Using Person Centred Ways of Working to Identify Outcomes
Quick Overview of our Experience
How Did We Get here Supported by IPC with Outcomes Workshop Outcomes Report to assist shaping approach Pulling together the different areas –Environment (culture) –Processes (care planning) –Arrangements (service delivery) Senior Management support to form Outcomes Project Group Investment in Person Centred training programme
Using the Toolkit Need to create an understanding of the issues involved around the personalisation agenda and the links into outcome focused ways of working Important to debate what outcomes are – we still have a long way to go Need to start looking at the person differently from the start of the assessment process Monitoring of outcomes is essential – otherwise why are we doing this
New Overview Assessment Form New Contact Assessment Form Decision Making Tool Working / Not Working Important to / For Support Plans Outcome Focused Reviews New Form One Page Profiles
Putting it into Practice - a real life example of how we are working with people differently
This is Jamie
Day Opportunities Activity Plan 1 Input (information received) Service Base (Centre /Communi ty) Out put (support, equipment or facilities) OutcomePPF Outcomes OHOCOSStart Date Finish Date Review by (name) I enjoy cooking; I do it at the centre and at home. Centre Home Support Kitchen environment Cooking modules To be able to cook a meal independently in my own home. Choices & Changes. Everyday Tasks. Improved Health & Emotional Wellbeing. 01/09/08MM JJ I enjoy exercising at Tidworth and at the centre. Centre Community Support Transport Tidworth Fitness modules Gentle exercise modules Venue To go to the gym and meet my friends. To keep me fit and healthy so that I continue living independently. Health & Wellbeing. 01/09/08MM JJ I enjoy doing music at the centre. When I do karaoke I always like to go first. Centre Community Home Support Venues Equipment Transport Music Modules I want to gain the confidence to sing and dance with my friends. Communit y Like: Leisure, Learning & Work Improved Quality of Life. Making a positive Contribution. MM JJ I enjoy horse riding at R.D.A. but need to improve balance Centre Community Support Transport R.D.A. modules To ride a horse confidently and make friends with other horse. Communit y Like: Leisure, Learning & Work. Improved Quality of Life. Health & Wellbeing. 01/09/08MM JJ
Day Opportunities Activity Plan 2 Input (information received) Service Base (Centre /Community ) Out put ( support, equipment or facilities) OutcomePPF Outcomes OHOCOS Outcomes Start Date Finish Date Review by (name) I enjoy swimming at Durrington and at Five Rivers Centre Community Support Transport Venues Swimming modules I want to go swimming with my friends & keep myself fit and healthy. Community: Leisure, Learning & Work Improved quality of Life. 01/09/08MM JJ I find it difficult working & interacting within a group and taking turns. I am not always confident at speaking out. CentreSupport Discussions Group modules Client Union Modules To be confidence when I express my views with my friends. Health & wellbeing Improved Quality of Life 01/09/08MM JJ I have a good understanding of money, times and numbers and need to continue developing my skills. Centre Home Community Support Working with numbers modules I want to have enough money left on a Friday to t for a drink with my friends each. Managing Money. Economic wellbeing. 01/09/08IMM JJ I find it difficult to work within a team and to talk politely to people all the time. I need to learn about healthy eating options. Centre Community Support Tuck shop modules I want to eat healthily and & have my contribution discussions valued. Health & Well-being Improved Health & Emotional Wellbeing 01/09/08MM JJ
Day Opportunities Activity Plan 3 Input (information received) Service Base (Centre /Community) Out put ( support, equipment or facilities) OutcomePPF Outcome s OHOCOS O Outcomes Start Date Finish Date Review by (name) I enjoy going to clubs and meeting friends, going out for a drink and a meal, riding my bike and going to the snooker club with staff and house mates. CommunitySupport venues I want to meet my friends when I choose and peruse all my interest. Communit y Life:, Leisure Learning & work. Improved Quality of Life. Making a Positive contribution. MM JJ
Name:Jamie Marchment Service Users view: Nice to talk about things. Happy to talk to you. Assessors View: Jamie spent a lot of time with us talking about himself, he was very comfortable and relaxed. Jamie expressed how happy he is at his home and with the staff and how they support him with his interests. We feel Jamie should be encouraged to keep his independence, by continuing with skills development modules and working on his social skills, turn taking, team work and building his confidence and self esteem. Carers View: Date of assessment:Date of review: Client’s signatureAssessor’s signature:
Outcome Review Plan: Name: Outcome/module achievedY/NDate Module Assessment RecommendationsAction by Date of assessment:Date of review: Client’s signatureAssessor’s signature::
Summary of Support Plan