Five Themes of Geography Geography- The study of the Earth’s surface.
Five Themes of Geography I. Location- “Where is it?”- it tells the address of a specific spot; A. Globe- sphere-shape structure of regions which is not flat; 1. Parts of a Globe- *Latitude- (parallel/horizontal lines)-the most important latitude line is the ______- that separate the North and South Pole. *Longitude-(vertical lines)- the most important line of longitude is the ________- separates the East & West Hemisphere; **Classroom Assignment: Draw a diagram of a Globe and label these items: Latitude, Longitude, Equator, Prime Meridian, North & South Pole, East & West Hemisphere;
B. Maps- drawings that show regions on a flat surface; Five Themes Cont… B. Maps- drawings that show regions on a flat surface; 1. Parts of a Map- * Compass Rose- shows the cardinal directions of North, South, East, and West; * Key/Legend- shows symbols on a map & what they represent; *Scale Bar- helps measure the distance between points on a map; - pg. 768- Find the distance between (1) Lisbon & Madrid (2) Paris & Dublin (3) Moscow & Rome
A. Two Types of Maps of Region Five Themes Cont… II. Region- areas that show & share at least one common feature;(climate, landforms, similar government) A. Two Types of Maps of Region 1. Political Map- shows borders, states, countries, etc… -Also show towns, cities, & capitals; 2. Physical Map- shows the regions based on elevation; -elevation- height above sea level; III. Place- natural & human features that make one place different from the other; Ex. Climate, plants, people, etc… IV. Movement- the migration of goods, people, & ideas from place to place; A. Push & Pull Factor- (1) Push- things that make people leave their country; (2) Pull- things that attract people to come to their country;
Push Factor- people leaving one country: Name 5 reasons that would cause people to leave a country. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Pull Factor: attracting people to come to a country; Name 5 reasons that would cause people to move to another country. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
OTB: Push and Pull of U.S. & Mexico Explain the Push and Pull Factor of Movement. List 3 push and 3 pull factors between the U.S. and Mexico. Based on those factors, should the U.S. continue to allow people to come to this country?(3 Logical Reasons and Explain your answer)
Five Themes Cont… V. Human-Environment Interaction- focuses on the relationship between people & the environment; -Ex. What major companies and businesses exist in Waynesboro? Why? A. Developed Country-(U.S.)-use the process of commercial farming- grow crops to sale, import- sell here or export- sell to other countries; B. Undeveloped Country-( 3rd World Countries)- use the process of subsistence farming- grow crops to eat and survive;
Possibilities? Look at the map on pg. RA6 and RA7; The fossils of a Tyrannosaurus Rex was found in South America, Brazil and in Cameroon, Africa. How is that possible? Do you believe that some parts of the world fit together like a puzzle?
Four Stages of Pangaea Permian Period- 1.) consisted of mostly reptiles and amphibious animals; 2.) One ocean called the Panthalassa. Triassic Period- 1.) consisted of the first dinosaurs and therapsids; 2.) Mostly hot and dry; Pangaea split into Laurasia(North) and Gondwana(South). Jurassic Period- 1.) consisted of all dinosaurs and evolved mammals; 2.) Humid climate and the first birds arrived; Cretaceous Period- 1.) Dinosaurs still existed, but more marine animals and birds were found; 2.) Warm climate and high sea levels;
Scale Bar Practice pg. 766: Find the distance: 1. Washington, D.C. to Mexico City, 2. Nassau to Ottawa, 3. Lima to Brasilia, 4. Panama to Bogotá pg. 770: Find the distance-1. Cairo to Tunis, 2. Cape Town to Nairobi, 3. Tripoli to Antananarivo. pg. 772: 1. Find the distance-Tokyo to Port Moresby, 2. Beijing to Bangkok, 3. Colombo to Rangoon, 4. Jerusalem to Manila