriage and Family Relations Act lays down some other particularities for persons with intellectual disability It states that a person with severe mental disability cannot get married It regulates the position of a guardian and sets the conditions for placing a person in guardianship Defines the issue of foster care
Marriage and Family Relations Act and Non-litigious Civil Procedure Act are interconnected in one part
Why? Article 44 of Non-litigious Civil Procedure Act regulates the withdrawal of operational capacity It says that the court decides on partial or full withdrawal of operational capacity of persons, including those who cannot take care of themselves, of their rights and benefits due to ‘mental retardation’. The Act also includes the provisions regulating the issue of who may initiate such procedures.
Position of people with intellectual disabilities at early age – pre-school period is chronologically defined By Marriage and Family Relations Act By Parental Protection and Family Benefit Act By Health Care and Health Insurance Act By Kindergarten Act
Parental Protection and Family Benefit Act OGRS 97/2001,76/2003 Childcare and protection leave – extended by 90 days Right to shorter working hours Benefit for child care - 80 or 161 euro Partial compensation for income loss – minimum wage + employer’s contributions to Pension and Disability Insurance Institute are covered by the state, others by the beneficiary The term of rights stipulated by the Act runs until the child reaches the age of 18
Part of these Acts contain implementing regulations Rules on criteria for claiming the benefit for child care Compulsory health insurance rules Important rules that formally no longer exist, but are still being applied are the Rules on classification and registry of physically or mentally disabled children
Position of people with intellectual disabilities in the so called training and education period is chronologically defined By Primary School Act By Placement of Children with Special Needs Act By Health Care and Health Insurance Act By Act Regulating the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons Naturally, this period is also regulated by Marriage and Family Relations Act and Parental Protection and Family Benefit Act
Placement of Children with Special Needs Act Rules on organisation and method of operating relating to commissions for placement of children with special needs and to criteria for identification of type and level of deficiencies, impediments and disturbances of children with special needs Rules governing the procedure for placement of children with special needs
Position of people with intellectual disabilities in the adulthood is chronologically defined By Act Concerning Social Care of Mentally and Physically Disabled Persons In certain cases by Invalidity-Pension Insurance Act By Social Assistance Act Health care is still ‘covered’ by Health Care and Health Insurance Act Partially also by Act Regulating the Training and Employment of Disabled Persons
Special features relating to parents at least to some extent Marriage and Family Relations Act Parental Protection and Family Benefit Act Employment Relationship Act Personal Income Tax Act Motor Vehicle Tax Act Customs Act
Afore-mentioned acts are supplemented by regulations Rules on criteria for claiming the benefit for child care Rules establishing standards and norms for social assistance rights Regulation on eligibility for the right to customs duty relief Decree on annual refund fees for the use of roads to be paid by users of motor vehicles and trailer vehicles Rules on criteria for social housing allocation
For various combinations of parental and children rights the following are also important at least to a certain extent National Social Protection Programme by 2005 Social Assistance Act Act Regulating Social Assistance Right Eligibility Procedure Tourism Development Act Disabled Persons Organisations Act
What changes do we expect? Equal Opportunities Act New Act on Rehabilitation and Employment of Disabled Persons Act amending Marriage and Family Relations Act Act on Early Detection and Treatment of Children with Special Needs Amendments to Social Assistance Act Amendments to Parental Protection and Family Benefit Act