Department of Land Resources (Website: Ministry of Rural Development Government of India 1
I. Background Land not only an economic resource, but used for investment purposes also. So, clear title to land is important. Conclusive Title is the ultimate aim. However, following intermediate steps need to be taken: i.All systems related to land should talk to each other electronically. ii.Using technology, physical interface with the citizen to be reduced. iii. Anywhere registration in the State/UT. iv.All documents creating encumbrance/right on the land to be compulsorily registered. 2
I. Background…..contd. System not transparent and intermediaries dominate. In the States/UTs of Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Chandigarh, Revenue officers act as SROs also J&K is the only State where judiciary handles the registration part 24 States/UTs have availed the funds under the NLRMP
I. Background…..contd. There are 4400 Sub-Registrar Offices (SROs) in the country 2900 SROs have been computerized in 24 States Around 3.0 Crores documents get registered per annum & around 20 crore citizens visit the SROs Services Online Appointment to visit SROs – Delhi & Maharashtra Property Value & Stamp Duty Calculator-Online (15 States) Reduced Turnaround Time for Registration (45 Minutes) Copy of Certified Copy of Deed (15 Minutes from counter) Non-Encumbrance Certificate (15 Minutes from counter) Digitally Signed Copy of Non-encumbrance Certificates and Certified copy of deeds Integrated with Land Records - genuine land transactions & keeping records updated
II. Amendments to the Registration Act, 1908 Amendments to the Registration Act, 1908 suggested by the Committee of IGRs. Draft Cabinet Note on the Amendments to the Registration Act, 1908 prepared by the Department and sent to the M/o of Law and Justice for vetting. Draft Amendment Bill has been prepared by the M/o Law and Justice.
III. NLRMP The National Land Records Modernization Program (NLRMP) launched in 2008 Main Objectives: To usher in a system of real-time land records Automatic Mutation Integration between Textual and Spatial Records Inter-connectivity between land records and registration systems Presumptive title system to conclusive titling system 6
IV. Computerization of Registration Registration process, computerization – vital component of the NLRMP. It will make the property registration system efficient and hassle-free. The process of title changes by the SRO to be integrated with the process of updating of RoRs (Automatic initiation of mutation notices).
IV. Computerization of Registration…contd. i.Computerization of SROs ii.Data entry of valuation details iii.Data entry of legacy encumbrance data for determined period iv.Scanning and preservation of old documents v.Connectivity of SROs with Revenue Offices
V. Computerization of SROs i.Capturing of evidences (digital photos, thumb impression reader, iris etc.) of parties during presentation and verification ii.Deed Templates in public domain, online appointment facility and token given at the time of presentation iii.Usage of digital signature, bar code and e- Pen etc.
Picture recordingThumb recording Important Points: 1. Digital Camera to record the photography instead of web camera (low resolution). 2. The Photograph and thumb impression are to be recorded in the database.
Approval by SRO SR to approve deed electronically, i.e., using finger prints recorder and Digital Signatures.
VI. Data entry of valuation details i.States/UTs have a system of guidance values/circle rates/floor rates ii.This data to be made available online for easier calculation of stamp duty and registration fees iii.Web-calculator to be made available online for calculation of stamp duty and registration fees
VII. Data entry of legacy encumbrance data for determined period i.To enable quick search facility for encumbrances, data entry for legacy registered deeds and data, based on registration numbers, names and property addresses required for a determined period ii.15 years in most of the States, 30 years in Puducherry
VIII. Scanning and preservation of old documents i.For preserving and archiving the old deed documents for future reference, such documents need to be scanned and stored at each SRO ii.Efficient storage and retrieval mechanism
IX. Connectivity of SROs with Revenue Offices i.To achieve functional integration with the land records database and the State data centre, the SROs to be provided network connectivity ii.Notice to be automatically generated after registration to all recorded interested persons iii.Banking and Treasury network may be appropriately interfaced for having secure access to the SROs for facilitating payment of stamp duties and registration fees (e-Stamping or any other electronic mode).
Payment Gateway E-Stamping through the Stock Holding Corporation of India Limited (SHCIL) in some States Pay online i.e. Net Banking, card payment, e-Challan in Banks, Drafts etc. Verification by SRO online Receipt printed on Watermark paper
Online Payment / Payment Gateway
X. Status of Computerization of Registration i.Computerisation of Registration – Completed - 24 States/UTs, Partially completed - 3 States/UTs. ii.E-stamping services at SRO – 8 States/UTs. iii.Integration of Land Records & Registration – Completed - 8 States/UTs, Under progress - 1 State.
XI. Citizen Services i.Registration process to be transparent and easily accessible ii.Documents required for registration and the process flow to be displayed on the website and on the outside of the SRO iii.Average turn around time for registration reduced iv.Issuance of non encumbrance certificate v.Issue of certified copy of deed and reduced time taken vi.Digitally signed Repository of deeds available online and it is downloadable
XII. Success Stories i.Development of e-payment gateway by Maharashtra ii.Citizen friendly e-registration facility at Mehrauli in Delhi iii.Integration of the registration database with land records and banks etc. in Karnataka iv.Hardware on Hire in Bihar
XIII. Monitoring Number of transactions registered Funds collected Pending cases No fraud cases as real-time monitoring of the payment done Drill down facility up-to challan level
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