Campus Management Portal and Online Higher Education Cardean Learning Group
“TRADITIONAL” STUDENT year old Full time Residing on campus 4-year college Undergraduate diploma
“ADULT” Learners Working full time, studying part time, juggling job and family responsibilities Community colleges, training in the workspace, adult education courses Seeking to complete undergraduate studies, earn a professional certificate, obtain a graduate or professional degree In million adults engaged in work- related courses
Online Learners In million higher education students enrolled in fully-online certificate or degree program (Eduventure research) 1.8 million by 2007
Online Learners Flexibility: year-round terms, shorter terms, flexible hours, transfer credits 24 x 7 availability Self-service: printing receipts, online payment, online registration
Cardean Learning Group A pioneer in Online Education since 2000 –State-of-the-art LMS –Student is active participant in a “learn by doing” process that is socially rooted around real world problems
Cardean Learning Group Ellis College –Undergraduate, Graduate –not-for-profit, regionally accredited –a branch of New York Institute of Technology
Cardean Learning Group Cardean University –Undergraduate, Graduate –for profit –Nationally accredited –a collaboration with 5 world’s leading universities.
CLG and CMC Campus Vue Core – February 2005 Campus Vue Portal – November 2005 CV integrated with CLG’s LMS Active Directory Currently at CV 7.0E Tested CV 7.0G and CV 7.0H Next implemented version is likely to be 7.0i
Portal Attributes Checklist Single Sign-on Scalability Usage statistics and analytics Security Runs on Windows servers Automated password recovery Streamlined user account management User proxy mode for support calls Search Engine Identity Management
Portal Attributes Checklist Leading design and usability Ease of use Portlet support Role-based presentation Layout management Group community building tools
Portal Attributes Checklist Event calendar Personal calendar /group scheduling Global messaging and targeted announcements Clubs access groups integration with MS Exchange File/document sharing Polling tool
Portal Attributes Checklist Web content management system Document management system RSS feeds Help system Workflow engine, integrate with or provide own Library system integration Bookstore integration LMS integration
Portal Attributes Checklist Maintenance Costs Installation process Upgrade process Ability to serve multiple schools Troubleshooting, issues turnaround Customer Service
CLG CV Portal Implementation RFI Online Application –2 schools, branding, application fee processing, external links Student Portal –Degree Audit –Course grades –GPA calculator –Student Profile –Online payment and receipts –External links (LMS, document library, news, bookstore, etc.)
Applicant Portal Online Application –Customized look and feel, school branding Login page –Announcements, guides, FAQ Online help –Customized for look and feel, content, context Links to catalogs, course offerings, forms, news Customized privacy policy, feedback form, campus contacts Launch LMS demo from the Portal - LDAP
Student Portal Student home page – additional images to improve navigation Home page alerts Contact manager advisor Online payment Degree audit GPA Calculator External Links Launch LMS - LDAP
Configuration Tool and Admin Tool Real time access to portal configuration Some monitoring capabilities LDAP configuration Some user management capabilities
Implementation Challenges Two release tracks Implementation of changes in business process Password management (applicant and student portals) More configuration options (ACH/credit card processing) Installations and Upgrades Additional tools – developed in-house. Education of employees in the proper use of the tools
Next Steps Online Registration Admissions automation via API Additional academics functions via API Full SSO between LMS and CV Portal
Student Reaction to the Portal “It is great to have access to services whenever I need them and not have to be constrained by business hours or the availability of a person to address my issue. The tool is very easy to use and provides me much of what I need”
What Academic Advisors Say “The Portal freed me up to address the real student issues and has provided the student with the ability to address the simple day to day items that previously occupied a fair amount of my time”
CV Portal impact on the business Mundane requests handled by self service freeing up resources to handle more complex issues Quality of student profile data improved through self service Service available 24 x 7 Single point of entry for student services and LMS Configurable platform Building block for future enhancements
Demo Slides