National Year of Reading 2008. “I am announcing a National Year of Reading – ten years on from the first Year of Reading – which I hope will bring about.


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Presentation transcript:

National Year of Reading 2008

“I am announcing a National Year of Reading – ten years on from the first Year of Reading – which I hope will bring about another step-change in attitudes to reading for purpose and pleasure” Rt Hon Alan Johnson MP, Secretary of State, DfES Every Parent Matters, March 2007

Vision To create a powerful national focus of opportunities and activities, so that children, families and adult learners understand the benefits that reading – for pleasure and for purpose – can bring to change their lives for the better, both now and in the future.

Reading Today Media reading buzz (Harry Potter/Richard and Judy) Mass reading campaign – book crossing, one book one city, summer reading challenge Reading group movement Dynamic impact of new media Blurring of definitions between reading and writing through blogging and online writing

Campaign Management On behalf of the DCSF, the National Literacy Trust will manage the NYR with The Reading Agency and a consortium of key organisations with a commitment to reading PR agency to be appointed to develop –Logo and branding –Point of sale promotional material –Advertising for the NYR and its campaigns

Campaign Values These underpin the consortium and sit at the heart of our vision for the NYR: Impact – personal and social Celebration – positive, enjoyable experiences Diversity – of reading experiences and communities Participation – co-production of the year with communities and partners Creativity in development and delivery Legacy – to create a lasting change in lives and systems

Primary Targets – end customers Children and learners from pre-school to secondary level, with messages particular focusing on: –Early years –Boys –Teenagers (KS3) –Looked after children –Black and Minority Ethnic communities –Disabled children (and parents) Parents and carers of younger children in particular, with a focus on working class fathers as research shows they are less likely to read with their children, which in itself affects boys attitudes towards reading. Adult learners

Secondary audiences – direct customers The extended family The childcare workforce School workforce – Primary and Secondary. [Particular focus in Secondary on Heads, English teachers, Year Heads, school librarians] Children’s workforce Employers

Education Engagement From pre-school to Higher Education, staff and students will be at the forefront of activity to build a nation of readers Primary and Secondary National Strategies will be key partners in the NYR The NYR will work with ContinYou to embed reading in the developing core offer from extended schools.

Implementation 1.National, regional and local partnership framework 2.Sustainable structures to embed reading in local authority delivery 3.Community based reading activity 4.National headline campaigns involving all sections of the media 5.Corporate and business sector engagement

1. National, Regional and Local Partnerships NYR will be a partnership between central, regional and local government, and a range of organisations across the literacy, education, voluntary and private sectors Consistent partnerships will be established at all levels to stimulate and coordinate activity

2. Local Authority Engagement Pre-existing networks at local authority level activated Lead NYR contact nominated by all first tier authorities Cross-sectoral steering team in every first tier local authority with “champions” at district level Partnership development and planning support provided 9 regional advocacy events for local authority elected members and senior officers Local authority project development days held in each region for NYR contacts Live NYR website page for every local authority Regional awards for innovative local authority programmes

3. Community based reading activity: Library engagement programme Target: 100% engagement of English library authorities The Reading Agency is leading the involvement and buy in of network of library groups and bodies Create detailed guidance and support Linked to wider activities to foster school/library/schools library service partnership development NIACE and Campaign for Learning family learning contacts and networks will be mobilised to promote family literacy and reading

4. National Headline Campaigns e.g. Volunteering Campaign Aim: Boost reading support volunteering across all age ranges – particularly amongst males Map current volunteering possibilities in local authorities through NYR coordinators Develop online database – national clearing house for reading volunteering Media campaign to promote reading volunteering to corporates and to the wider public National celebration of reading volunteering Evaluation of increased reading support volunteering Legacy: sustainable database of reading volunteering opportunities

5. Corporate Engagement NYR offer to corporates: Make a contribution to a national priority and be part of a national campaign Help build a more skilled national workforce contributing to the success of UK plc Make a difference to the lives of future generations by supporting children’s reading through funding or volunteering NYR ask to corporates – take the Reading Challenge: Fund national projects from the menu of national reading programmes Make reading a theme in your CSR plan for 2008 Support community programmes with resources or through volunteering Make your organisation a reading organisation

A National Calendar of Activity NYR 2008 will be broadly structured around themed months, building to a high profile, cohesive and impactful campaign Themes will provide a focal point for different audiences, interest groups and the media Emphasis on reading opening doors – to new adventures, new experiences and new possibilities

Evaluation Awareness – before, during and after campaign Impact – against agreed key performance indicators and campaign targets Innovative practice – case studies of partnership and practice at national, regional and local level to feed into legacy

Legacy The building blocks in place and momentum established for a systematic change in the national reading culture New resources to support reading activities Sustainable partnerships established to promote reading at local, regional and national levels Increased support from corporates for reading and literacy Reading embedded in the Cultural Olympiad, Local Area Agreements and strategic frameworks