Introductions Introduce yourself to your neighbour Tell them your name, what you think Social Studies is, and an interesting fact about yourself. Your neighbour will introduce you to the class And you will introduce them.
What is Social Studies ? Get in small groups of 3-4 people You will move around the room to different stations Look at all the displays, books, posters, objects Write down what you think Social Studies is about. Write all your ideas. Share your ideas
Social Studies is about Place and Environment Continuity and Change The Economic World Identity, Culture and Organisation
What does this mean ? Place and Environment or Geography, is the study of the world We study Migration Why people move between places and the effects on people and places Cultural Interaction How cultures each other We study Guns, Germs and Steel Dances With Wolves – The American Wild West
More….. The Economic World or Economics is the study of how we get things we want Economic decisions impact on people, communities and nations. Your Choice, Economic groups, games music etc… Wolves Lair Identity, Culture and Organisation How societies and communities work We study Government, Democracy in NZ, Nazi Germany and Communism Continuity and Change or History, is the study of important people and events in the past We study ideas and actions, causes and effects.
Year 10 Topics Term 4 Place and Environment or Geography, is the study of the world We study Resource Management, how we use things we want and how this effects people and nature CLIMATE CHANGE Term 3 Continuity and Change or History, is the study of important people and events in the past We study Treaties, agreements between different groups.
Topics Term 2 The Economic World or Economics is the study of how we get things we want We play the Real Game and other games We study economic growth, business, enterprise and innovation. Term 1 Identity, Culture and Organisation How societies and communities work How people get their Human Rights
Why do we study Social Studies ? So you can understand, take part (participate) and give(contribute) to your community And think about different ways of living
TITLE PAGE Copy the topics in Social Studies and why we study it Add pictures, colour, your ideas… to make a TITLE PAGE for your folder
EQUIPMENT For every Social Studies lesson you will need Clear File folder or book Lined Refill Paper Pens,blue, black and red Ruler Coloured pencils, scissors, glue
EXPECTATIONS At Nayland College we expect you to be Prompt, Prepared, Positive and Participate Follow the Nayland Way Show good manners
In this class 1 person talks at a time Cell Phones, ipods, music etc… are invisible, inaudible or in my desk