ExView: A Real-time Experiment Browser used for SW06 Cruise Collaboration Andrew Maffei, Steve Lerner, Art Newhall, Cindy Sellers, Laura Stolp, John Kemp, Jim Akens (WHOI) Scott Glenn and team (Rutgers) SW06 Meeting, San Diego January 31, 2006
SW06 Logistics App. Goals Help to make sure vehicles don’t run over moorings or each other. Provide a common view for all participants of a multi- disciplinary, multi-vehicle, multi-PI experiment. Provide a way to distribute Internet-based information to all ships (even those without SATCOM) Provide a way to easily communicate information between ships Provide a way for shore and ship based staff to monitor experiment status. Provide a historical archive of experiment that can be built upon during post-experiment collaboration
ExView: How we did it Latte as prototype ExView : Custom webapp built for this experiment (using WHOI 4DGeoBrowser Tech) Shore-based webserver mining Internet resources Dedicated, synchronized laptops, hosting a mirrored website, was installed on each ship Ship wireless network using SATCOM and WiFi Supportive science and shipboard staff during design and implementation Dedicated support staff on shore during ops Luck
ExView Main Screen Features Logistics Map Integrated Logistics Data Cruise Archive Date/Time Browsing Environmental Data Map Display Ship/Glider Tracks Mooring Locations Report Viewers & Summaries New: Integration of post-cruise data products and views for data analysis purposes
ExView Daily Reports
17 apps at 4dgeo.whoi.edu
Synchronized Laptops Refurbished, “cookie-cutter” laptops that are easily replaced when they fail. Linux, Apache, Rsync are workhorses 2 Ethernet connections for each laptop Installed SWAP and Serial/Ethernet converters (for GPS) where necessary Configured rsync in a restricted manner All directories have only one author Shore ExView: Cgi-bin, html, and data directories Ship ExView: toshore/from-oceanus, toshore/from-knorr, … No files deleted RSYNC IS SIMPLY MAGIC
SW06 wireless data network Comm Technology Disruption Characteristics Link Speed Knorr HiSeasNet ( C ) ~93% up (good antenna location) 180Kbps down, 96Kbps up (shared w Atlantis, SJ) Endeavor HiSeasNet (Ku) ~50% (heading and weather dependent) 128Kbps up/down (shared w New Horizon) RVTEC SWAPWithin 7nm. when antennas in sight of one another 2-11Mbps Shipboard LAN24x710/100 Mbps 1.5 Gbytes in 3 months = 1550bps
Dedicated Support Staff Cindy Sellers on shore Steve and Andy as backup Hand holding of information suppliers and ship/shore information viewers Noticed when things did not seem to be going quite right (from science perspective) Provided sense of humor and a positive attitude
Luck SWAP stayed up on site even though there were many problems with it at dock 2 HiSeasNet ships meant connectivity to Internet was usually available via one or other Rsync better than we expected No huge files were sent during SW06 (we discouraged its use for data files -- send matlab plots instead!)
Accomplishments and Lessons Learned All goals met. Exceeded our own expectations in areas of reliability, participant involvement, and effort required to maintain Daily Reports for file transfers might be cumbersome but works well for reducing bandwidth used and increasing average information content transferred. Synchronized “laptop-websites” work well on UNOLS vessels and are much easier to implement that we thought before SW06.
