Specialization Specialization = in any “system”, different parts have specific functions; the parts work together to operate the entire system. Specialization or “division of labor” occurs on may levels in living things. Prokaryotes Unicellular organisms Living ThingsEukaryotes organelles Multicellular Organisms (all are eukaryotic) cells --- > organelles tissues organs organ systems
Specialization: Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes –How are prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells different? –Single click on the link below to find out. Learn Biology: Cells—Prokaryotic Cells vs. Eukaryotic Cells
Example of a Prokaryote: Bacteria How are bacteria specialized to infect other living things?
Specialization Specialization = in any “system”, different parts have specific functions; the parts work together to operate the entire system. Specialization or “division of labor” occurs on may levels in living things. Prokaryotes Unicellular organisms Living ThingsEukaryotes organelles Multicellular Organisms (all are eukaryotic) cells --- > organelles tissues organs organ systems
Specialization: Eukaryotic Cells Cells have organelles that are specialized to perform certain functions This is true whether a cell is a unicellular organism or it is part of a multi-cellular organism This is true in both plant and animal cells
Organelles What are the functions of each of these cell parts? Cell Membrane Cyroplasm Nucleus
Watch the video below and determine the function of each of the following cell parts: mitochondriaribosome endoplasmic reticulum Golgi body lysosome
Specialization: Unicellular Organisms Single celled organisms not only contain the standard organelles, but might also be specialized in other ways. What function do the cilia in the paramecium and the flagella in the euglena serve? Observe the movement of an amoeba. How is its cell membrane specialized to aid in this movement?
Specialization Specialization = in any “system”, different parts have specific functions; the parts work together to operate the entire system. Specialization or “division of labor” occurs on may levels in living things. Prokaryotes Unicellular organisms Living ThingsEukaryotes organelles Multicellular Organisms (all are eukaryotic) cells --- > organelles tissues organs organ systems
Specialization: Multicellular Organisms Multicellular organisms are not only specialized with individual cell, but also group together cells to form tissues, organs, and organ system to carry out life functions.
The Circulatory System The job of the circulatory system is to move blood through the body. It carries oxygen and nutrients to cells and organs and returns waste products.
Circulatory System – The Heart Organ What is the specialized function of the heart?
The Heart – Muscle Tissue Muscle tissue is made up of muscle cells that work together to expand and contract in order to pump blood through the body. How does the shape of the cells allow for the tissue to function this way?
Blood Cells Blood cells are pumped Through the body carrying oxygen and nutrients to organs and removing waste From them. How does the shape of blood cells allow them to travel through the body and carry out their job?
Other Specialized Cells in Human This is a picture of a nerve cell. What is the function of a nerve cell? How does its shape aid in its function?
Other Specialized Cells in Human This is a picture of a sperm cell. What is the function of a sperm cell? How does its shape aid in its function?
Other Specialized Cells in Human These are pictures of skin cells working together as tissue What is the function of skin cells? How does its shape aid in its function?
Review of Specialization in Humans watch this video and ponder how complex life really is
Specialization in Plants All multicellular organisms have specialized systems, organ, tissues and cells? What major jobs do each of the following plant parts Have? Roots Stems Leaves Flowers
Leaf Cross Section The top and bottom of the leaf are covered with “epidermal” cells. Why? The upper part of the leaf (the palisade layer) is loaded with cells that are packed with chloroplasts – why?
Stomata and Guard Cells The underside of a leaf contains specialized cells called “guard cells” that cause the opening and closing of pores called “stomata”. Speculate why these pores open and close.
Use the diagram below to help you explain how the stoma opens and closes.
Specialization Specialization = in any “system”, different parts have specific functions; the parts work together to operate the entire system. Specialization or “division of labor” occurs on may levels in living things. Prokaryotes Unicellular organisms Living ThingsEukaryotes organelles Multicellular Organisms (all are eukaryotic) cells --- > organelles tissues organs organ systems
Summary Write a 4 – 6 sentence summary explaining how and why specialization occurs in single and multicellular organisms.