Psychology Software Tools, Inc. presents... Click on the buttons in the lower right corner to navigate through this tour.
Version 1.0
Welcome to E-Prime E-Prime is the successor to MEL Professional, released by Psychology Software Tools, and PsyScope the experiment generator for Macintosh. E-Prime refers to the Experimenter’s prime (best) development studio for the creation of computerized behavioral research. E-Prime is a complete software suite of applications that takes you from the creation of your experiment to performing descriptive statistics on your collected data. In the same way that Windows was a major rethinking of computing for DOS users, E-Prime is equally revolutionary for users of MEL Professional, PsyScope, and other experiment generators.
E-Prime Features at a Glance Ƌ Millisecond precision for stimulus presentation and inter-stimulus timing Ƌ Comprehensive: accommodates simple through complete experiments from design to analysis design to analysis Ƌ Short learning curve: first simple experiment complete within about 2 hours Ƌ Paradigm Wizard for quick implementation of experiment structure Ƌ Graphical design interface illustrates experiment structure at a glance Ƌ Full scripting language affords tremendous flexibility and power to the system system Ƌ Supports wide range of devices including display, sound, mouse, PST Serial Response Box, keyboard, and ports PST Serial Response Box, keyboard, and ports Ƌ Large user community, and a seasoned technical support team
E-Prime User Community Used in over 2,000 labs across the world! Used in over 2,000 labs across the world! Ƌ “E-Prime is even easier than Psyscope, and has a lot more flexibility.” flexibility.” - Dr. Karen Arnell - Dr. Karen Arnell Ƌ “E-Prime is 10 times easier than MEL! It would have dramatically improved my productivity in graduate school.” dramatically improved my productivity in graduate school.” - Usability Test Subject Ƌ “I’ve just started using E-Prime, and the more I get to now it, the more I like it. It’s got the two hallmarks of great software the more I like it. It’s got the two hallmarks of great software tremendous power and real ease of use. It’s clear that a lot of tremendous power and real ease of use. It’s clear that a lot of thought went into the details of the interface. I’ve been singing it’s thought went into the details of the interface. I’ve been singing it’s praises to anyone who will listen!” praises to anyone who will listen!” - Dr. Edward Kako, Swarthmore College - Dr. Edward Kako, Swarthmore College
E-Prime Presentation Overview This is a diagram of E-Prime’s core system components. E-Studio Graphical Design Environment E-Basic Full Scripting Language E-Run Real-Time Experiment Generator E-Merge Data Merging Utility E-DataAid Spreadsheet Application for E-Prime Data Files Click application of choice to skip through presentation.
Welcome to E-Studio E-Studio is a comprehensive visual design environment for experiment implementation. E-Studio’s graphical environment greatly speeds up the creation of an experiment, so you can begin collecting your data sooner than using MEL Professional or PsyScope. Better yet, you can implement most experiment designs without the use of code!
Welcome to E-Studio In this presentation, you will learn about… Ƌ The E-Studio Interface Ƌ Procedures, which define the experiment’s structure structure Ƌ Lists, which define the blocks and trials Ƌ Properties, which define the characteristics Ƌ of the experiment objects Let’s Get Started…. Let’s Get Started….
E-Studio - Interface The E-Studio interface has four major components: 1. Toolbox 2. Structure view 3. Workspace 4. Properties window Let’s look at each component...
E-Studio - Interface The Toolbox contains objects that are dragged to procedural timelines. These objects are the basic building blocks of your E-Studio experiments. Let’s look at some of these objects...
E-Studio - Interface The TextDisplay allows you to specify text, such as instructions, that the subject will see during the experiment.
E-Studio - Interface Similarly, the ImageDisplay allows you to specify images that the subject will see during the experiment.
E-Studio - Interface The List object allows you to define the blocks, trials, sub-trials, etc. in your experiment.
E-Studio - Interface These procedural timelines tell the experiment what objects occur at what point. Procedure objects represent the timelines in your experiment.
E-Studio - Interface The FeedbackDisplay allows you to specify the feedback that your subject will receive after a response. These are just some of the objects available to you in E- Studio.
E-Studio - Interface The Structure view is an outline, or hierarchical representation of your experiment. This window features a tree view similar to that in Windows Explorer.
E-Studio - Interface The Properties window lists the properties for selected objects and displays their current settings. This feature is similar to that in Visual Basic.
E-Studio - Interface The Workspace contains the window representations of your experiment objects. An object is opened in the Workspace by double clicking the object on a procedural timeline or in the Structure view.
E-Studio - Procedure In the remaining slides, you will see a completed reaction time experiment that welcomes the subject, runs two blocks of trials, and displays a goodbye screen. The first step in building this experiment was to define the structure of the experiment using Procedure objects...
