Mike Kittelson & Krista Kittelson Trinity Search Group Dallas, Texas
Persistence Persistence is the single greatest difference between success and failure. Persistent people do the following: Take Chances Refuse to Focus on Circumstances Work HARD Enjoy the roller coaster ride You don’t really control anything…except your work ethic and your attitude Stick to the basics
Stay On The Front Line Spend more time with people, less time with things You are not overworked, you are over stimulated Nothing fails like success Stay green It’s all about PDA Not everyone is a good manager Top producers never stop recruiting
Are You a Kleenex or a Tissue? When your client has a hiring need, are you the first person that comes to mind? Are you a name brand or generic in your market? Don’t try and be all things to all people Not all searches are good searches Not all clients are good clients Specialize in an industry, location and level Have at least three good clients in each major city in your market Just because you don’t work well with a particular client, doesn’t mean someone else on your team will have the same problem. People buy from who they like. Become known as an “insider” and tell people things they don’t already know
The “Theories” of our Business Really Work The Wave Theory The 15 Second Theory The Theory of 3’s The Top Three (Mike’s own theory)
Speak Less and Say More…Coffee is for Closers Only Close every conversation Be comfortable with the uncomfortable Becoming a better closer is the fastest way to make more placements Be honest with everyone, including yourself If you are afraid of the answer, then that’s the question you should always ask
Do More Than is Expected Do things for free In the tough times, share in the losses There is no traffic jam on the extra mile
Everything is Your Fault You are responsible for your practice. Clients want results, not excuses.
We Find People for Jobs, Not Find People Jobs Stay focused on your plan and don’t let a candidate sidetrack you Be honest with a candidate when you can’t help them and don’t avoid them Remind yourself that candidate’s don’t pay you, clients do
Recruiter or Used Car Salesman? Recruiters already get a bad wrap, don’t make it worse! Always do what is right for your client, even when it costs you money Know when to say when, not all searches are good searches Do what you say you will do Under promise and over deliver Don’t be an ambulance chaser Don’t take just one fee, take all of their money When was the last time someone said “WOW” when they interacted with you?
The Why Why do you do this? Success or significance? What motivates you?