VistA Imaging Display User Guide
VistA imaging Display 2 VISTA IMAGING DISPLAY There are minor changes in this document from previous versions of the documentation. The documentation reflects changes to the software with version 3_0P59. This document is intended to be utilized as a user guide. See the next slide for the Table of Contents and associated hyperlinks. The last slide has a list of Resources for your information and convenience.
VistA imaging Display 4 LOGON VistA Imaging Display is used in conjunction with CPRS to provide an integrated electronic medical record. To open VistA Imaging Display: Logon to CPRS, select the patient, click on the Tools Menu and select the menu option for VistA Imaging Display, (sites use different terminology such VI, Display, Imaging).
VistA imaging Display 5 VISTA IMAGING DISPLAY After selecting Imaging Display from the Tools menu in CPRS, the Main Imaging Display window, the Abstract window and the Image List window generally open by default.
VistA imaging Display 6 MAIN DISPLAY WINDOW
VistA imaging Display 7 MAIN DISPLAY WINDOW The Main VistA Imaging Display window has menus with file drop down selections. For 508 compliance which is Federal law, the Imaging software has shortcut key combinations. The window displays the active filter. All sites that the patient was seen at are displayed on the screen. The local site 3 letter code is at the bottom left of the screen. The notebook in the far bottom left corner is for troubleshooting.
VistA imaging Display 8 MENU SELECTIONS Because you logon to VistA Imaging Display thru CPRS, Select Patient, Login, Logout, and Remote Login are grayed out. Under the options menu you can open the Image List Filter, View Preference and Remote Image Views Configuration window. By default, hints are active for the Main Display window. The Shortcut Key Legend menu is available under the Options menu.
VistA imaging Display 9 MENU SELECTIONS Under the View menu the Active windows selection has been added. This allows you to select the Main Display, Abstract, or Image List window by selecting from a list of choices. The Reports window has not changed. The Help for Imaging Display interfaces to an Imaging Web Help portal.
VistA imaging Display 11 Main Display Window Buttons Clicking the Image List button opens the Image List window. The features of the Image List window are discussed on later slides.
VistA imaging Display 12 Main Display Window Buttons When selected, the Abstract window button activates the Abstract window. The window displays thumbnail representations of the full size image view. Details on the Abstract window are discussed on later slides.
VistA imaging Display 13 Main Display Window Buttons The Image Filter Add Edit button activates the Image Filter Add/Edit window. Creating Filters is discussed on later slides.
VistA imaging Display 14 Main Display Window Buttons The Health Summary Reports Window opens the Health Summary selection window and the EKG button activates the cardiology viewing window.
VistA imaging Display 15 Main Display Window Buttons The Patient selection button is grayed out because the patient was selected thru CPRS. The Remote Image View Configuration button opens the Remote Image View Configuration window and provides the ability to disconnect or connect to other sites.
VistA imaging Display 16 Main Display Window Buttons The User Preference button activates the View Preference window. The Patient Selected tab, the Abstract & Group windows tab, and the Remote Image View tab are discussed in later slides.
VistA imaging Display 17 USER PREFERENCE BUTTON
VistA imaging Display 18 User Preference-Patient Selected Tab The User Preference button activates the View Preference window. The Patient Selected tab determines what windows open by default when VistA Imaging Display is launched.
VistA imaging Display 19 User Preference-Abstract & Group Windows Tab The Abstract & Group windows tab controls whether or not remote abstracts are viewable in the abstract and group abstract window. (See next slide.)
VistA imaging Display 20 User Preference-Abstract & Group Windows Tab When the Display Remote Abstracts box is checked, the Remote Abstracts are viewable. When the Display Remote Abstracts box is not checked, “Abstract is on Remote Server” is displayed.
VistA imaging Display 21 User Preference- Remote Image View Tab The View Preference window opens when the User Preference button is selected. The tab Remote Image View controls what remote images are displayed and controls whether or not you see other patient site locations on the Imaging Display window.
VistA imaging Display 23 ABSTRACT TOOL BAR To activate the Toolbar in the event it is not in view, right click on an abstract and select Toolbar. When the window doesn’t display all abstracts, click the next page or previous page button to move thru the abstracts in the abstract window. The magnify button or de-magnify button enlarges or decreases the size of the abstracts, (remember it is not the full size image so enlarging the abstract will begin to display pixels with the enlarged size). The double arrow button is a refresh button and will refresh the Abstract window. Right click on the Toolbar to de-select the tool bar view, or move the Toolbar to the left of the window or the top of the window.
