[in English, wolverine] http://assets.natgeotv.com/Shows/10406.jpg Hello, my name is Gulo gulo [in English, wolverine] Unit 14 – Taxonomy In this unit, the summary is shown in blue, and the underlined words are vocabulary; the animation and video hyperlinks are shown in orange.
What is taxonomy? Scientists classify the diverse number of organisms on the planet in order to learn and study from them into hierarchical groups. In this unit you will learn how scientists classify living things; the science of taxonomy. the arrangement of organisms into orderly groups based on similarities
Who was Carl von Linne? Von Linne [AKA Carolus Linnaeus] was the Swedish biologist who in the mid- 1700’s developed the biological system of classification. 7 taxonomic levels [or taxa] kingdom to species http://www.ub.uit.no/northernlights/images/linne06d.jpg
Binomial Nomenclature In Latin, nomenclatura = nomen "name"+ calare "to call" Scientists give each organism a name in classification which consists of two parts: genus + species [specific epithet]. Typically use Latin because it is universal [worldwide] and not widely spoken, therefore, the meaning is not likely to change.
EX Tyrannosaurus rex translates to “tyrant lizard”+“king.” http://nerdywithchildren.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/trex-fossil.jpg http://hqwalls.org/t_rex_dinosaur_wallpaper-wallpapers.html
Binomial Nomenclature Cont. Always in italics Genus name is written 1st, capitalized Species name is written 2nd, NOT capitalized EX scientific names Homo sapiens (modern man) Felis catus (common housecat) http://www.bio.miami.edu/dana/pix/panthera_pardus_classification.jpg
Who am I?
Purpose for Classification A Latin name eliminates confusion caused by regional name differences. EX crayfish, crawdad, mudbug are all common names for…. Cambarus bartoni http://bwrc.eecs.berkeley.edu/People/Grad_Students/huifangq/food/HuifangCookings/edited/crawfish.jpg
Mountain lion, panther, cougar and puma are all common names for... http://wdfw.wa.gov/wlm/game/cougar/graphics/cougar4.jpg Mountain lion, panther, cougar and puma are all common names for... Felis concolor
Roly poly, pillbug, and wood louse are all common names for... http://s163.photobucket.com/user/LPH_2007/media/Super%20Macro/SuperMacro2-6.jpg.html Roly poly, pillbug, and wood louse are all common names for... Armadillidium vulgare
Purpose cont. organizes large amounts of information Classification also reveals evolutionary relationships between organisms http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/Phylogenetic_Tree_of_Life.png
Modern Levels of Classification Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species http://ag.arizona.edu/pubs/garden/mg/entomology/images/p4large.gif
Taxonomy Mnemonic Foldable When instructed, pick up a colored piece of paper at the front to create your mnemonic foldable. Each pod will need some scissors.
What is domain? http://www.whoi.edu/cms/images/tree_550_74474.jpg Domain is the most recently added 8th taxonomic level, which is even more inclusive than a kingdom. There are 3 domains shown above. Domains in the News
Domains Cont. Three domains of life: Basis of classification: http://culturingscience.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/3-domains-of-life.jpg Three domains of life: Archaea & Bacteria contain only prokaryotes. Eukarya contains all eukaryotes. Basis of classification: Type of cell Number of cells Mode of nutrition
Archaea Eukarya Bacteria
Domain Archaea Members of the domain Archaea are bacteria [prokaryotes] that live in very extreme environments (hot volcanic springs, black organic mud, etc) and many can only survive in the absence of oxygen! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Grand_prismatic_spring.jpg Archaea were first found in extreme environments, such as volcanic hot springs. Pictured here is Grand Prismatic Spring of Yellowstone National Park.
