Forecasting Weather Maps Present a weather map to the class and explain how it forecasts the weather.
1. Satellite Maps
How do Satellite’s collect data? Taking photos of clouds Radiometers to measure infrared radiation emitted by clouds Computer enhancement of an infrared satellite picture. weather/wsatwork.htmhttp:// weather/wsatwork.htm
Satellite Map Questions to Answer What do satellite images show? Why is this information important? How do we get satellite images? How do satellites travel? What can meteorologists learn by the shade of the clouds on a satellite image?
2. Radar Maps
How Does Radar collect data? Sending out a beam of energy then measuring how much of that beam is reflected back and the time it takes. Doppler radar includes rain, snow, sleet and even insects. Radar images are color-coded to indicate precipitation intensity. er/wearadar.htmhttp:// er/wearadar.htm
Radar Map Questions to Answer What does radar show? How do you use the map key on a radar map? How do we get radar images? What are some of the limitations of radar maps?
3. Precipitation maps
How do precipitation maps collect data? When cloud particles become too heavy to remain suspended in the air, they fall to the earth as precipitation. Precipitation occurs in a variety of forms; hail, rain, freezing rain, sleet or snow. mtr/cld/prcp/home.rxml mtr/cld/prcp/home.rxml
Precipitation Map Questions to Answer. What is precipitation? What are some examples of precipitation? Define the different types of precipitation on the map. What causes different types of precipitation?
4. Temperature Maps
How do temperature maps collect data? A thermometer actually measures the average kinetic energy of the various gas molecules that make up the air around it mp.htmhttp:// mp.htm
Temperature Maps Questions to Answer. What is temperature? (For the clearest definition, see the “Weather terms” chart in the background article.) What are the two most important factors in temperature? Why is it usually cooler at night? Why does temperature change during the seasons?
5. Wind-speed maps
How do Wind-speed maps collect data? Winds begin with differences in air pressures. Pressure that's higher at one place than another sets up a force pushing from the high toward the low pressure. m/weather/wpress.htmhttp:// m/weather/wpress.htm
Wind-speed maps questions to answer. Explain the main cause of winds. Why are some winds stronger than others? How does wind affect the weather? How are winds named?
6. Front maps
How do Front maps collect data? Radar image with a surface map showing the locations of areas of high and low air pressure om/weather/fronts/lat est-fronts- systems.htm
Front maps questions to answer What is a low-pressure system? What is a high-pressure system? What kind of weather does pressure system typically bring? What is a cold front? What is a warm front? What types of weather does each typically bring? Explain how the map key shows each of the terms above.
7. Alert Map
How do alert maps work? The Severe Weather Alerts map depicts currently active severe weather watches and warnings. ommon/help/maps/maps_ severe_alerts.htmlhttp:// ommon/help/maps/maps_ severe_alerts.html om/maps-severe.asphttp:// om/maps-severe.asp
Alert maps questions to answer. What types of severe weather alerts does this map show? Explain what types of severe weather and in what areas on the map. What is the purpose of this map and why is it important? How do we get alert map images? How do Meteorologists forecast what type of severe weather will form and in what areas?
8. Earthquake Report Map
How does earthquake report maps collect data? Magnitude and Intensity oryID=5http://earthquake.usg oryID=5 enteqsus/ enteqsus/
Earthquake Report Maps Questions to Answer Why are squares used on the Earthquakes? Why do magnitude and location of Earthquakes change on the map? Why do so many earthquakes occur at a depth of 10km? Why are there so many earthquakes in California? What causes the earthquakes there?