Main aims of the module: To overview the issues faced by carers in reconciling their commitments for work and responsibilities as a carer; to create awareness about local, national and European policies and support schemes that might support people responsible for the care of elderly disabled; To learn from other experiences of good practices in the care and provision of services for elderly and disabled dependents. MODULE 4 Promoting care for elderly and disabled dependents: Overview of policy and practice at European and National levels FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
The importance of promoting care for elderly and disabled dependents in all European countries MODULE 4 Europe’s population is ageing and Europeans are living longer. The balance between the generations is changing. The numbers of middle-aged and elderly people are growing in relation to the young. The increase of elderly and disabled people has led to a growing need of care. FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
Statistical information: EU-27 population aged 65 and over, as a proportion of the total population page 74 MODULE 4 FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
Being confronted with care obligations carers often have to leave their workplace because of lack of assistance and support from employers. This may lead to severe financial problems and in many cases a return to the workplace is not possible. As family members usually work, the question of reconciliation of work and care becomes urgent. It is increasingly important that organisations should offer assistance for employees who have to take on caring responsibilities. Problems related to reconciliation of work and responsibilities for care MODULE 4 FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP Family care of the elderly MODULE 4 To date there are relatively few studies that focus on the development of activities that provide support and assistance to carers So far those studies have focused on the situation of those who have provided most of the care to dependent older people – their families, especially spouses, partners and daughters. Recently the emphasis is on policy development and initiatives to assist family carers in order to identify what can be done to improve the quality of life for carers as well as the cared-for.
Assistance and support from businesses MODULE 4 Allowing and supporting emergency leave and short-term leave (a few days to a week) at short notice Enabling carers to take long-term leave with the option to stay in contact and return to work. This could include some financial support e.g. by ‘topping up’ benefit payments while on leave Allowing part-time work (reduction of hours) with an option to return to full-time work. Allowing flexible work-time arrangements for full-time as well as part-time workers [ staggered hours, compressed working week, swapping shifts ] Allowing home-based working (tele-working) FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP Other support could include MODULE 4 Information and counselling for caregivers Establishing a carers network supported by the company’s intranet Establishing an employee initiated support group resourced by the company. Enabling employees to take up training courses focused on their role as carers
FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP English Publications – further information MODULE 4 European Association Working for Carers: Company initiatives for workers with care responsibilities for disabled children or adults The 2009 Aging Report Perceptions of living conditions in an enlarged Europe Reconciliation between work, private and family life in the European Union EN.PDF EN.PDF Eurofamcare - Pan-European Background Report
Interested Links for further information (Germany) Interested Links for further information (Germany) (has to be extended with national Links from in the partners) MODULE 4 Reconciliation of work and responsibilities for care Reconciliation of work and responsibilities for care Vereinbarkeit von Pflege und Beruf: Handlungsleidfaden für pflegende Angehörige: Legal regulations in Germany: Legal regulations in Germany: Pflegezeitgesetz: Pflegereform 2008 im Überblick: FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
Interested Links from other partner countries Interested Links from other partner countries (has to be extended with national Links from in the partners) MODULE 4 Reconciliation of work and responsibilities for care Reconciliation of work and responsibilities for care United Kingdom Carers UK the Voice of Carers Adult Center for Enrichment Latvia: Bērnu paliatīvās aprūpes biedrība FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
Introduction: Local laws and concrete measures in the national country Aim: to get familiar with the laws and situation in the own country concerning the topic “reconciliation of work and responsibilities for care reconciliation” Task:to answer the questions provided below Duration:30 min MODULE 4: Practical Exercise FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP Questions: What is the current situation in your town/country concerning reconciliation of work and care responsibilities for disabled and elderly people (necessities, good practice examples)? What measures / laws exist in your country concerning this topic? Are there any measures in your company to support employees with care responsibilities? How did you judge the quality of public care facilities for elderly and disabled people?
