What do you see in this picture? Write down what you think is going on
Picture Analysis: What do you see? Draw this chart in your spiral. Does not have to be very large. Top of page only What You See What Can You Infer?
Exploration Focus Write the following sentence stem in your spiral: My family came to Katy, Texas, because… Fill in the reason your family moved to this area. People change locations for many reasons. Social-Desire to be with family (or to get away from) Economic-To go to a place where you can work or gain wealth (or to leave a place where there is no work) Political-To claim land for your country or give your country glory & fame Religious-To have freedom to worship the way you choose and to share your beliefs with others
Exploration and Colonization of the World by Europe The Great Race Exploration and Colonization of the World by Europe Credits: ClipArt, ABC-Clio, Grolier Online, Britannica Online
Colonization is when a group of people leave their home country and go to a new land to form a community that is still connected to the parent nation. Example: England sent people to the American “colonies”. They still thought of themselves as English, not American. England was in charge and made the rules.
Exploration is the investigation of unknown regions. People explore for many different reasons. Find wealth (Economic) Find people to convert to their religion (Religious) To claim land for their home country (Political) To become famous (Social)
The 3 G’s: Reasons Europe Explored and Colonized Draw the triangle and boxes. Fill in the reasons for exploration given in the following notes The 3 European Countries: 1. 2. 3. The 3 G’s: Reasons Europe Explored and Colonized
On your paper list the 3 European countries that were competing in The Great Race. England France Spain
Map of the known world before Columbus discovered America India & China (Far East) Europe Africa Where is America?
Thought they’d end up here Europe India & China (Asia) Thought they’d end up here North America Actually ended up here Africa South America
The Big Picture But what pushed Europeans to Explore? The exploration of the Americas after 1492 was a breathtaking period. But what pushed Europeans to Explore? (Why did your family move to Katy?) Remind the students that this might occur in their life time. This is going to be a great event and people will gather around their communication devices to watch the progress.
Type of Reason to Explore What pushed Europeans to Explore?- Content Frame Type of Reason to Explore Event What is it?
Social-(We’ll go into this more later) Period of time after the “Dark Ages” or “Middle Ages”. (The time in Europe which was marked by frequent warfare. People were surviving, not creating art or literature.) People of the Renaissance were not satisfied with the status quo. Time when people began wanting to find and experience new foods, places & people Renaissance by LEONARDO da Vinci by MICHELANGELO Social-(We’ll go into this more later)
Rise of Nation States Smaller areas merged with other areas to form countries. Larger countries had more power than smaller ones. Spain, France, England, Portugal, Netherlands, etc…. Kings and Queens needed $ to run their countries. Countries used exploration, colonization and trade to raise money. Economic
Protestant Reformation Kings controlled their people by making it illegal for them to have Bible’s that they could read. The church leadership got a lot of power from the Kings by telling the people they wouldn’t get into Heaven if they didn’t do everything they were told. In the 1500’s, a man named Guttenberg created a printing press that made it possible to print Bibles people could afford. Suddenly, people could read for themselves what God said about getting into Heaven and it didn’t match what they’d been told by their church leaders and the Kings. Many began to break from the Roman Catholic church so they could follow what they believed God was telling them. People began to decide for themselves how to worship God & they wanted to share God with others.
The Kings and the church leaders REALLY didn’t like losing their power over the people so they began to persecute those who were reading and teaching what the Bible said. They: Arrested them Broke into their homes and took all their stuff Refused to allow them to work Branded them on their foreheads and slit their noses AND killed them by burning them alive or shooting them! Religious Thousands were killed in France, Germany, Spain and England by Kings determined to make people stop reading the Bible! But people kept meeting in secret and sharing what they were learning. Martin Luther Pilgrims
Printing Press Printing Press could print books faster/cheaper. Before this, books were copied word for word by hand. Took months or years to print 1 book! Printing Press could print books faster/cheaper. People read about exciting places-wanted to see them The first book printed was the Bible! Middle class could afford books. Poor people still could not read or write. Political/Religious
Example of Celtic Handwritten Bible Now go back to your Triangle and fill in the 3 Main Reasons Europeans set out to Explore (Also called the 3 G’s)
So, where did they go first and what sent them there? Crusades Wars to take back the Holy Lands from the Muslim Turks. Exposed Europeans to spices and silks. People in Europe wanted more of these items. England, France and Spain began competing with each other trying to be the first to find a new way to Asia
Why were England, France, and Spain competing with each other? Italians controlled the trade route to the Indies. Silk Road-Overland route used to get to Asia from Europe. Italians controlled this route. Europeans had to pay very high prices to travel this path so they could get the products from the east. England, France and Spain each wanted to be the country to find a quicker way to Asia. That way they could control the spice trade. Italians had a Monopoly=No other competitors Write this next to your triangle in open area
Very long and dangerous route over land.
Sailing around Africa took too long and was also dangerous
Reasons for European Exploration and Colonization! GLORY/National Pride 3 G’s Reasons for European Exploration and Colonization! GOD/Spread Christianity GOLD/Wealth
Type of Reason to Explore What pushed Europeans to Explore? Event What is it? Type of Reason to Explore Time when people began wanting to find and experience new foods, places & people Social Renaissance Countries used exploration, colonization and trade to raise money. Economic Rise of Nation States Protestant Reformation People began to decide for themselves how to worship God. Religious Printing Press could print books faster/cheaper. Political/ Religious Printing Press
The 3 G’s: Reasons the European Countries Set out to Explore Glory/National Pride=Political England, France and Spain each wanted to be the country to find a quicker way to Asia. That way they could control the spice trade. The 3 European Countries: 1. England 2. Spain 3. France The 3 G’s: Reasons the European Countries Set out to Explore God/Spread Christianity=Religious Gold/Wealth=Economic
Goals of the “Race”(Explorers) Goals of the “Race”(Explorers)! Write Political, Economic, Religious next to each sentence Stop having to pay the Italians for the goods from the East. _________________________ Beat the other countries at finding a faster route to get the goods from the East. _____________ Look for Gold & Jewels to get rich ___________ Fame for you and your country ______________ Get Foreign goods to sell and use-Spices, Silks ________ Save the Indians souls ______________ Adventure-Seeing new lands and people __________ Set up a colony in the name of your King/Country. _____ Spread Catholicism-Your religion _____________ Expand your Empire (Country) ______________
Goals of the “Race”(Explorers)! Stop having to pay the Italians for the goods from the East. Beat the other countries at finding a faster route to get the goods from the East. Look for Gold & Jewels to get rich Fame for you and your country Get Foreign goods to sell and use-Spices, Silks Save the Indians souls Adventure-Seeing new lands and people Set up a colony in the name of your King/Country. Spread Catholicism-Your religion Expand your Empire (Country) (Economic/Political) (Political/Economic) (Economic) (Political) (Economic) (Religious) (Political) (Political) (Religious) (Political)