Every Disabled Child Matters Charter One Voice Conference November 2012
What the Charter Says Know the children We plan together. We have an identified lead for disabled children and families. We support choice and control for parents Parents and carers in our area have access to transparent information
The Charter Disabled children and their families are involved in the planning, commissioning and monitoring of services in our area. Our Parent Carer Forum is instrumental in developing and reviewing services in our area and promoting choice and control for parents. We actively include disabled children and young people in decisions
The Charter Parents in our area benefit from our Parent Partnership Service Our staff have core competencies to work with disabled children. We have produced a short break services statement We have regard to disabled children, when assessing the sufficiency and supply of childcare in their area
The Charter We are working together with disabled young people and adult service providers in our area to ensure a smooth transition to adult services for disabled young people preparing for adulthood.
C & YP Outcomes Forum Published July Focus on disabled children Integration key focus Measuring outcomes Accountability in the revised NHS framework
The financial outlook The tide’s gone out for public finances
National drivers for change To address this the Green Paper proposed several changes including: A new approach to identifying SEN A new single assessment process and “Education, Health and Care Plan” Local offer of all services available The option of a personal budget The government identified 20 pathfinders to test out new approaches and models.
Coventry drivers for change In Coventry, disabled children are a key vulnerable group within the Children and Young People’s Plan SEND has been identified as an area for review and change – initial scoping work started from October Elected members need to give final sign off for this by end of November 2012 The “SEND Fundamental Service Review” is the way that Coventry will deliver this change
To implement a new joined up model for Coventry children and young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) that delivers improved outcomes at lower financial costs by: Putting children, young people and families at the centre of the process and joining up support (education, health and social care) around them Increasing independence for children and young people by building resilience and capacity and managing expectations of public sector support Identifying needs earlier and undertaking assessments more effectively Reducing duplication, bureaucracy and ineffective systems Improving the pathways towards adulthood Vision for Coventry SEND FSR
Ways of working for SEND FSR Collaborative Engaging and consulting a wide range of stakeholders Children and families must be at the heart of this Evidence based – searching out good practice Recognition of complexity Clear and open communication Setting out clear rationale for changes Testing on smaller scale prior to larger implementation
Who will be involved? Children, young people and families Staff Partner agencies (Health etc.) Schools Voluntary and Community Sector Other stakeholders Questions?