E-Studio - Procedure Think of this experiment as a hierarchy. The SessionProc Procedure defines the session-level events. The BlockProc Procedure defines the block-level events. The TrialProc Procedure defines the trial-level events.
E-Studio - Procedure E-Studio automatically created SessionProc when the new experiment was created. Objects were added to SessionProc by opening it in the Workspace and dragging objects from the Toolbox to SessionProc’s timeline.
E-Studio - Procedure This is the completed SessionProc. At the session- level, the experiment welcomes the subject, runs blocks of trials, and displays a goodbye screen. BlockList is where the experiment’s blocks will later be defined. TextDisplays List
E-Studio - Procedure The remaining procedures were each created by dragging the Procedure object from the Toolbox to the Workspace, naming the Procedure, and adding objects to its timeline.
E-Studio - Procedure This is the completed BlockProc. At the block-level, the experiment displays instructions and runs trials. TrialList is where the experiment’s trials will later be defined. TextDisplayList
E-Studio - Procedure This is the completed TrialProc. At the trial level, the experiment displays a fixation point, presents the subject with a stimulus, and gives the subject feedback. TextDisplayFeedbackDisplay
E-Studio - List After creating the experiment’s procedural timelines, the second step to building this experiment was to define the experiment’s blocks and trials using List objects...
E-Studio - List BlockList on SessionProc’s timeline defines the experiment’s blocks. This is BlockList with its opened window representation underneath it. Let’s take a closer look at how the blocks were defined...
E-Studio - List The Add Attribute button allows you to add additional variables to the list. The Attribute “PracticeMode” was added to this list to keep track of practice and real blocks of trials.
E-Studio - List The Add Level button allows you to add levels to the List. “PracticeMode” has two levels - “yes” indicating practice and “no” indicating real.
E-Studio - List The Property Pages button allows you to set the order for selection of the items in the List. The order of selection set to sequential, will run each of the two blocks in sequential order from the List.
E-Studio - List The Procedure Attribute tells the experiment which Procedure to use for each item in the List. Both fields are set to “BlockProc”, so the experiment will use BlockProc’s timeline.
E-Studio - List TrialList on BlockProc’s timeline defines the experiment’s trials. This is TrialList with its opened window representation underneath it. Let’s look at the completed TrialList...
E-Studio - List This is our completed TrialList. The trials were defined in the same manner as the blocks. However, TrialList contains more columns to accommodate more variables and more rows to accommodate more combinations of variable levels.
E-Studio - Properties After creating the experiment’s procedural timelines and defining the blocks and trials, step three is to set the properties of the objects. This will be demonstrated by examining the properties of the Stimulus object on the TrialProc Procedure.
E-Studio - Properties The properties for Stimulus were set via the Properties window. Let’s look at some of its properties in detail…
E-Studio - Properties The Text property sets the text for Stimulus. Its text varies with each trial, so its value is set to “[Sentence]”. This notation means that each trial will insert the current value from the trial Attribute named “Sentence” into the TextDisplay.
E-Studio - Properties The Allowable property sets the responses that Stimulus will accept. It’s value is set to “12” indicating that it will accept the 1 key and the 2 key.
E-Studio - Properties The Correct property sets the value to which the experiment will compare the subject’s response for scoring. The Correct field will vary with each trial. Its value is set to “[CorrectAnswer]” which refers to the current value for the attribute named “CorrectAnswer”.
E-Studio - Properties The Duration property sets the duration of Stimulus. Its value is set to 500 ms. The End Action property indicates the action to be taken when a response is received. It’s value is set to “Terminate”.
E-Studio That’s it! An experiment was created in just three steps. You are ready to... Ƌ Generate the graphical representation of the experiment into E-Basic Script. the experiment into E-Basic Script. Ƌ Run the experiment using the real-time experiment generator, E-Run. experiment generator, E-Run. We hope you enjoyed your tour of E-Studio.
Welcome to E-Basic E-Basic is not an application. It is E-Prime’s comprehensive, object-oriented programming language. It is similar to Visual Basic for Applications, with many enhanced commands for behavioral research.
E-Basic In E-Studio, you create the graphical representation of your experiment. Once you have created your experiment, E-Studio converts this graphical representation into E-Basic code, so that E-Run, the real-time experiment generator, can compile and execute it. Let’s look at an example...
E-Basic The Generate button on the E-Studio toolbar allows you to generate the code, or script, for an opened experiment in E-Studio.
E-Basic As E-Studio generates the script, it provides feedback in the Output window. The Output window is displayed via the Output command under E-Studio’s View menu.
E-Basic This is the finished script in E-Studio’s Script window. The Script window is displayed via the Script command under E-Studio’s View menu. You are now ready to collect data!
