Elements of Life
Important Elements CHON Most frequently occurring elements in organisms- Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen Living organisms on Earth are often referred to as carbon-based life.
Organic compounds Compounds containing carbon found in living organisms Not including carbonates (CO3-2), hydrogen carbonates (HCO3-), hydrocarbons (CH4) and oxides of carbon (CO2 and CO). These are considered inorganic. Often based upon a skeleton of carbon An infinite variety possible There are four principal groups: sugars, fatty acids, amino acids and nucleotides © 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Carbon Compounds 6 C Carbon 12.011
CARBON Tetravalent 4 different bonds HUGE variety of compounds Forms long chains (polymers) macromolecules and ring structures Tetrahedral structure 3-D variation optical isomerism © 2007 Paul Billiet ODWS
Carbon Compounds Straight Chains Branched Chains Rings
Carbon Compounds Single Covalent Bond Double Covalent Bond Triple Covalent Bond
Other Important Elements and their Functions Prokaryotes Plants Animals Sulfur (S) Component of two amino acids A component of two amino acids Needed to make some types of antibodies cysteine
Other Important Elements and their Functions Prokaryotes Plants Animals Calcium (Ca) Flagella movement Used in some enzyme reactions Forms cell plate during cytokinesis Regulates cell wall construction Enzyme reactions Shells, bones and teeth Nerve impulses Muscle contraction Blood clotting
Other Important Elements and their Functions Prokaryotes Plants Animals Phosphorus (P) Component of DNA and ATP Needed for cell reproduction and division Part of plasma membrane Part of the plasma membrane
Other Important Elements and their Functions Prokaryotes Plants Animals Iron (Fe) Cytochrome- used in respiration Cytochrome- used in transferring light energy during photosynthesis Hemoglobin; Cytochrome- used in mitochondrial respiration (aerobic) hemoglobin Cytochrome c
Other Important Elements and their Functions Prokaryotes Plants Animals Sodium (Na) Important in membranes and osmosis Main ion in cytoplasm (can replace K) Transmission of nerve impulses