MODULES Communication Management Billing Accounting
COMMUNICATION MODULE Residents List Forum & Sub Groups Admin Forum Notice Board Meeting Calendar Document & Photos Vendor List Instant Poll My Flat Broadcast Dedicated Website
RESIDENTS’ LIST Online directory of all residents Phone numbers and Email address can be masked by the choice of individual resident Networking information such as hobbies, profession, personal website links, etc Sub-list of Management Committee members Emails can be sent to any resident right from this directory Ability to Search on name, flat, intercom, occupation, languages, hobbies etc.
FORUM & SUB GROUPS Completely integrated with the Residents List Conversations can be made visible to all or to "owners only" Advanced editor can include images, text formatting, and hyperlinks Complete email integration with Forum Ability to moderate forum posts by residents nominated as Forum Moderators Residents can create special interest SubGroups Association SubCommittees can have their own SubGroups like Culturals, Security etc
ADMIN FORUM Admin Forum is available only to the Admin Team Same features as that of the Resident Forum Can control instant email notification, receive and reply to and from email
NOTICE BOARD A snippet of all notices can be seen in one screen Set default expiry dates of notices Notices that announce an event, can be assigned an event date which will link these notices to the Event Calendar Integrated with e-mail. New notices trigger email notification Ability to attach upto 5 documents to a notice.
MEETING CALENDAR Events due on a certain day can be viewed Pulls information from the Notice Board A notice for a particular date can be easily created by clicking on that date in the calendar
DOCUMENTS & PHOTOS Repository of uploaded files. Documents can be made accessible to All or to "Owner's only“ Documents published by Admin can be classified separately Create Photo Albums and Upload Photos
VENDOR LIST List of common service providers in the community Quality of service of each vendor can be rated Helps any new resident to settle down with a single click!
INSTANT POLL Any resident can create a quick poll or participate in one Results visible to a user after he has voted Anonymous Poll is possible Both multiple choices or only one-option, and Other as Choice are supported Set an auto-close date for poll
MY FLAT A Resident can view financial details and alerts pertaining to his flat He can view the invoices/receipts against his flat and take printout if required The resident can view the staff working in his flat and trigger correction if required
BROADCAST Sophisticated Broadcast application using email and SMS Various options to select Recipients Broadcast E-mails, SMS can be scheduled for delivery at a later date/time. Essential SMS can be sent by Management Committee - and will reach users even if they are registered under DnD Registry
DEDICATED WEBSITE Each Apartment Complex gets a dedicated website You can upload images and will show as a slide show on the home page Configure Welcome Message, instructions to join your Community Outsiders can use this page to contact the Apartment Owners for rental, stall etc
MANAGEMENT MODULE Manage Users Admin Files Project & Meeting Tracker Asset & Inventory Tracker Helpdesk Tracker Secret Ballot Maintenance Contacts Staff Manager Admin Reports Notice Manager Events & Facility Booking Visitor & Staff Attendance Tracker Movement In/Out Tracker
MANAGE USERS Resident accounts can be added, approved, deactivated Bulk upload from spreadsheet to create Resident Accounts Admin Access to users provided from this Application
ADMIN FILES Storage space for scanned agreements, work in progress documents Once document is ready to be shared with all residents, one click publishing sends it to the Document Repository
PROJECT & MEETING TRACKER Long running projects can be logged under customizable categories, responsibility and status can be assigned Work-in-progress notes can be updated. Notes get saved with the author and date automatically Create Meetings with agenda items, set date, time and Venue for the meeting Send automatic Email and SMS Reminders for the participants Close the Meeting and share the Report by Email to all Invitees
ASSET & INVENTORY TRACKER Information on capital assets can be stored in this application Service providers can be assigned to each Asset Email or SMS alerts can be setup for preventive maintenance appointments, renewal of AMC contracts etc Easy documentation of Service History Easily Track Inventory
HELPDESK TRACKER A resident can lodge two types of Tickets - Personal and Community "Personal Tickets" can be viewed only by the resident and other members of his or her flat "Community Tickets" can be viewed by all residents Help Desk updates sent through E-mail and SMS Tickets can be automatically escalated if it is not acted upon within a set timeframe Residents can lodge a Ticket just by sending an SMS to a Dedicated Number