E-Basic If you desire to extend E-Studio’s capabilities for more complex experiments, E-Studio allows you to add code to your procedures via InLine objects. If Stimulus.Acc = 1 Then Feedback.ActiveState =“Correct” &_ “You have achieved 80% accuracy.” TrialList.Terminate End If
E-Basic You can also define global variables and functions via the User pane of the Script window.
E-Basic If you are familiar with programming, you will easily understand the commands and syntax of the E-Basic script. If you are not, don’t worry. E-Studio’s graphical environment allows you to generate basic experiments visually without worrying about any coding. We hope you enjoyed your tour of E-Basic.
Welcome to E-Run E-Run is E-Prime’s real-time experiment generator. It compiles E-Basic code from the experiment that you visually created in E-Studio and executes it in a real-time environment. Let’s look at an example...
E-Run The E-Run button on the E-Studio toolbar allows you to compile and execute an opened experiment in E-Studio. Let’s look at the experiment created in the E-Studio demonstration...
Just to review - this is the structure of the experiment. Visually, it will look something like this when running... E-Run
E-Run Let’s look at each step in more detail... Fixation Welcome Screen Block Instructions Subject Initialization StimulusFeedback Goodbye Screen
E-Run – Subject Initialization Each E-Prime experiment session generates an individual data file. When you run any experiment, you will see a dialog box that asks for the subject and session numbers.
E-Run Next, you would see the welcome text followed by instructions.
E-Run Next, the experiment would run two blocks of trials. Fixation Feedback Stimulus
E-Run At the end of the experiment, you would see the goodbye text.
E-Run Once you have collected your data, you are ready to... Ƌ Merge the individual data files into one file using E-Merge. using E-Merge. Ƌ View, edit, and analyze individual or merged data files in E-Data Aid. merged data files in E-Data Aid. We hope you enjoyed your tour of E-Run.
Welcome to E-Merge E-Merge allows you to merge your single session data files into one file. You will learn about the E-Merge... Ƌ Interface Ƌ Process Ƌ Feedback Ƌ Additional features
E-Merge - Interface The E-Merge interface is divided into three areas: 1. Folder Tree view 2. File List view 3. Merge Log Let’s look at each area
E-Merge - Interface The Folder Tree view is the vertical pane on the left of the application screen. It displays a hierarchical list of drives and folders. Use this view to navigate to and open the folder that contains your data files. 1
E-Merge - Interface The File List view is the main area of the application screen. It displays all of the files contained in the experiment folder that you opened in the Folder Tree view. Use this view to select the files to merge. 2
E-Merge - Interface The Merge Log is the pane at the bottom of the application screen. Right now it is empty, but after you merge your files, this view will display detailed results of the merge operation. 3
E-Merge - Process Merging files is a simple process in E-Merge... Ƌ Select the files to merge. Ƌ Click the Merge button, and when prompted, enter an existing or new file into which to enter an existing or new file into which to merge them. merge them. Let’s look at an example...
E-Merge - Process The first step in merging files is to choose the files to merge by selecting them in the File List view. The Select Unmerged button on the toolbar provides a shortcut method for selecting all individual data files that have never been merged.
E-Merge - Process In this example, 5 files were selected using the Select Unmerged button.
E-Merge - Process Once the files are selected, the next step is to begin the merge operation. The Merge button on the toolbar begins this merge process.
E-Merge - Process After clicking the Merge button, a dialog prompts you for the target file. This is the file into which all of the selected files will be merged. Target files always have the EMRG extension which indicates that they contain merged data.
E-Merge - Process In this example, an EMRG file was not previously created, so a new file name was typed into the File Name field. Had an EMRG file already existed, that file could have been selected instead of creating a new one. Clicking the OK button accepts the target file.
E-Merge - Feedback That’s it - the merge operation is done. When finished, the application displays a small dialog, like this one, that summarizes the results. Let’s look at these results in more detail...
E-Merge - Feedback Continuing the example, the Merge Log now contains information about the merge operation. This view can be scrolled or expanded to display all of the information.
E-Merge - Feedback The single session data file icons have changed. They now contain checkmarks to indicate that these files have been merged. The application also created the target file. You are now ready to work with the merged data in E-DataAid!
E-Merge - Other Features In addition to the features that you just saw, E-Merge allows you to... Ƌ Undo the last merge operation. Ƌ View the properties for an E-Prime data file. The properties include a list of sessions The properties include a list of sessions contained in the file and the file’s merge history. contained in the file and the file’s merge history. Ƌ Open an E-Prime data file with E-DataAid. We hope you enjoyed your tour of E-Merge.
Welcome to E-DataAid E-DataAid allows you to view and edit your E-Prime data. With E-DataAid, you can... Ƌ View your data Ƌ Edit your data Ƌ Filter your data Ƌ Analyze your data Ƌ Export your data
E-DataAid - Interface E-DataAid displays your data in a spreadsheet format. The columns represent variables, and the rows represent trials of data.
