Types of Cells: Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes
Basic Parts of ALL Cells 1.Plasma membrane Serves as the outer boundary of the cell
Basic Parts of ALL Cells: 2. Cytoplasm Fluid inside the plasma membrane that contains dissolved molecules 3. Genetic Material DNA that regulates the functions of the cell
But what makes cells different?
1.Size 2.Complexity 3.Presence of a nucleus Nucleus = membrane-bound structure that houses DNA 4.Presence of organelles Organelle = membrane-bound intracellular structures with a specific function
ProkaryotesEukaryotes Size μm μm ComplexitySimpleComplex Presence of NucleusAbsentPresent Presence of OrganellesAbsentPresent ExamplesBacteria Archea Plants Animals Fungi Protists
Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Cell
Picking apart the words… Prokaryote “Pro” = before “kary” = nucleus Eukaryote “Eu” = true “kary” = nucleus
Identify that Cell