Dr. Robert J. Graham Fordham University


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Presentation transcript:

Dr. Robert J. Graham Fordham University

Spring 2010CTGE Dr. Robert J. Graham2 What words or phrases come to mind when you hear the term “Special Education”? What have you heard others say about special ed students?

Did your list include any of these? How many have a positive connotation? Stupid Slow Retarded Short bus Behavior problem Mentally challenged Special needs Handicapped Place for bad kids Physically challenged Dumb Gifted Hyperactive Socially inept Clearly, we need to change the negative perception of special education.

Spring 2010CTGE Dr. Robert J. Graham4 “Special Education is a SERVICE not a place”

Spring 2010CTGE Dr. Robert J. Graham5 Special Education “involves the delivering and monitoring of a specially designed and coordinated set of comprehensive, research-based instructional and assessment practices and related services to students with learning, behavioral, emotional, physical, health, or sensory disabilities……..tailored to identify and address the individual challenges and strengths of students.” - Salend (2009) p.5

Spring 2010CTGE Dr. Robert J. Graham6 History of Special Education in the U.S. Pre-1975 Public schools educated only about 1 in 5 students with disabilities 1973: Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) Protects qualified individuals from discrimination based on their disability Full participation and access to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) Required accommodations for disabled students in school Disability – a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more life activities (caring for one's self, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, working, performing manual tasks, behavior, and learning)

Spring 2010CTGE Dr. Robert J. Graham7 History of Special Education in the U.S. 1975: Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) Guaranteed and enforced the right of children with disabilities the right to a free and appropriate public education Provides for unique educational opportunities for students with disabilities in a least restrictive environment (LRE) Mandated the development of an Individualized Education Program (or Plan) (IEP)

Spring 2010CTGE Dr. Robert J. Graham8 History of Special Education in the U.S. 1986: Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Act States encouraged to create early intervention and early childhood programs for children with disabilities Extended the rights of EHA to children with disabilities aged birth – 5 years old Mandated the development of Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) for eligible children with disabilities

Spring 2010CTGE Dr. Robert J. Graham9 History of Special Education in the U.S. 1990: Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Renamed and amended EHA Now includes autism and traumatic brain injury (TBI) Increased related services Greater commitment to addressing needs of culturally and linguistically diverse students with disabilities Transitional services required in IEP’s of students aged 16 and older

Spring 2010CTGE Dr. Robert J. Graham10 History of Special Education in the U.S. 1997: IDEA is re-authorized and amended Greater family role Emphasized greater use of IEP’s to provide greater access to the general education curriculum Expanded use of Individualized Transition Plans (ITP’s) Required the inclusion of SWD’s in state assessments Students can no longer be classified as having a disability if based on lack of adequate math or reading instruction, or limited English proficiency Mandates keeping of disproportionality statistics Students without disabilities can receive incidental benefits

Spring 2010CTGE Dr. Robert J. Graham11 History of Special Education in the U.S. 2004: IDEA is again re-authorized and amended Expanded the use of mediation Raised transition age requirements back to 16 Required school districts to implement programs to address disproportionality through prereferral programs SWD’s can now be suspended for assaulting another student even if it is seen as a manifestation of their disability Reduced paperwork programs piloted Tourette syndrome added to list of conditions considered under “other health impaired” disability category

Spring 2010CTGE Dr. Robert J. Graham12 Inclusion The Inclusion Classroom 1. All Learners and Equal Access  learning together 2. Individual Strengths and Challenges, and Diversity  educators understand the uniqueness of every student 3. Reflective Practices and Differentiated Instruction  differentiation of teaching, assessment, and classroom management 4. Community and Collaboration  group effort essential for success

Spring 2010CTGE Dr. Robert J. Graham13 Continuum of Educational Services ⑥ Full time special education classroom ⑦ Special Day School ⑧ Residential School ⑨ Homebound Instruction ⑩ Hospital or Institution

Spring 2010CTGE Dr. Robert J. Graham14 Continuum of Educational Services ① General education classroom placement with few or no support services ② General education classroom placement with collaborative teacher assistance (“push-in”) ③ General education classroom placement with itinerant specialist assistance (related services) ④ General education classroom placement with resource room assistance (SETSS – “pull out”) ⑤ Special education classroom with part time in general education classroom