Introduction In April 2010, OCLC introduced the membership report, “How libraries stack up: 2010.” You can find a PDF of that report here: At the request of member libraries, we are also making the report available as two PowerPoint documents, downloadable from that same Web site. One, with “OCLC” in the filename, is a simple conversion of the printed report into PowerPoint to be shown “as is.” The second (this file) is a “blank” version that you can use to highlight the great work your library does in the community. We hope you find the idea useful, and that the graphics and examples can help you promote your library to users and funding bodies.
In America, we go to libraries to… Find jobs and create careers Help grow our small businesses Borrow books, journals, music and movies Learn to use the latest technology Get the tools to reenter the workforce Get our questions answered Engage in civic activities Meet with friends and co-workers Improve our skills Every day, 16,600 public libraries deliver millions of dollars in resources and support that meet the critical needs of our communities. How libraries stack up: 2010 Download the printed report at:
Every day… How your library helps job seekers in your community
Taking care of business How you work with Small business owners and employees to support their small businesses.
Hot spots Our library offers free Wi-Fi service at XX locations. Library Name
It’s in our wallets Did you know… library cards are about as prevalent as credit cards in the United States? Your Library Name Here number of card holders in your system
Getting technical Our library offers free technology training classes. Details here details here details here details here details here details here details here details here details here details here details here details here details here. ### of training sessions offered #### of people who have used our training
Movie night Our library lends DVDs, CDs, VHS tapes, games and more. #### of DVDs borrowed ### of CDs borrowed ### of games borrowed
Let’s meet Our library offers free meeting rooms and conference facilities. Meeting rooms available People who use them every month ####
Career assistance when we need it most Our library offers career and job seeking assistance to more than X,XXX people every month
No ticket required Did you know… In our town, people visit the library more than they go to the movies or attend sporting events. Library visits in our city/town xxxx Movie attendance xxxx Sporting event attendance xxxx
On the move Our library circulates XXXXX materials every day. That’s nearly (or more than) the YYYY parcels delivered by our town’s mail carriers. #,### library items circulated daily #,### parcels delivered
Thank you for using and supporting your public library