The present and Future of the Slovene eGovernment – the Present State of Affairs and Strategy EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION PLANET GV, Ljubljana, 21. and 22. march 2007 Dušan Kričej Ministry of Public Administration Directorate for e-Government and Informatics Deputy director general
Strategic Goals of Government of Slovenia Satisfied citizens are a key to a contemporary eGovernment Rationalization of public administration Delivery of up to date government eServices to citizens and businesses
The key elements of eGovernment Strategy, Action Plan and Legislation Electronic Services of eGovernment Information Communication Infrastructure
Strategy, Action Plan and Legislation Law of Electronic signatures adopted in 2000 Strategy of eGovernment from 2000 to 2004 Strategy of eGovernment from 2006 to 2010 has been adopted by Government in April 2006 Action Plan of eGovernment until 2010 has been adopted in February 2007 Day-to-day inspection of legislation (program for elimination of administrative barriers) Changing legislation to enable Government eServices
Strategy of eGovernment from 2006 to 2010 E-government tailored to the Simple Quality Security Whenever and wherever Fast, effective and at low-cost All in one place Knowledge and competence Transparent Participation, democracy Personal E-administration Orientations needs of users
Electronic Services of eGovernment G2C G2B G2G G2E Innovative eServices the way to success
Electronic Services of eGovernment – G2C State portal Administration tool for Life situation Generic tool for different e-forms Integration with registers (Register of population, Register of space units) Electronic signature Electronic delivery (e-handing) Electronic payment Innovative eServices the way to success
Electronic Services of eGovernment – G2C Onlinedelivery of Vehicle registration Renewall of the vehicle certificate of registration Integration with new Vehicle register Integration with online car insurance Online acess to own data of vehicle Use of digital certificate is not obligatory Electronic payment Innovative eServices the way to success
Electronic payment Innovative eServices the way to success
Electronic Services of eGovernment – G2C e Reminder: Online pre-ordering for notification about expire date of documents Vehicle certificate Driving licence Personal ID Weapon ID Passport Innovative eServices the way to success
eReminder: look and feel Innovative eServices the way to success Personal identification data Ordering on reminder about expire date of personal documents from official registers
Electronic Services of eGovernment – G2B One Stop Shop (OSS) – everything on one place of a sole proprietor – self employed person Digital certificate obligatory Integration with registers Integration with sub-systems 230 physics entry points + internet (6%) Declaration of taxes and employed person Registration in 1 day, 21% more Legal person: all types of companies Innovative eServices the way to success
Best practice: G2B – One Stop Shop - AJPES (Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public and Legal Records and Services) - Administrative units (#58) JAPTI (Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investments) - DURS (Tax Administration of the Republic of Slovenia) - District Units of Chamber of Craft of Slovenia -District Units of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Electronic Services of eGovernment – G2G Data exchange between institutions of public administration Register of population (9% of all data delivered electroniclly = 3,5 mio data, use of register increased for 60%) National interoperability framework Innovative eServices the way to success
Applicatio n EU eMNZ eDURS eJustice eCRP Documents for translating and directing Mataregister:location of data Standards: data formats (xml, pdf) Security scheme: applications, services Translation between XML schemas Notices: contacts, addreses, schemas, legislation… Workflow: procedures, logistic logs Security schema integrator Central information system (CIS) Taxes RDZ eDDV Offences Impunity KE Application Register of birth. Vehicles logs Security schema integrator logs Security schema integrator National Interoperability Framework
Electronic Services of eGovernment – G2E Electronic sessions of Government Electronic support adopting of legislation eDemocracy and eCollaboration Groupware and Office automation Decision support Operative Data Store Data Warehouse Public participation at all levels of governmental decision making
eDemocracy and eCollaboration Integration with backoffice is key to succsess Legislation procedure Preparation and adoptionPrevious procedure Programme of work of Government Publication Unofficial text of legal act and regulations eCollaborationeDemocracy Register of Regulation: technology: ORACLE
eDemocracy and eColaboration
Published legal act Effect on abolition of administrative barriers Social effect Environment effect Economic effect Collecting opinion of interested public Opinion of effects from proposel
Data Warehouse & Operative Data Store How to make right decisions without accurate data Replication Night train JDBC ODS (Oracle) Data Warehouse XML C Central server (LN Domino) SPIS Centralni domino strežnik(LN Domino)Centralni domino strežnik(LN Domino) Centralni domino strežnik(LN Domino)Centralni domino strežnik(LN Domino) Centralni domino strežnik(LN Domino)Centralni domino strežnik(LN Domino) Ministry Inspectors Administrative Unit USERS Others
Information Communication Infrastructure Data centre IBM mainframe ORACLE data base Backup centre (data & communication) Governmental private telecommunication network(HKOM) since local area network 800 locations Wide use of different technologies to deliver and promote eServices
Support Customer support State contact centre (in 2007) Public Key Infrastructure SIGOV-CA (since 2000) SIGEN-CA (since 2001) SI-TSA (since 2006) CSCA for Biometric passport (since 2006)
We opt to… Connectivity Data accessibility Interoperability Integration between administration International standards for exchange of data between SLO and EU Secure and sustainable technology on the basis of open standards for
Benefits from ICT in Slovenia Before In line at 7.50; a queue already before the opening hours at the municipality register office of Ljubljana (deadline for acquiring new passports as all old ones have expired).
Benefits from ICT in Slovenia Now No queuing in front of counters, as more and more services can be done comfortably from home/office. Municipality register office of Novo mesto.
eGovernment and EU In CapGemini, 2006: Online Availability of Public Services: How Is Europe Progressing? Slovene eGovernment takes 7th place in Europe Electronic ambitions pays off
Thank you for your attention Dušan Kričej Ministry of Public Administration