Domain Bacteria Regular everyday bacteria [prokaryotes] belong to domain Bacteria. EX Salmonella According to the Mayo Clinic there are more than 2,000 strains of salmonella bacteria, but only a dozen or so make people sick. Salmonella is most often contracted by eating raw or undercooked meat, poultry, eggs. Image
Domain Eukarya All of the organisms that have a nucleus [eukaryotes] are included in Domain Eukarya. This domain includes a variety of life forms in 4 kingdoms: Protist Fungi Plant Animal Domain Animation http://www.biocentrum.dtu.dk/upload/institutter/bic/biocentrum/studievalg/his_archaea_fot3_380.jpg
What is a kingdom? Six kingdoms of life: 4 Eukaryotic Kingdoms Animals Plants Fungi Protists 2 Prokaryotic Kingdoms Archaebacteria Eukbacteria http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-y_abocOeLKk/TpuITAAu8VI/AAAAAAAAHuw/SJdeqGFpZ8E/s1600/six+kingdoms+tree+of+life+.gif
Prokaryotic Kingdoms Eubacteria – bacteria common to “YOU” and me Cell Type: Prokaryotic, Unicellular Energy: Autotrophic and heterotrophic Archae bacteria – live in harsh environments (highly salty or acidic, high temperatures) ; mostly anaerobic w/out oxygen Prokaryotic Unicellular Autotrophic only http://classes.midlandstech.edu/carterp/Courses/bio101/labquiz2/prokaryote.jpg
Kingdom Protist Protist – lack complex organ systems; require moist environments; first appeared in the fossil record 200 million years ago! Eukaryotic w/ cell walls Unicellular & Multicellular Autotrophic & heterotrophic EX amoebas, algae, kelp http://www.dirtworks.net/Images/NeptunesHarvest/Kelp.jpg http://faculty.clintoncc.suny.edu/faculty/Michael.Gregory/files/Bio%20102/Bio%20102%2
Slime Mold = Protist http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-360Hzs1e75w/TaiqOZ0s7MI/AAAAAAAAAC4/xUXmW6Q6qoY/s1600/Slime_mold%2528ms-07%2529.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Slime_Mold_On_Deadwood.JPG
Kingdom Fungi Fungi – EX Molds, mildews, and mushrooms; first appeared in the fossil record 400 million years ago! Eukaryotes w/ cell walls of chitin Unicellular & multicellular Heterotrophic decomposers http://www.shutterfreaks.com/albums2/album225/mushroom.jpg
Black Mold = Fungus http://howtobuildahouseblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Black-Mold.jpg
What caused the Salem Witch Trials? n 1692 some teenage girls in Salem, Massachusetts, accused a West Indian slave named Tituba and two white women of practicing witchcraft. By April the girls began to denounce others as witches, including a former minister. In total close to 150 people were accused. "Both women and men, such as George Jacobs, stood trial for witchcraft in Salem, 1692." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History: Government and Politics. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 2008. U.S. History In Context. Web. 20 Feb. 2013.
Kingdom Plants Plants – oxygen producers; create their food using photosynthesis (thus the green color). Non-motile (do not move) Eukaryotes w/ cell walls of cellulose Multicellular Autotrophs EX mosses, ferns, flowering and cone-bearing plants
Kingdom Animal Animals - At the microscopic level, animal cells are different; they do NOT have cell walls. Eukaryotes Multicellular Heterotrophs EX sponges, jellyfish, worms, insects, humans Three domains of life: http://www.mccullagh.org/db9/d30-2/jellyfish-7.jpg
What is a species? A species is a group of organisms that are very closely related and can breed fertile offspring. http://adapaonline.org/images/biobook_images/taxonomy_pyramid.gif
Dichotomous Key Taxonomists have dichotomous keys to help to identify organisms; a guide. A dichotomous key consists of several pairs of descriptive statements to help identify an unknown organism. Dichotomous key animation http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/caer/ce/eek/critter/watercritter/images/keymap_template.gif
Evolutionary Classification Phylogeny – evolutionary relationships among organisms Biologists now group organisms according to phylogeny (lines of evolutionary descent), not just physical characteristics.
CLASSIFICATION BASED ON VISIBLE SIMILARITIES What is a cladogram? Derived characters – characteristics found in recent parts of a lineage through cladistics; used to construct cladograms. Cladograms show evolutionary relationships among a group of organisms. Caldogram animation Crab Barnacle Limpet CLASSIFICATION BASED ON VISIBLE SIMILARITIES