Resources for Helping People with Disabilities Establish Relationships with Others
You're more up to date with friends whom you've never met than with real friends.
What is a friend? --- We have chemistry! We enjoy each other’s company. We trust, understand, respect and appreciate each other. We like how we feel when we’re together. We are close even when we are apart. We look forward to being together. We commit over some time. We give to each other. We may not give in the same way but what we give and what we receive is of great value to each of us.
Loneliness is risky! Loneliness can lead to higher risk of death, sleep problems, raise blood pressure, increase the stress hormone cortisol, increase depression and reduce feelings of living a meaningful life. Having high-quality relationships with a few people is one of the keys to happiness and longevity!
Activities for People With and Without Disabilities
Many organizations offer some sort of Social Skills Training to people with a variety of disabilities and at all ages.
Volunteer readers with age-appropriate books. (Icare: Activities with puppets with disabilities. (Kids on the Block: Volunteer visitors with disabilities to classrooms. (
No one should have to pass some sort of “test” before they are “eligible” to be supported to meet others and establish relationships. “Every Chipmunk is a Horseback Rider” Jack Yates