We suggest to deepen your knowledge on the topic of the module by analysing the following case studies: These case studies show arrangements at workplaces where employers together with employees have created good solutions for solving care problems of employees with care responsibilities for disabled or elderly relatives MODULE 4: Practical Exercise Case study: “Positive about disability” (Interview No. 9) Case study: “Organisational ethos assists disabled women to work” (Video No. 6) Caste study “Flexible working hours for taking care of disabled daughter” (Interview No. 24) Case study: “Flexible work arrangements for taking care of elder mother” (Interview No. 23)
REMEMBER …. While analysing the presented cases studies, try to reflect these questions: What is your family situation? What is the situation in your company? What kind of agreement do you work with? FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
Case study: “Organisational Ethos Assists Disabled Woman to Work” Aim: to create awareness of trainees about the companies practices related reconciliation of work and responsibilities for care reconciliation Task:to review the video clip and reflect on the questions provided below. Duration:30 min MODULE 4: Practical Exercise FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP Questions for reflection: Why do you think it is beneficial for the employer to operate an ethos of family friendly policies within the workplace as opposed to having entrenched company policies? Has your employer taken a positive attitude to consulting on and developing family friendly working policies?
Case study: “Positive about disability” Aim: to create awareness of trainees about the companies practices related reconciliation of work and responsibilities for care reconciliation Task:to review the interview and reflect on the questions provided below. Duration:30 min MODULE 4: Practical Exercise FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP Questions for reflection: What is the situation at your workplace concerning employees with care responsibilities for disabled or elderly people? Is it possible to have arrangements at your workplace as reported in the case study? What sort of work arrangements would help you personally to reconcile commitments for work and caring responsibilities?
FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP Case study: Flexible working hours for taking care of disabled daughter Aim: to create awareness of trainees about the companies practices related reconciliation of work and responsibilities for care reconciliation Task:to reflect the questions provided below. Duration:20 min MODULE 4: Practical Exercise Questions: How do you think operating flexible working arrangements allows an employee more time caring for a family member? Would it be possible to have similar arrangements as described in the case study?
Case study: Flexible work arrangements for taking care of elderly mother Aim: to create awareness of trainees about the companies practices related reconciliation of work and responsibilities for care reconciliation Task:to reflect the questions provided below. Duration:20 min MODULE 4: Practical Exercise Questions: Would it be possible to work from the home in your company or have all employees to be present all the time? What solutions could your employer provide for a similar case in your company if a employee had to take care of an elderly relative? FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
Questions for further reflection Aim: to create awareness of trainees on what they can do in order to improve the own situation in their company Task:to reflect the questions provided below. Duration:20 min MODULE 4: Practical Exercise Questions for reflection: Who can help you to find solutions to the problems, which may occur and prevent you from having these arrangements in your workplace? What obstacles could arise with your employer? What arguments can you make to show benefits to yourself and your employer from the flexible work arrangement? FACILITATING FAMILY LEARNING ON WORK & LIFE BALANCE Project No: LLP LT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP
NEXT STEPS TO DO… You have just completed this training module… CONGRATULATIONS ! What would be your next step? What actions are you going to take? Don’t worry… we have got some hints for you.. what you could DO NEXT…
CLOSING PART – NEXT STEPS TO DO… START TO THINK ABOUT THE NEXT STEPS FOR YOU TO DO: Make a personal plan, set your personal goals; Discuss the ideas of better reconciliation of work and family life with your family members; Organise a discussion on reconciliation of work and family life at your workplace (use e-Handbook on DVD or published on How could you raise awareness about the family-friendly measures presented in the project at your workplace? Consider the possibility to discuss work-life balance problems with your employer; Think how you could use some of the presented good practices to show to your employer (trade union representative, etc.) as an example of family-friendly measures; Think, who could support you while talking to your employer about your work- family balance problems (representative of trade union, human resource manager, NGOs working in the field, etc.).