SECRET BALLOT The Online Secret Ballot mimics the physical ballot and has more features Only the election officer who sets up the poll can view the results online Once poll is closed, the scores and attendance reports are readily available and can be printed by the election officer
MAINTENANCE CONTACTS The central directory of your AMC contacts, other maintenance contacts Due dates of upcoming payments can be set so that you can avoid penalties These contacts can be assigned to designated Assets in Asset Tracker
STAFF MANAGER Directory of all staff specific to a flat, such as domestic help, driver, cook etc Status such as 'Active', 'Temp', 'Expired' can be assigned to control entry Details such as Badge Number, phone number, email, address, photograph can be stored for each staff member APIs available to seamlessly integrate with hardware devices like RFID cards, Bio-metric scanners etc
ADMIN REPORTS Reports from all Management and Accounting Applications consolidated in this application Very useful readymade reports such as Residents List, Vehicle report, Maintenance Fee defaulters, Cash Flow report, Expense report etc Any report can be published to the Notice Board with single click, so they can be shared with all residents
NOTICE MANAGER Admin can create a workflow to approve notices Admin can set categories like Commercial Notices ( Rental, sale etc.) and Non-Commercial Notices Once a notice is posted by a resident, it comes for approval to the Admin Admin can then set the category based on the notice content Integrated with Income Tracker and an invoice gets posted automatically to the relevant resident's account for commercial notices
EVENTS & FACILITY BOOKING Calendar which displays booked / blocked facilities and events View facilities booked by resident, and others Resident can book a facility System will not book a facility if a booking already exists Hard Booking : Integrated with payment gateway
EVENTS & FACILITY BOOKING Setup facilities - one time use cost or cost per hour, income account for facility booking, auto-cancel duration for each facility Retire Facilities temporarily Collect payment and confirm booking, cancel booking View past bookings, utilization etc.
ATTENDANCE TRACKER Track Visitors and Staff Entering and Leaving the Complex Assign multiple gates and track movement at each gate Integrated with Staff Manager Configurable Visitor entry reasons eg. Personal Visit, Door Delivery etc Comprehensive Reports to track the entry / exit
MOVE IN/OUT TRACKER Setup a workflow for tracking Move Ins and Move Outs Capture I-Form, J-Form and Share Register Details for each Member Capture Lease Start and Lease End for Tenants
BILLING MODULE Income Tracker Payment Gateway
INCOME TRACKER Automatic Invoice generation against each flat Supports different Apartment Categories Manual invoice can be keyed for all other receivables such as Ad-Hoc fees or penalties Easy set up of Income Heads Post Dated Cheques can be tracked easily Financial details against each flats viewed with ease, with color coded lights to identify defaulters Email/SMS reminder can be sent to payment defaulters Very easy to use - be compliant with accounting standards without being an accountant
PAYMENT GATEWAY Residents can pay their dues online through Payment Gateway provided by Citibank Instant E-Receipts is generated and their Dues get cleared off Payment gets routed to Association bank directly from Nodal Bank Amount will be settled within T+3 days Facility Booking, Move in/out charges, Festival ticketing can all be done easily through Payment Gateway
ACCOUNTING MODULE Income Tracker Expense Tracker Bank & Cash General Ledger Payment Gateway
EXPENSE TRACKER Easy setup and tracking of Direct and Indirect Expense Heads Expenses for past periods can be compared Budgeting for selected Expense Heads, with variance tracking Online Purchase Requests can be created Approvers can be selected and approval can be made online Service Tax and TDS are captured and posted to relevant Tax Accounts Outstanding dues against Vendors is available
BANK & CASH Configure Bank Accounts and Petty Cash Seamlessly integrated with Income Tracker and Expense Tracker - all income and expenses posted reflect against Bank Accounts or Petty Cash Transfer between accounts, withdrawal to Petty Cash can be captured Makes Bank reconciliation very easy
GENERAL LEDGER Chart of Accounts to configure Assets, Liabilities, Income and Expense Account Heads all in one place Journal Entries to move money to relevant Account Heads Journal Entries to capture asset depreciation, bank charges and loans etc Free flow query to pull up transactions from any date and any account Trial Balance, Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statements with option to export to Excel
GENERAL LEDGER Free flow query to pull up transactions from any date and any account Trial Balance, Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statements with option to export to Excel