Industrial-Organizational Psychology Learning Module Motivation and Performance Prepared by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - SIOP
Lesson Objectives n Know the definition and components of motivation n Understand reinforcement and goal setting n Understand how these concepts are applied to motivate employees At the end of this lecture, you should: Prepared by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - SIOP
Motivation Defined n Any force that energizes and directs people to perform their jobs n Intent of behavior is to satisfy needs and achieve goals u needs: physiological (hunger) or social (achievement) u incentives: situational factors that direct behavior to achieve goals that satisfy needs u reinforcers: consequences of behavior that affect probability of repeating behavior Prepared by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - SIOP
Reinforcement Theory n When a need exists, we are motivated to work hard to achieve goal, to satisfy needs. Reinforcement (Needs satisfied) Incentive (Paycheck) Motivation to perform Prepared by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - SIOP Performance (Hard work)
Reinforcement Theory (cont.) n Employees will repeat responses that are positively reinforced n Individual must operate on environment to earn the reward n Effects will depend on schedules of reinforcement u monthly paycheck u daily bonuses u working piece-rate on assembly line Prepared by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - SIOP
Case #1 Discussion n What was being used as motivation in this case? n What effects on “performance” were seen? n How do these issues illustrate: u Needs u Incentives u Reinforcers n How are these concepts used in your jobs? n Would this work for everyone? Prepared by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - SIOP
Goal-Setting Theory n We rationally set task-related goals n We decide on the effort and time to be invested to achieve goals n Goals must be: u specific (not “do your best”) u challenging but attainable u accepted n Feedback on performance is critical Prepared by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - SIOP
Case #2 Discussion n What are the pros and cons of establishing goals at work or school? n Would setting goals before you start influence your effort invested? u In your job? u In school? n What kind of goals would you set? n How difficult should goals be? Prepared by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - SIOP
How I/O psychologists help employers motivate workers n Designing Management-By-Objectives (MBO) programs u managers and employees set performance goals together n Establishing organizational behavior modification programs u using reinforcement concepts in the workplace n Providing advice on reward systems u compensation, promotions, etc. Prepared by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology - SIOP