VistA imaging Display 24 ABSTRACT WINDOW-RIGHT CLICK Right Click on an Abstract to open the selection window. Click on Image Information. An Information window opens with information about the image.
VistA imaging Display 25 ABSTRACT WINDOW-RESIZING Abstracts can be resized. To resize the abstracts, right click on any abstract. Click on Resize the Abstracts, on the green rectangle put the mouse cursor on the lower corner and drag. Click the Finished button. Note the same procedure is followed for the Group Abstract window. The resizing will be saved if you click on the Options menu in the Main Display window and select to Save Settings Now or on Exit.
VistA imaging Display 26 SINGLE CAPTURE & GROUP CAPTURE Single Capture Group Capture A single capture has either one image capture or a multiple page black and white capture. When the abstract is clicked the capture will open in the full resolution viewer. A Group capture generally has more than one image and when the abstract is clicked a group window opens. (Notice the difference in title bar colors.)
VistA imaging Display 27 IMAGE LIST WINDOW
VistA imaging Display 28 IMAGE LIST WINDOW If the Image List window doesn’t open by default, the Image List window can be opened by clicking the Image List window button located on the Main Display window. The Image List window has various functions that are discussed on the next slides.
VistA imaging Display 29 IMAGE LIST WINDOW The Image List window menus are discussed on the next slide. The view on this slide displays the Image List window with image preview and report preview activated.
VistA imaging Display 30 IMAGE LIST WINDOW This slide displays the selections for each menu item on the Image List Window. The Help menu will open an online help program for VistA Imaging.
VistA imaging Display 31 IMAGE LIST TOOL BAR Active Toolbar The next slides will discuss the toolbar buttons on the Image List window. Note on this slide the toolbar is in view. If you are a first time user of the Imaging software the toolbar will be displayed. For the toolbar to remain in view, click on the Options menu on the Main Display window and click on either Save Settings Now, or click on Save Settings on Exit.
VistA imaging Display 32 IMAGE LIST TOOL BAR Missing Toolbar When the toolbar is missing from view, click on the Options menu on the Image List window and click on Toolbar. If you do not save the setting, the toolbar will not be active the next time you view the Image List window.
VistA imaging Display 33 IMAGE LIST TOOL BUTTONS The camera button opens the image, or opens the group abstract window. The camera preview opens a pre-view of the image as seen on this slide. The report button opens the report in a separate window and the report pre-view opens a pre- view of the report as seen on this slide. The camera and report icon with the blue square in the corner are preview buttons.
VistA imaging Display 34 IMAGE LIST TOOL BUTTONS The arrow buttons adjust the column headings to the window or to the text. The column selector allows the user to select what columns are displayed. The abstract button opens the abstract window.
VistA imaging Display 35 IMAGE LIST TOOL BUTTONS The patient selection button is grayed out, (gray face) as seen on this slide because the patient was selected in CPRS. The red arrow circle refreshes the information on the screen and the question mark opens an online user help feature.
VistA imaging Display 36 IMAGE LIST- FILTERS Filters Filters allow you to select the images you would like to view rather than every image/document captured. Filters are created as private or public and you can create your own private filters. This slide demonstrates clicking the Image Filter button from the Image List window which opens the Image Filter Add/Edit window. Public filters have a pound (#) sign and private filters do not. Creating private filters is discussed on the next slides.
VistA imaging Display 37 IMAGE LIST- PRIVATE FILTERS The easiest way to create a private filter is by accepting the defaults for Date Range, Image Origin, and Clinical. Then select a choice from the drop down menus for Specialty, and/or Procedure/Event, and/or Type. (See next slide.)
VistA imaging Display 38 IMAGE LIST- PRIVATE FILTERS Determine how the image or document was captured. Click on the “Clinical All” filter tab to view all data on the Image List View window. Look at the Image List window and view the column headings for Procedure, Type, and Specialty. Decide if you want to select from one or more of those fields. It is easier to select fewer choices as it limits what will display when the filter is created. (See next slide.)
