Secondary SENCO Forum January 24th 2014


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Presentation transcript:

Secondary SENCO Forum January 24th 2014 Trevor Younger – SEN Consultant Marion Weeks – SEN Consultant

Welcome and Introductions Plan for the day Housekeeping

The Vision for SEN Every child should be given the best chance to succeed in life. Professionals who work with the fifth of children and young people who have a special educational need (SEN) should strive to enable them to achieve at school and college, and make a successful transition to adulthood, including finding paid work, living independently and participating in their community. (Children and Families Bill)

Implications of Draft SEN CoP Culture in school and understanding of SEN changes SENCO role Pupil and family centred working EHCP Identification of SEN – BESD Implementing assess, plan do review cycle Assuring quality first teaching. Use of evidence based interventions Record keeping and systems CPD needs Publication of school offer

Disabled Children Government announces inclusion of disabled children in parts of the Children and Families Bill On 12th December the Government has amended the Children and Families Bill to include disabled children and young people within the scope of the Bill. Previously the Bill covered only children and young people identified as having a special educational needs; the decision to include disabled children has been warmly welcomed by the voluntary and community sector. The amendments mean that disabled children will now be included in a number of clauses in the Bill including the local offer and local joint commissioning arrangements. The Government amendments can be found at this link.

SENCO Role Clause 65 Plus CoP p78-80 The school should ensure that the SENCO has sufficient time and resources to carry out these functions. This should include providing the SENCO with sufficient administrative support and time away from teaching to enable them to fulfil their responsibilities in a similar way to other important strategic roles within a school.

Role of SENCO Strategic direction and development Supporting Teaching and Learning Line Management –Effective use of additional support Financial Management Whole School Professional Development Planning Ahead

SENAP Report 2012-2013 488 Statements 448 Completed on time without reminders PCRs Completed ??? 362/448 = 81% Transition plans completed (Yr 9 + 197) ??? 162/197 = 82%

New Webpages More to Come! Schools workforce - City of York Council Curriculum Support SEN- Secondary Includes: CYC Threshold Bandings Annual Review Forms CPD 14-16 Qualifications LINKS More to Come!

Independent supporters £30 Million to Council for Disabled Children The £30 million will be used to recruit and train a pool of ‘independent supporters’ - champions drawn from independent voluntary, community and private organisations to help the families of children and young people with special educational needs (SEN) through the new process following comprehensive reforms to support. CDC now trialing the training, recruitment and funding allocation, which will conclude in the spring. CDC will invite applications from private, voluntary and community sector organisations who believe they can offer independent supporters from within their ranks. Plan to have 1,800 supporters from September

NASEN – Every Teacher Campaign 5 Key Messages Every teacher is responsible for every pupil in their class. Every teacher is accountable for every pupil’s progress. Every teacher is entitled to high quality professional development. Every teacher should understand the individual needs of all their pupils. Every teacher should have the support of a qualified and experienced SENCO. To support these messages NASEN would like all schools to commit to 1 in 5 INSET days being solely focussed on SEND training. Links to NASEN on line CPD

Ofsted Subsidiary Guidance Link to Ofsted Subsidiary Guidance 2014 Link to Progression Guidance 2010-2011

Transition Matrices

Yr6 – Yr 7 Transfer Information Will be electronic!

Update Behaviour Yvette Bent Attendance and Behaviour Advisor

Pupils and Parents Parents have statutory rights to contribute to the decision making process about their child’s education Children have a right to be involved in making decisions and exercising choices. Local authorities must ensure that parents, children and young people are involved in discussions and decisions about every aspect of their SEN, planning outcomes and making provision to meet those outcomes, Person Centred Planning

Engaging Parents and Pupils Schools should fully engage parents and young people with SEN when drawing up policies that affect them p17 Draft CoP Where a pupil is receiving SEN support schools should meet parents at least termly to set clear goals, discuss activities review progress and identify responsibilities of parent, pupil and school. P76 Draft CoP They MUST take steps to ensure that parents and young people are actively supported in contributing to assessments, planning and reviewing EHCP.

Draft SEN CoP Enabling parents to share their knowledge about their child and engage in positive discussion helps to give them confidence that their views and contributions are valued and will be acted upon. At times, parents, teachers and others may have differing expectations of how a child’s needs are best met. Sometimes these discussions can be challenging but it is in the child’s best interests for a positive dialogue between parents, teachers and others to be maintained, to work through points of difference and agree outcomes.

What can undermine success? Poor communication Lack of accurate clear information Working effectively with parents

MAID Maintain Adapt Introduce Discard

For children and young people with SEN it is important to know precisely where they are in their learning and development; to ensure decisions are informed by the insights of parents and those of children and young people themselves; to have high ambitions and to set stretching targets for them; to track their progress towards these goals; to keep under review the additional or different provision that is made for them; and to ensure that the approaches used are based on the best possible evidence and are having the required impact on progress.

Quality First Teaching High quality teaching, differentiated for individual pupils, is the first step in responding to pupils who have or may have SEN. Teachers should set high expectations for every pupil and aim to teach them the full National curriculum whatever their prior attainment Schools should regularly and carefully review the quality of teaching for pupils at risk of underachievement. This includes reviewing teachers’ understanding of strategies to identify and support vulnerable pupils and their knowledge of the special educational needs most frequently encountered. P71-73 P71-73 p

Some Questions Do all staff know what Quality First Teaching is? – TAs, subject teachers, middle leaders, SLT How skilled are staff in delivering QFT? How are needs identified? Do all subject teachers and form tutors take responsibility for the learning and progress of all CYP? Who monitors this? Use Banding sheets

Provision and Interventions Additional intervention and support cannot compensate for a lack of good quality teaching The support an intervention provided should be based on reliable evidence of effectiveness and be provided by staff with sufficient skills and knowledge. Assess Plan Do Review p74-75

Provision How do you plan interventions? How do you consider effectiveness? How do you quality assure? What works?

Management Systems Budget Identification Use of Data – Progress analysis Record keeping p76 Publishing information p77 Provision Mapping Transition Liaison with SLT/outside agencies CPD Quality Assurance Performance Management

CPD - 3 Aspects to develop How do you plan and manage CPD for teachers and TAs? Quality First Teaching planned to include pupils with SEN Understanding of specific difficulties of individual pupils and how to overcome. Resources and strategies that promote pupil learning and develop independence

Quality Assurance How do you QA teaching and learning for pupils with SEN? Learning walk Planning scrutiny Lesson observation IEPs Pupil interviews Book scrutiny Progress data Intervention records Feedback sheets Observation of TAs February 13th 1pm – 4pm Quality Assuring Teaching and Learning for Pupils with SEN


Who is responsible – Progress? Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of the pupils in their class, even where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff. Special educational provision is underpinned by high quality teaching and is compromised by anything less.

Who is responsible? The quality of teaching for pupils with SEN, and the progress made by pupils, should be a core part of the school’s performance management arrangements and its approach to professional development for all teaching and support staff. Quality assurance of SEN provision/teaching? CPD?