Welcome Dr. P. Narayana Hon’ble Minister for Municipal Administration & Urban Development, Urban Water Supply and Urban Planning Government of Andhra Pradesh
IT/Software Modules available in Municipal Services
Agenda 3 eSuvidha Project Implementation Recent Initiatives Need for Re-Design of eSuvidha Project Current Status of Proposed Solution
eSuvidha project – Municipal E-Governance Initiative Andhra Pradesh – First State to implement State-wide Municipal E-Governance solution Project conceptualized to computerize functions of all ULBs and project launched in 2004 16 modules developed covering all municipal functions Interface with Citizen Service Delivery Channels (E-Seva/ MeeSeva Centres) for Property tax and Water tax collection
5 eSuvidha system developed in decentralized mode and deployed in 13 servers at district headquarters (District Data Centers) Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in each district connected to District Data Center (DDC) using to 2 Mbps lines DDCs are connected to Network Operating Center (NOC) at Head Office with 2 Mbps line eSuvidha project – Municipal E-Governance Initiative
Enter Login ID & Password Overview of eSuvidha Application
Overview of eSuvidha MODULES Municipal Management Information System E-Municipal Administration System Administrati on & Establishmen t Town planning Accounts Public Health Revenue Engineeri ng UPA cell Finance and Accounts Grievance Redressal cell File Movement Finance and Accounts Building permission and Town planning Births and Deaths Solid Waste Managemen t D&O trade licenses Court Cases Property tax Vacant land tax Water tax and Connections Assets and Inventory Project & Works Water tax & connectio n Schemes System Administratio n Senior managerial Staff and Commissioners ULB section E-Suvidha Modules Advertisem ent Tax
Suvidha Project - End User Utilisation The eSuvidha system is under-utilized due to various reasons such as –Out dated IT infrastructure (deployed in 2003) leading to improper functioning of the system –Lack of integration between different modules –System developed to work in Intranet mode for back office functioning of ULBs and lacks citizen focus –Non digitization of manual records –Not suitable for re-engineering in tune with changing rules and requirements 8
Suvidha Project - End User Utilisation Present Status of e-Suvidha Project Property Tax (69 ULBs), Vacant Land Tax (22 ULBs), Water Tax (45 ULBs) D&O Trade Licenses (15 ULBs)
Coverage of e-Suvidha Project 10 Total Covered Municipal Corporations * Municipalities ** Total No. of ULBs in AP * Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Guntur Corporations use separate systems ** Implementation in newly constituted ULBs is in progress
Suvidha Project – Recent Initiations 11 In , the eSuvidha Application software and database has been centralized through virtualization. Online Payment of taxes through payment gateway has been implemented Digital Signature enabled issue of Birth and Death Certificates implemented through Meeseva Centres Online Legal Case Management System (OLCMS) developed by CGG implemented in ULBs to monitor status of legal cases
Municipal services through Meeseva Centres 12 New Municipal Citizen Services launched in 2013 through Mee Seva Centers (State Service Delivery Gateway Project) for following services: Trade License Renewal of Trade License Property tax assessment Sub division of property tax Change of name in property/title (Mutation) Building Plan Permission Property tax exemption Property tax vacancy remission
Municipal services through mee seva Unified Birth & Death software developed by NIC – same software for Greater Municipal Corporations, Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and Gram Panchayats Existing Birth & Death data (80 lakh records) migrated from Suvidha system to UBD system deployed at State Data Center (SDC) Digital keys issued and Training provided to all Commissioners, Municipal Health Officers 35 lakh certificates digitally signed and issued through Meeseva Centres Certificates delivered through Mee Seva Centers Under Category-A - Within 15 minutes, if digitally signed data available Under Category-B – Within 5 days after record verification
Redesign of e-Suvidha Project eSuvidha Project will be redesigned with Centralised Portal for online payment of taxes, non-taxes, fees, charges, etc. Online submission of applications, issue of certificates with digital signatures Enable “Anytime, Anywhere” access to services through internet. Implementation of easy payment options through payment gateway Single Window services through Citizen Facilitation Centers at ULBs Interface with Citizen Service delivery channels such as eSeva/MeeSeva, APOnline, Banks etc. GIS Integration and monitoring to plug revenue leakages New system to cover all Municipal Corporations/Municipalities
Overview of proposed solution
Integration of existing applications 16 New system will be integrated with software systems implemented outside Suvidha system o Double Entry Accrual Based Accounting System (DEABAS) developed by Center for Good Governance (CGG) and implemented in all ULBs o Unified Birth & Death Registration System o Online Legal Case Management System (OLCMS) developed by CGG and implemented in all ULBs
Status of new E-Governance Project 17 To be implemented through AP Municipal Development Project (APMDP) funded by the World Bank at a cost of Rs cr. Project Management Unit (PMU) has been set up by KPMG to study o AS IS Study o Prepare Business Process Reengineering (BPR) to align business processes with IT o Undertake bid management to select System Integrator (SI) to design, develop, implement and maintain the new system for three years
Status of new E-Governance Project 18 M/s KPMG has been appointed as PMU consultant for Preparation of DPR, RFP, Bid Management and Monitoring of implementation M/s KPMG submitted the As – Is Study Report and Detailed Project Report, which was reviewed by Committee as well as by World Bank Draft RFP prepared by KPMG placed before APMDP steering committee Committee suggested to prepare 2 separate RFPs for AP and Telangana World Bank issued NOC for two RFPs. Final RFPs to be placed before APMDP Steering Committee and issue the bids after receipt of Administrative sanction from Govt.
19 Circulars & Proceedings kept online with link from CDMA website Online formats designed for submission of data pertaining to Street lights, Solid Waste Management Collection of taxes Energy Savings Household water supply connections Municipal Works Town planning issues Unified communication with field officers (SMS/ /Online Docs) Suvidha Project – Recent Initiatives
E-Gov AWARD FOR DEABAS SYSTEM 20 Double Entry Accrual Based Accounting System (DEABAS) successfully implemented in ULBs as mandated under 13 th Finance Commission Recommendations Software developed by CGG and Implemented through Regional Chartered Accountant (RCA) Firms The Project won prestigious Award for “best e-governance Project in Andhra Pradesh during e-India 2012” Web sites developed for all ULBs and their Financial details kept online for public scrutiny under Public Disclosure Law