Update from the Clinical Commissioning Group Dr Katie Coleman Joint (Clinical) Vice Chair ICCG
What has changed:? Primary care trusts and strategic health authorities will go as of April 2013 In their place, 100s of clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) will be set up. £60-£80 billion of health care funds will be divided up between the CCGs and each one will be expected to make the decisions about what services their local populations need (known as commissioning). In addition to the development of the CCG a number of other new organisations have been set up: 1.NHS Commissioning Board 2.Public Health England 3.Healthwatch The Health & Social Care Act
Build on the strengths of LINks Gather local peoples views on, and experience of, the health and social care system Have a vote on the Health and Well Being Board (HWBB) and so will be able to influence decisions about which local health services are needed (commissioned) Support individuals by providing information about local services and choice e.g. signposting Support people to if they want to talk about their experiences, concerns, compliments and complaints. Local Healthwatch
Makes decisions about what health services the local population needs (commissioning). Made up of all the GP practices in the area it covers. The practices decide how the CCG operates by developing a constitution The CCG elects a governing body made up of lead clinicians and NHS managers The CCG will be accountable to patients and the population as well as to the NHS Commissioning Board. They have to work jointly with the Health and Wellbeing Board and in partnership with the local authority to help improve health and wellbeing and ensure integrated health and social care for their patients. Clinical Commissioning Groups
Ensuring every child has the best start in life Preventing and managing long-term conditions to extend both length and quality of life and reduce health inequalities Improving mental health and wellbeing Delivering high quality, efficient services within available resources Health and Wellbeing Strategy
6 21 months Maternity (QIPP) Breastfeeding You’re welcome Healthy Children’s Centre Childhood obesity Connexions Safe guarding Cancer (QIPP) Cardiovascular (QIPP) NHS Health Checks CVD and Cancer prevention Long term conditions Affordable housing Mental health (QIPP) IAPT Mental health first aid Training Mental Health promotion Victims of violence Black, Asian, Minority ethnic and refugee outreach Islington council's corporate plan 6 priority areas Islington Fairness Committee Quality, innovation, productivity and prevention (QIPP) NHS North Central London and Islington CCG Medicine’s management/care closer to home/unscheduled care/primary care/ Treatments of limited effectiveness/decommissioning/specialist commissioning Community budget pathfinder; parental employment partnership and family outreach support Priority Programmes
Violence against women and girls Maternity Children, young people and families CAMHS Teenage pregnancy Parenting and family support Immunisation Placement commissioning Children looked after Safe guarding Disabled children and their families Health inequalities strategy Unscheduled care/elective care/care closer to home/primary care Debt management/overcrowding reduction/temporary accommodation Older people/prisons/homelessness prevention Disabilities including learning disabilities, autism, and physical disabilities Mental health Substance misuse Alcohol Strategies & Enablers
8 Health and wellbeing in Islington CCG Priority outcomes Delivering high quality, efficient services within available resources 21 months Maternity (QIPP) Breastfeeding You’re welcome Healthy Children’s Centre Childhood obesity Connexions Safe guarding Cancer (QIPP) Cardiovascular (QIPP) NHS Health Checks CVD and Cancer prevention Long term conditions Affordable housing Mental health (QIPP) IAPT Mental health first aid Training Mental Health promotion Victims of violence Black, Asian, Minority ethnic and refugee outreach Priority programmes Quality, innovation, productivity and prevention (QIPP) NHS North Central London and Islington CCG Medicine’s management/care closer to home/unscheduled care/primary care/ low priority treatments/decommissioning/specialist commissioning Community budget pathfinder; parental employment partnership and family outreach support Strategies and enablers Maternity Children, young people and families CAMHS Teenage pregnancy Parenting and family support Immunisation Placement commissioning Children looked after Safe guarding Disabled children and their families Mental health Substance misuse Alcohol Older people/prisons/homelessness prevention Disabilities including learning disabilities, autism, and physical disabilities Violence against women and girls Quality Value for money Health and wellbeing Ensuring every child has the best start in life Preventing and managing long-term conditions to extend both length and quality of life and reduce health inequalities Improving mental health and wellbeing Islington CCG council's corporate plan 6 priority areas Islington CCG Fairness Committee Health inequalities strategy Unscheduled care/elective care/care closer to home/primary care Debt management/overcrowding reduction/temporary accommodation
Participation is key to everything we do Vision Mission Statement One of four core strategies for the CCG Participation in decision making - representatives on all our committees Participating to improve quality – all practices have patient participation groups Participating in care through the promotion of self care Patient & Public Participation
We’re involving patients in what services we need in Islington Sit on working groups to influence decisions made Attend the locality patient participation groups Attend practice patient participation groups Helping patients to self care Encouraging patients with long term conditions to attend local self management training sessions Expanding the network of peer support groups so more patients can attend How can you become involved?