VistA imaging Display 39 IMAGE LIST – PRIVATE FILTERS In this example, “IMAGE” is selected from the Type field. Notice that various images are represented because the type “Image” is broad and can include multiple Specialties. In this case it would be better to create the filter based on Specialty.
VistA imaging Display 40 IMAGE LIST- PRIVATE FILTERS In this example the filter was created based on the Specialty Dermatology so only the Dermatology images appear. The filtering is specific to the particular specialty so only what is captured to the specialty appears in the Abstract and Image List window.
VistA imaging Display 41 PRIVATE FILTER CREATION Creation of the a Private Filter starts with Date Range selection. The default is All Dates. To select a different Date Range or create a Date Range, click on the drop down arrow on the Date Range window, select a choice or click on Select Range and create your own Date Range.
VistA imaging Display 42 PRIVATE FILTER CREATION Accept the default for Image Origin, click the appropriate box for the Origin. Select the Specialty. Click on Save As and type in a name for the filter. Click Save. Click OK on the Add/Edit window.
VistA imaging Display 43 PRIVATE FILTER CREATION The Main Display window displays the current filter, the Abstract window displays the abstract or abstracts associated with the filter, and there is a tab for the filter on the Image List window. To make the filter the default filter when VI opens, click on the Options menu in the Main Display window and either click on Save Settings Now, or check to Save Settings on Exit.
VistA imaging Display 44 FULL RESOLUTION VIEW
VistA imaging Display 45 FULL RESOLUTION VIEW This slide demonstrates opening a capture that was saved as a single capture rather than a study. Note the clear title bar in the Abstract window. Opening a capture that was saved as single opens directly into the full resolution viewer and does not open in a group window.
VistA imaging Display 46 FULL RESOLUTION VIEW This screen demonstrates opening a group capture. Note the black title bar. Click on the Abstract or the Image List information and the Group abstract opens. Click on an abstract and it opens in the Full Resolution viewer window.
VistA imaging Display 47 FULL RESOLUTION VIEW This slide displays the menu selections for Full Resolution View. Tool bar buttons can also be used to manipulate the image as well as the menu choices. To determine what a button does, hover the mouse over the associated button.
VistA imaging Display 48 FULL RESOLUTION VIEW When the Full Resolution View opens the default layout is 1x1. The next slide demonstrates how to change the layout. Multiple images or documents can be viewed in the window at the same time. To place multiple images or documents on the window click on the abstract or group abstract until the desired number is noted on the window.
VistA imaging Display 49 FULL RESOLUTION VIEW The Layout Menu has various configurations to arrange documents and images in the Full Resolution View window. When you select a layout that you want to be the default layout for future viewing, select the Layout and then in the Main Display window click on the Options menu and click on Save Settings now, or check Save Settings on Exit.
VistA imaging Display 50 FULL RESOLUTION VIEW Tool button titles left to right Apply to All Refresh Fit to Window Fit to Height Fit to Width Actual Size Flip Vertically Flip Horizontally Rotate Left Rotate Right Invert Pan Mouse Magnify Selected Area Zoom Open Pan Window Maximize Tile Images Close Selected Image Close All Images
VistA imaging Display 51 FULL RESOLUTION VIEW When you have selected the number of images that you want to view, click on the Layout menu to select a different layout view if so desired.
VistA imaging Display 52 FULL RESOLUTION VIEW After you make a Layout selection, click on a tool bar button to adjust the image in the window. In this view there are 3 images and the adjustment can be made to all 3 at the same time. (See next slide)
VistA imaging Display 53 FULL RESOLUTION VIEW On this screen, the Layout was changed to 1x3. The Apply to All button was selected to make changes to all images, and the images were adjusted to Fit to Image Height.
VistA imaging Display 54 FULL RESOLUTION VIEW To remove an image from view: click on the image that you want to remove from view and then click on the Close Selected Images button.
VistA imaging Display 55 FULL RESOLUTION VIEW After the image is removed from view, you can change the Layout. If you want to remove all images from view, it is best to just exit the window by clicking on the X in the upper right corner.
VistA imaging Display 56 Additional Information Resources Related to VistA Imaging: VistA Imaging Training Home Page: Health Systems Design & Development Imaging System Home Page: inquires can be made thru MS Outlook to the VI training team at: