NMP seminar, EU FP6 Priority 3 NMP Nanotechnologies and nano-sciences, knowledge-based Multi-functional materials and new Production processes and devices Status for Norway after 1. Call Tor Einar Johnsen The Research Council of Norway
NMP seminar, NMP: Norwegian success ?
NMP seminar, Call FP NMP New instruments (IP, NE)260 M€ Trad. Instrum. (STREP, CA, SSA)140 M€ Norway 11 points FP NMP-2 IP’s for SME New instruments (IP) 40 M€ Norway 0 points!
NMP seminar, Participation 103 proposals with 149 Norwegian partners Final results: 11 proposals with 14 Norwegian partners
NMP seminar, Participation
NMP seminar, Who participated? HE – Higher education RES – Research institute IND – Industry ISME - Industrial SME OSME – Other SME
NMP seminar, Who were successful participants ?
NMP seminar, Who are the Norwegian partners ? Instrument AcronymNorwegian Partners NE – Network of Excellence NANOMEMPROSINTEF (R. Bredesen) INSIDE_PORES Institute for energy technology, IFE SINTEF CA – Coordination Action ELFNET SINTEF Abelia SSA – Specific Support Actions EMUDE National Institute for Consumer Research, SIFO NAPOLY Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU
NMP seminar, Who are the Norwegian partners ? InstrumentAcronymNorwegian Partners STREP – Specific Targeted REsearch Projects NANOCAPS KeraNor AS SINTEF (Chr. Simon, Coord.) SENPIMAG SINTEF SEMINANO University of Oslo SFINX Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NTNU I-IMAS SINTEF COMPOSE SINTEF
NMP seminar, Comparison to Finland NorwayFinland Projects Total Successful1132 Partici- pants Total Successful1464
NMP seminar, Comparison to Denmark NorwayDenmark Projects Total Successful1130 Partici- pants Total Successful1455
NMP seminar, Norwegian summary, NMP-1 Traditional instruments: STREP, CA and SSA Low Norwegian ”score” Success rate 10,3% (Finland 27,4%) New instruments: IP and NE Low Norwegian ”score” Success rate 6,5% (Finland 9,2%) No Norwegian partners in IP! 3 (2) institutes in 2 NE! KeraNor is the only Norwegian industrial partner (STRP)
NMP seminar, Concluding remarks Very low participation from Norway Have we failed to inform about possibilities? Too much nano? Too little about multifunctional materials and processes Not relevant for the Norwegian industry? Too early for the Norwegian research community? Low interaction between institutes and industry
NMP seminar, Can we improve? Need closer cooperation between institutes and industries National funding for participating institutes Less costly for research institutes to participate Less costly for industry (not paying institutes) More resources in the Norwegian Research Council Thank You !