GDP per person ($) (How much money the country has divided by the number of people) Life expectancy Literacy rate (% of people who can read and write) Name of country Level 3-4Year 8 homework – design a development Top Trumps Card Flag of country Research online or in an atlas to find this information Try:
Population GDP per person ($) Life expectancy Average food intake (calories per day) Literacy rate (% of people who can read and write) Name of country Level 4-5Year 8 homework – design a development Top Trumps Card Flag of country Research online or in an atlas to find this information Try:
Population GDP per person ($) Life expectancy Literacy rate (% of people who can read and write) Name of country Level 5-7Year 8 homework – design a development Top Trumps Card Flag of country Research online or in an atlas to find this information Try: Choose two other indicators of your own and find the data