SW06 Post-cruise
Realtime* and Post-cruise Data Samples CategorySourceFormatSampling Rate Total Size (local only) Views ShiptracksShipsText1/min73MMain/map DailyReportsRutgers, ShipsPPT, Webform1/day269MDailyreport View Weather Reports NOAA WebsiteImage/Text6/day252MWeather View CODAR/SSTRutgersImage/Text1/hr507MCODAR View Satellite/ Radar MiamiImage/TextVariable37MSatellite Image View GliderTracks and data imgs RutgersImage/TextVariable272MGlider View (WIP) Engineering Data (wireless comms, etc.) WHOI, ShipsTextVariable?WIP ShruWHOIImage, Audio1/min39G (raw = TB) Shru3 & Multi- Shru View (WIP) SharkWHOIImage, Audio1/min?Shark View (WIP)
Available ExView Views NameData DisplayedWidgetsStatus Main ViewMap, Events/TextClickableMap, EventList, CalTime In Exview Daily ReportsImages/TextCalTimeIn ExView Weather ViewerSatImagge/TextCalTimeIn ExView Glider ViewerDataImages/TextCalTimeIn ExView (under devel) Satellite Image ViewerSatImages/TextCalTimeIn ExView Shipboard Wireless Engineering Display RtData, TextNoneIn ExView SHRU DisplayImages/Text, Audio, Environmental Ship Data, Annotations Map, CalTiime, VCR Buttons, TempTimeBar, Image Annotation, Audio Clips, Image Composites In ExView (under devel) Multi-SHRU DisplayImages/Audio/TextTBDUnder devel Shark DisplayTBD Under devel
SHRUView Integrated Info and Widgets Spectrograms Audio Files (Play/Download) Temperature Profiles Clickable Temp TimeBar Calendar/Time Search Environmental Data IMET (KNR, OCE) Add/View Interpretations Map Display Ship/Glider Tracks Mooring Locations
Post-cruise Interpretations
Other Candidate Views? NameData DisplayedWidgetsStatus/Comments PO Mooring Data ViewTBD Ship Data (IMET) ViewTBD Predicted Sound Speed Profile View TBD ASISViewTBD StratViewTBD Journal Article ViewerTBD Scanfish ViewTBD Model ViewTBD ……..
Steps for creating ExView views for your data products Spend 2 hours white-boarding with us Iterate on view layout via and conference call on a mockup of the view design with us We provide you with time estimate based on design complexity,new widgets required, etc. We establish on image format, plotting and model parameters, filename, etc. conventions to be used. You create data products (typically graphic images) and make them available on your server. We build new view and incorporate it into ExView
Future work Publish a paper describing role of ExView in SW06 and examine SW06 experiment in context of planned national ocean observatory needs/efforts underway. Build viewers for interested PIs so that their data products can be integrated into ExView. More tightly associate various ExView views (using overlays, dhtml, etc.) Work w NSF to incorporate ExView and SWAP2 as standard on UNOLS vessels Integrate Google Earth more fully into ExView
Thanks to you all. You were great to work with. WHOI ExView Team Jim Akens, John Kemp, Steve Lerner, Jim Lynch, Andy Maffei, Art Newhall, Cindy Sellers, Laura Stolp, Barrie Walden COOL Lab - Scott Glenn and his whole team Shipboard Technical Staffmembers and crew - Udel, URI, WHOI, Quest SW06 - All participants for their patience, helpful suggestions, willingness to contribute.
Extra Slides
Building ShruView StepWhoWhat 1ArtSampled binary data from SHRUs and run post-processing task to determine data quality and best way to create images and audio 2Art, Steve, Andy Used whiteboard to compose new ExView View that incorporated pre-existing and new information sources, and “widgets” from existing ExView Toolbox into an *expert* view of this information 3ASADetermined required information sources for SHRU View: 1-min Spectograms (new), 1-min soundfiles (new), Watertemp plots (new), ship Env Data (existing), platform locations (existing) 4ASADetermined widgets for SHRUView: SW06LogisticsMap, CalTIme Browser, SpectrogramAnnotation widget (derived from pre-existing similar tool), WaterTempBrowsing widget (new) 5SteveReview initial data products created in 1 and suggest image/audio processing parameters that will help products work best in ExView 6Art Steve Agree on conventions for filenaming, plot axes, image resolution, audio file size/duration, etc. that will work best for both scientific analysis and ExView performance. 7ArtBuilds all spectograms, tempprofiles, and audiofiles from SHRU data and makes available on his webserver 8SteveBuilds SHRU View and incorporates into ExView application environment
What might a POMooringView Look Like?