OCLC PICA A general overview Janifer Gatenby Sébastien Vellay SELL Presentation Madrid 16/03
2 General Overview OCLC PICA now. -Basics -New situation -European presence -Our network in Southern Europe Various services -Ebooks -Databases -Online collection management system -Reference Service -Other -Collaborative catalogue WorldCat -Worldcat overview -European library holdings in WorldCat -OpenWorldCat and WorldCat.org -Support of Union Catalogues -Future Directions and Research
3 Some basics -OCLC founded in 67 in Ohio -PICA founded in 69 in the Netherland -Organizations joined in We serve libraries in 112 countries
4 New situation -SISIS acquisition -FDI acquisition -Dimema integration -RLG integration -OpenWorldCat project
5 F: 3 UK: 74 NL: 97 GER: 46 AU: 6 USA: 12
6 Our network in Southern Europe
7 Main services: -Collection: ,000 ebooks -On going or annual access -2 simultaneous users per copy -No subscription, no entry fee
8 Main services: FirstSearch Where to find more information: Online Databases (Worldcat) -More than 5.9 million full text articles -6,000 journals -53 databases with full text or links to full text
9 Main services: CONTENT dm -Online collections -All formats of records -All items (video, audio, images, books - compound objects…) -OCR – Jpeg WorldCat ContenDM URL:
10 Main services: QuestionPoint -Collaborative digital reference service -Proximity with users (Online Form) -Professional reference assistance (KB) QuestionPoint QuestionPoint web site:
11 Main services: in a nutshell -ILL systems (VDX/OCLC Resource Sharing) -Portals -Dewey classification - WebDewey -Cataloguing repository (Connexion – WorldCat)
12 Main services: CBS – Union Catalogue system Flexible solution for collaborative catalogues : -All formats -Automatic updates -Deduplication of records -Local OPAC via web -Architecture customizable (8 modules) -WorldCat
13 WorldCat.org and other initiatives
14 Agenda WorldCat overview European library holdings in WorldCat OpenWorldCat and WorldCat.org Support of Union Catalogues Future Directions and Research
15 WorldCat Overview – 83 million records, holdings – All types of materials print, maps, visual, electronic, serials, all date ranges – All languages Unicode support includes non-roman scripts – Global Exposure & also Cataloguing Resource sharing Reference Collection analysis – Interfaces Connexion, Z39.50, SRU, SRU update, FirstSearch, WorldCat.org
16 OCLC PICA contribution to WorldCat –36 million European holdings –Contribution methods: via online cataloguing, retrospective conversion, batch loading, SRU update –Major OCLC PICA contributors: UK, Scandinavia, South Africa, France (pre-2002) –Batch loaded files: BL, Czech National Bibliography, GGC, LinkUK, Helsinki University, NUKAT, Danish National Library of Education –Major ILL users : BLDSC, South Africa, Scandinavia
17 Open WorldCat – making the library visible in search engines –Started 2004 pilot with Google and Yahoo now extended to further partners –Partners harvest limited fields in OCLC WorldCat records –Search engine displays results as “Find in a Library” –Link to library holdings –Deep linking to OPAC and full text
18 Open WorldCat : meeting the user where the user is Find in a Library 84% use search engines to begin information search Only 1% begin an information search on a library web site Search engines use achieves high satisfaction rates People trust what they find on search engines Search engines are a better ‘life style’ fit than physical libraries ‘Self serve’ is a growing trend findings from “Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources : a report to the OCLC Membership” OCLC, 2005
19 Open WorldCat Find in a Library Limitations on loading imposed by harvesters – Google only interested in titles with many holdings
20 Self-service models Firefox Google Yahoo! Linking by ISBN, ISSN, OCLC Number and now by search term Accounts for 10% or more of all traffic! Exposure
21 Start with an Internet search …
22 Exposure
23 Exposure
24 Library Info Exposure
25 Ask a Librarian Exposure
26 Other Editions Exposure
27 Reviews Exposure
28 Tables of Contents
29 Purchase options
30 Pilot - link to Amazon.co.uk Books380 Music20 DVD13 Electronics6 Kitchen & House2 Clicks and orders every day during the pilot Exposure
31 Google Scholar Exposure
32 WorldCat.org - OCLC’s own destination portal – builds on Open WorldCat – access to all WorldCat records – holdings of subscribing libraries only – OWC interface translations (inc Dutch) – initial beta release August 2006 Exposure
33 WorldCat.org will enable users to... –Discover and access libraries, their collections, their expertise and their services – at the point of need –Participate in an online community of library users, researchers, librarians –Manage personal identity, relationships, collections, reading and research WorldCat.org Deliver Library Capacity to the User at the Point of Need Exposure
34 WorldCat.org
35 WorldCat.org Brief results
36 WorldCat.org – registration
37 WorldCat.org Tracked Statistics at- a-glance Impression s: 300M to 1B/year Click- through: 10M/ month 120M per year Conversion : 550k/month 6.6M/year Conversion rate: Overall: 5.5% = “best in class” for web site 5.9% in January 07 It’s worth noting that our conversion rate is well above Google’s “typical” range of 1-3%.
38 Click-throughs to WorldCat.org pages JulAugSepOctNovDec 10 2 Referrals In millions Month over month 6
39 Clicks to Library Services
40 Worldcat.org Traffic Drivers - Today
41 WorldCat.org - where next? –More Add more European holdings –More “Get it” options Integrate with European resource sharing services Request Transfer Message –Add payment options –Add authentication and other resolvers –Add more personalisation and social features
42 WorldCat Future Directions –Add more non-US union and national catalogues (particularly non roman scripts) –Add more full text and digital content –Improve holdings level for e-serials –Merge with RLG Union Catalog (rich in non- roman scripts esp Arabic and Hebrew, archival materials and special collections) –Integrate into OCLC PICA services Exposure
44 Timeline: Social Networking Features MilestoneTarget Date Single Citation ConversionFebruary 2007 Personal ProfilingApril 2007 Create & Share ListsApril 2007 Citation ExportApril 2007 Reviews & RatingsMay 2007 Recommendations & Collaborative Filters June 2007 Social TaggingJuly 2007 RSS/AlertsSummer 2007
45 work manifestations in workset Human-readable interface 0.62
46 Contribution : Follow on Services –Collection Analysis Analyze collection age & subject content Compare collection to other OCLC member libraries to identify overlap and uniqueness Analyze group collections for uniqueness & overlap for cooperative collection development –Registry of Digital Masters Exposure
47 UK Public Library group analysis
48 Union Catalogue Support Data services –FRBR –Faceted searching –Audience Level –Holdings Count - Rarity
49 FRBR – Divide and conquer Creation of works (38 million) Algorithm Authority records Cleaning bibliographic records where necessary No manual links created Improved user interfaces Harvesting Loading IDs & records Authority records Improved user interfaces Suggestions for the improvement of the algorithm and records
50 Without clustering
51 With Clustering
52 Office of Research prototypes ………
53 WorldCat statistics
54 Watch WorldCat grow ……..
55 Questions ?