Exceptionality and Special Education Internet Sites Anne Thies ED. 417 Fall 1999
Internet Resources For Special Educators I decided to do my Power Point presentation on something that I could use in the future. I have chosen 20 special education web sites that any educator, parent, or student could use.
National Center For Learning Disabilities, Inc. A non-profit organization committed to improving the lives of those affected by learning disabilities. Includes many resources, upcoming conferences, workshops, etc.
National Center For Learning Disabilities, Inc Mission Statement “NCLD’s mission is to promote public awareness and understanding of children and adults with learning disabilities, and to provide national leadership on their behalf, so they may achieve their potential and enjoy full participation in our society.”
Learning Disabilities Association LDA is a national non-profit, volunteer organization including individuals with learning disabilities, their families, and professionals.
Learning Disabilities Association LDA is dedicated to a world in which all individuals with learning disabilities thrive and participate fully in society and a world in which the causes of learning disabilities are understood and addressed.”
Council For Exceptional Children This site includes: CEC membership information. CEC training Publications CEC Career Connections CEC Discussion Format
Research Press Publishers A Internet site in which you are able to order books, videos, and software relating to special education, school counseling, therapy, and more. A great tool for any special educator to have!
Internet Special Education Resources ISER is a nationwide directory of professionals who serve the learning disabled and special education communities. This site offers LD and ADHD assessment, educational alternatives, products, books, articles, therapy, advocacy,
Learning Disabilities Specialist John A. Holsterman is a learning disabilities specialist. This site gives an in depth definition of learning disabled, signs of LD and ADHD. This site answers many questions that parents and teachers of special education students might have.
Special Kids Offers many videos for teachers and parents of special education children. Videos include speech, reading, writing, and self-help skills.
The St. Briavels Centre For Child Development The St. Briavels Centre For Child Development is a children’s charity which works to improve the abilities and quality of life of children with brain injury or specific learning disabilities.
Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services The Off ice of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services supports programs that assist in educating children with special needs, provides for the rehabilitation of youth and adults with disabilities.
Wright Law Provides advocacy for children with disabilities.
Federal Resource Center For Special Education The federal Resource Center For Special Education includes state improvement plan and grant resource information.
The Special Education Exchange This site provides educators, professionals, parents, and students with useful resources in the field of special education.
Provides great learning games for regular or special education students. Has numerous links to other special education sites.
Special Education Resources on the Internet A collection of Internet accessible information resources of interest to those involved in fields related to Special Education.
/curry/dept/sped This site is through the Curry school in Virginia. It includes Curriculum and instruction information.
Our Kids Web page devoted to children with special needs. Our-Kids is a support group of parents and others who are working with children with physical and/or mental disabilities and delays.
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder This site includes journals, information on conferences, support for parents, and much more.
Dyslexia-The Gift This web page includes information on training, materials, bookstore, calendar of events, forum, etc. A neat thing about this site is it honors those students who are dyslexic and have dealt with their disability and succeeded.
Council For Learning Disabilities This site has support for parents,students, and educators concerning special education.
I hope you have found my slide show interesting. This is a great resource for any educator to have!
Have A Great Day! Thank You!