25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, CT · (860) Connecticut State Department of Education · Division of Educational Programs and Services Leading Responsible Inclusive Practice East Haven October 5, 2005
10/5/052 Welcome! Read the description of your student What would you recommend as a placement for that student? Place the student on the chart that best fits Put the description back in the envelope Put the envelope in the box in the front of the room
10/5/053 What Does the Law Say? Special education & supports in the general education classroom as FIRST option, regardless of disability type or severity [601 (c)(5)(D)] Special education is a service rather than a place [601 (c)(5)(C)] LRE [612 (a)(5)(A)] to the maximum extent appropriate educated with children who are not disabled Removal can only occur when education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and services cannot be achieved satisfactorily FAPE based on needs, not disability
10/5/054 PJ Asked Us… Are we placing children strictly by label? i.e. If you have an intellectual disability, then you must go to this self-contained program Jack’s Kids Functional Life Skills Program SCOPE Class
10/5/055 What is Change? Incremental Change Limited in scope Aim to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of an existing structure Basic structure is sound, but in need of improvement Deep Change Requires new ways of thinking and behaving Aim to transform and permanently alter the structure Basic structure is “flawed” in need of a complete “overhaul” Quinn, R. E. (1996). Deep Change: Discovering the Leader Within. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Cuban, L. (1996). Myths about changing schools and the case of special education. Remedial & Special Education (17) (2) 75-82, 128.
10/5/056 How Can Deep Change Occur? An organization does not change until the individuals within it change. Every person is responsible to be a change agent. A change in culture starts with personal change. Administrator leadership is essential to long- term change success. Hall, G. E. & Hord, S. M. (2001). Implementing Change Patterns, Principles, and Potholes. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. Fullan, M. (1993). Change Forces: Probing the Depths of Educational Reform. New York: Falmer Press. Quinn, R. E. (1996). Deep Change: Discovering the Leader Within. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
10/5/057 Creating Change in order to get or Incremental Change to change in order to get or Deep Change Builds over time to change WhatHow
9 Personal Reflection Consider the statement, “All kids can learn.” Select the option that explains your interpretation of this statement: Based on their ability. If they take advantage of the opportunity to learn. And we will accept responsibility for their growth. And we will establish high standards of learning that we expect all students to achieve. DuFour (cited in Schmoker, 2001, The Results Handbook)
10/5/0510 Start with PERSON-FIRST language Example: “The sixth grader with a learning disability, who can read beginning level chapter books…” Non Example: “The LD sixth grader, who can’t read on grade level…” Focus on Ability vs. Disability
10/5/0511 Start with PERSON-FIRST language Example: “The eighth grader with an intellectual disability, who can use a multiplication chart…” Non Example: “The mentally retarded eighth grader, who can’t do any multiplication…” Focus on Ability vs. Disability
10/5/0512 Watch your language! Example: The special education teacher… The learning center… The paraprofessional… The co-taught math class… Non Example: The ED teacher … (!) The ID class… The inclusion paraprofessional… The inclusion class … Focus on school community vs. label
10/5/0513 Take Time to Reflect…. Think back to your childhood or adolescence. Think of a student you currently have in your school who has a significant disability (Autism, ID, etc.) Would you trade places with that student? Why or why not?
10/5/0514 Who has been to Step by Step? East Haven School District D.C. Moore School Deer Run School Grove J. Tuttle School Overbrook School Joseph Melillo Middle School East Haven High School
10/5/0515 Classroom Activity Analysis Worksheet
10/5/0516 EnglishMathScienceSocial Studies SpanishArtMusicP.E. Decoding Skills Oral Vocab. Writing Sentences Elapsed Time Faction Concepts Using Graphic Org. X X XXXX XX XX XX X X X X X X
10/5/0517 Create a Professional Learning Community Culture Six Characteristics 1. Shared mission, vision, and values 2. Collective inquiry 3. Collaborative teams 4. Action orientation and experimentation 5. Continuous improvement 6. Results orientation
10/5/0518 Data Team Graphs/Walls That Work Make simple graphs to display in halls for sharing grade level assessment results Make simple graphs to display in classrooms for students to monitor their own effort and achievement Simple graphs may evolve into data walls and support continuous improvement over time Refer to S-45, 46, 47, real graphs from real teachers
10/5/0519 Framework for Coherence When innovations are combined strategically, the results will be greater than any single innovation All innovations share common goals No single innovation strategy does everything Innovative strategies complement each other Innovative strategies need to be adaptable to individual classrooms and buildings T. Guskey. (1990). Integrating innovations. Education Leadership, pp
10/5/0520 Instructional Program Coherence As evidenced by: Working conditions Expectations of administrators and staff Criteria for hiring that aligns with framework Professional development is consistent with framework Allocation of resources Materials, time, funding, staff assignments Burrello, L. C., Hoffman, L. P. & Murray, L. E. (2005). School leaders building capacity from within: Resolving competing agendas creatively. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin Press.
10/5/0521 Quick Write What is your understanding of the “PJ” LRE Settlement?
10/5/0522 What Grade Would You Give?
10/5/0523 What Are We Really Grading?
10/5/0524 Resources and Additional Information “PJ Goals” Expert Advisory Panel Reports and SDE Reports to the Court ts ts Commonly Asked Questions About the P.J. ET AL v. State of Connecticut, Board of Education, ET AL Settlement Agreement
10/5/0525 Core Values & Philosophy Where Does Clarence Belong? Person First Language Understanding Terminology: LRE, Inclusion, Mainstreaming “Myth" information Building shared core values All Kids Can Learn Would You Trade Places?
10/5/0526 Practice Classroom Activity Analysis Worksheet Infused Skills Checklist Accommodations & Modifications Co-teaching Use of Paraprofessionals Peer Tutoring Writing IEPs Aligned with the General Curriculum Differentiated Instruction Educational Benefit Etc, etc, etc!
10/5/0527 Structures Staffing & Scheduling Effective Use of Meeting Times Common Planning Time IEP Development/Process Restructuring Service Delivery Collegial Supports Data Wall & Electronic Whiteboard Making Coherence
10/5/0528 Policy Policies on Responsible Inclusive Practices CSDE Policies & Guidelines NCLB & IDEA Creating a Unified System Grading PJ Settlement Agreement