Collaborating in …. Working towards understanding and addressing the needs of people with disabilities Workshop with Organisations within the Disability Sector 6 October 2009 Presented by : Chris O’Connor, Acting Director: Social Development
Workshop Agenda 13:30 – 14:00Welcome and IntroductionEach Organisation to please introduce themselves by covering the following points: Name of Organisation Field of work /description of Work 14 :00 -14:30City of Cape Town Perspective Chris O’Connor 14: :00Proposed Approach and supporting Process Chris O’Connor Inputs from workshop 15: :15BREAK 15:15 – 15:45Work Session 1 Formulation of Problem Statement Individual Workstreams What are the top 6 needs that if addressed would have the greatest impact on the lives of people with disabilities? What can be done to address these needs (what,who,how)? 15:45 -16:15PlenaryReport back from individual workstreams 16: :30Proposed Way Forward linked to deliverables & timeframes Chris O’Connor Inputs from workshop
Disability Framework for Local government Purpose Support & facilitate the mainstreaming of disability issues into all policies, plans, programmes and activities of local government Significantly enhance the QOL, foster full participation & empowerment of people with disabilities in all spheres of life Components/parts 1. Principles, objectives, outcomes – aligned with inter-alia UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities… 2. Legislative instruments that inform the framework – incl international, regional, national, local instruments… 3. Outlines 5 KPAs for mainstreaming disability in LG (internal & external) - Municipal transformation & organisational infrastructure - Basic service delivery *& infrastructure - LED - Municipal financial viability - Public participation and good governance 4. Guidance – what, when how to be done, clear measurabkles, KPAs, KPIs, timeframes, targets etc 5. Monitoring and evaluation – checklists linked to implementation etc
ProblemsRecommended Corrective Action K on disability – very fragmentedAwareness raising, sensitisation & education on disability Disability management not considered as core business of municipality Disability issues within LG addressed through compliance vs inclusivity Performance indicators on disability equity on scorecards of senior managers and included in performance contracts When disability ids included, the term is generic and part of broad group e.g. “designated groups” Disability is a distinct category and should be made an integral part of LG policies, planning & processes Employment targets for people with disabilities of 2% is not reached Specific strategies for increasing employment of people with disabilities Engagements with disability NGOs - crucial Lack of capacity and resources to provide reasonable accommodation to people with disabilities Principle of universal access to services should be adopted Inefficient communication about service delivery to and from citizens with disabilities Establish disability units and forums to promote human rights of persons with disabilities Findings of baseline survey by DPLG conducted in metros, 9 districts, 11 local municipalities
Way Forward linked to deliverables and timeframes 6 Oct 2009Workshop 1 Clustering and identification of Workstreams Identification of Task Team/Screening Panel Identify workstreams Membership and institutional arrangements Identification of guiding documents/informants to work sessions End October 2009 Complete 1 st Draft of PolicyWorkstreams to submit 1 st Draft of document to CoCT - Social Development (Chris O’Connor) 1 st week November 2009 Consider 1 st Drafts from workstreams Provide comments/ suggestions to Workstreams CoCT - Social Development (Chris O’Connor) submits comments/suggestions to Workstreams 3rd week November 2009 Complete 2nd Draft of PolicyWorkstreams to submit 2nd Draft of document to CoCT - Social Development (Chris O’Connor) End November 2009 Consider 2nd Drafts from workstreams Consolidate documents and prepare for discussion at Plenary session in mid December 2009 Mid December 2009 Plenery session to consider consolidated 3 rd Draft of Policy
Human Rights… as an overarching principle Public transport (dial-a-ride) Housing (Accessible housing and accommodation for people with special needs) ECD for intellectually disabled children Needs of intellectually disabled children over 18 Education… Human rights issues (White paper nr 6) Skill development (adults) Employment (equity targets/ reasonable accommodation) Prevention of disability (awareness training) Sport & Recreation (equal opportunity for multiple/physical/mental disabilities) Universal accessibility/ Citizens with disability/ kerbs/ road crossing/ public participation etc. Economic Development as well as employment equity targets (assist entrepreneurs with disability) Awareness raising: disability sensitization amongst staff- legal documentation Access to good health care (including primary health care) Funding requirements (Grant-In-Aid) Accommodation in shelters/ homes Lack of venues and payment for usage Lack of income Support groups for families of disabled children 3 December Need for pro-active planning around events Community based care Life cycle needs Utilization of EPWP Disaster relief M&E + Best practice Inputs received from the Workshop participants: Key area’s that require consideration
Public Transport Housing and Accommodation Education/ Skills Development Employment/ Income generation/ Reasonable Accomodation/ Economic Development Health Care Awareness & Prevention Sports & Recreation Community based care Funding
Thank You Let us work together for a better city