E-DataAid - Edit Although E-DataAid’s Spreadsheet may look like other spreadsheet applications, E-DataAid is very different when it comes to editing. When you edit data... Ƌ E-DataAid automatically updates all rows in the Spreadsheet that share data. in the Spreadsheet that share data. Ƌ E-DataAid creates an audit trail of the edit. Let’s look at an example...
E-DataAid - Edit In this example, the subject number is changed by typing a new number directly into one of the cells and hitting the Enter key.
E-DataAid - Edit Even though the value for only one cell was changed, the value changed for all cells containing that subject number. This feature not only saves you time, but it also preserves the hierarchical relationship between the experiment levels.
E-DataAid - Edit The new value is also in red. E-DataAid displays all edited data in a different color than unedited data. This is just one way that E-DataAid maintains the audit trail.
E-DataAid - Edit Each time you make an edit, E-DataAid writes an annotation describing the edit to the data file. The Display Annotations button on the toolbar allows you to view these annotations.
E-DataAid - Edit This is the annotation created when the subject number was changed. The annotation records the time of the modification and the change that took place.
E-DataAid - Filter Working with a lot of data in a spreadsheet can be cumbersome, especially when you only want to work with data that meets specific criteria. The Filter button on the toolbar allows you to filter your data.
E-DataAid - Filter E-DataAid allows you to apply filters to one or more columns in the Spreadsheet. You can apply a Checklist filter and a Range filter to each column. Let’s look at two examples...
E-DataAid - Filter In this example, the Spreadsheet will be filtered to only display data from real blocks of trials. The column name “BlockType” is selected in the drop-down list, and the Checklist button is clicked.
E-DataAid - Filter The Checklist filter displays a checklist of unique values for that column. Continuing the example, the value “real” is checked to include it in the filter. Clicking the OK button accepts this filter.
E-DataAid - Filter The Current Filters field now displays the new filter. In the next example, the Spreadsheet will be filtered to only display data from subjects 4 through 7. “Subject” is selected in the drop-down list, and the Range button is clicked.
E-DataAid - Filter The Range filter displays a dialog that allows you to build a range of values to include in the filter. Continuing the example, the range “greater than 3 AND less than 8” is entered using the provided fields. Clicking the OK button accepts this filter.
E-DataAid - Filter The Current Filters field now displays both filters. Let’s look at how applying these filters affected the Spreadsheet...
E-DataAid - Filter The Spreadsheet only displays the rows that fit both filter criteria. The filters are listed below the Spreadsheet in the area labeled “Filters”. The headings of the filtered columns are in white.
E-DataAid - Analyze In addition to filtering, you can generate descriptive statistics for your data. The Analyze button on the toolbar allows you to analyze your data.
E-DataAid - Analyze E-DataAid displays all analyses in table format. To construct a table, drag the variable names on the left to the Rows, Columns, and Data fields on the right. Clicking the Run button performs the analysis.
E-DataAid - Analyze You can save the results of your analysis by copying it to the clipboard or exporting it to a text file.
E-DataAid - Export If you desire to use another statistical package, the Export button on the toolbar allows you to export the data in E-DataAid’s Spreadsheet to a text file.
E-DataAid - Export If you are using Excel or StatView, E- DataAid will generate a text file that can be immediately imported. If you are using another statistical package, you can set your own export options to reduce the amount of hand processing.
E-DataAid - And More In addition to the features that you just saw, E-DataAid allows you to... Ƌ Import MEL Professional raw data and PsyScope files. PsyScope files. Ƌ Rearrange your data by resizing, hiding, unhiding and moving columns. unhiding and moving columns. Ƌ Add a variable, rename a variable, and undo edits.
E-DataAid - And More And... Ƌ Use common spreadsheet commands, such as copy, paste, find, replace, and such as copy, paste, find, replace, and fill down. fill down. Ƌ Add your own comments to the file. Ƌ Set security restrictions on your data. We hope you enjoyed your tour of E-DataAid.
Welcome to E-Recovery The E-Recovery program converts a text file selected by the user into an EDAT file. There may be times when the conversion from the E-Run text file to the E-Prime data file does not occur or the file is simply missing. We will show you how to… Ƌ Browse files Ƌ Recover data in E-Run text file
E-Recovery Interface The Browse command button selects the text file to be converted to an edat extension.
The Progress Dialog Options allow the user to select the type of feedback received during conversion of a text file to EDAT format. The Recover command button converts the data in the text file into an E- Prime data file. E-Recovery Interface
E-Prime is a PST product. ® Psychology Software Tools, Inc. All rights reserved. Thank you for spending this time previewing E-Prime. This concludes our tour. Please direct your questions and comments to your PST representative.