Motivational concepts ä Drive reduction theory ä Arousal theory ä Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Drive Reduction Theory ä Objective is “Homeostasis” ä The body’s tendency to maintain a constant internal state. ä The desire to avoid stress ä Hunger or thirst
Arousal theory ä The desire to avoid boredom ä When biological needs are satisfied, we look for an optimum level of arousal.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs ä From physiological needs to self-actualization ä More basic needs (e.g. thirst) must be satisfied before higher level needs (e.g. love) are motivating. ä Exception = altruistic suicide
Sexual motivation ä Masters and Johnson’s sexual response cycle. ä Excitement ä Plateau ä Orgasm ä Resolution ä Refractory period (men only) ä Period during which male can not be aroused to another orgasm.
Adolescent sexuality and pregnancy ä High sex guilt reduces birth control ä “I’m not that kind of girl” ä Sexual activity and alcohol usually go together ä Less than half of adolescents can identify the safe and risky times in the menstrual cycle.
Births to unwed mothers ä (Note Japan)
Brain differences and homosexuality ä Simon LeVay ä Small part of the hypothalamus was larger in heterosexual men than homosexual men. ä Homosexual men were similar to women in this part of the brain.
Genetics and homosexuality ä Genetic influences play a role ä Twins studies - concordance rates ä Identical twins ä Fraternal twins ä Adopted children
Belonginess ä People have a basic need to belong and bond with others ä Spouse abuse ä Some have a greater fear of loneliness than remaining in a physically abusive relationship.
Motivation at work
Personnel psychology ä Developing rating scales for use by company supervisors to appraise workers’ performance ä Develop interview strategies ä Help with promotion decisions ä (Fitting the right person to the right job)
Predictors of job performance ä Aptitude tests ä Job knowledge tests ä Simulated job performance tests ä Informal interviews ä Poorest predictor of job performance
Management and motivation ä More effective managers ä Focus more on their employees’ talents and strengths, and less on their deficiencies.
Management: Theory “X” and Theory “Y” ä Douglas McGregor
Theory “X” ä Maslow’s lower level needs ä Assumes workers are lazy, error prone, and only motivated by money ä They need simple tasks, close monitoring and incentives. ä Assumes little decision making by employees.
Theory “Y” ä Maslow’s higher level needs ä Assume people are intrinsically motivated to do well. ä People will work for things other than money. ä Self esteem ä To fulfill their potential ä Satisfying relationships with others