Taking charge – finding a new discourse for understanding the shifting roles of disabled people in dance Kate Marsh
Research Background I am a disabled dance artist
Research Background I am a disabled dance artist I have worked in inclusive dance for 16 years
Research Background I am a disabled dance artist I have worked in inclusive dance for 16 years I have been involved in significant change in practice, theory and perceptions of disabled dance artists
Research Background I am a disabled dance artist I have worked in inclusive dance for 16 years I have been involved in significant change in practice, theory and perceptions of disabled dance artists I see a need for progression in how we research the field of dance and disability There is a discrepancy between original momentum in this sector and disabled leaders in dance
Research Aims Map the disability and dance sector through engagement with both theory and practice. Identify how work by disabled dance artists is perceived, analysed and evaluated.
Research Aims Map the disability and dance sector through engagement with both theory and practice. Identify how work by disabled dance artists is perceived, analysed and evaluated. Explore how disabled dance artists experience working in dance.
Research Aims Map the disability and dance sector through engagement with both theory and practice. Identify how work by disabled dance artists is perceived, analysed and evaluated. Explore how disabled dance artists experience working in dance. Examine how disabled artists feel about issues of authorship and ownership of their creative practice examine issues of leadership for disabled dance artists.
Research Aims Map the disability and dance sector through engagement with both theory and practice. Identify how work by disabled dance artists is perceived, analysed and evaluated. Explore how disabled dance artists experience working in dance. Examine how disabled artists feel about issues of authorship and ownership of their creative practice and examine issues of leadership for disabled dance artists. Explore issues of leadership for disabled dance artists – Potential obstacles and strategies for developing opportunity
Research Aims Map the disability and dance sector through engagement with both theory and practice. Identify how work by disabled dance artists is perceived, analysed and evaluated. Explore how disabled dance artists experience working in dance. Examine how disabled artists feel about issues of authorship and ownership of their creative practice and examine issues of leadership for disabled dance artists. Explore issues of leadership for disabled dance artists – Potential obstacles and strategies for developing opportunity Build resources and opportunities to facilitate continued progress for disabled dance artists.
Where are the disabled leaders in dance? HE/training context Professional Development Post-performance Opportunity Mentoring Legacy
Methodology Critical Framework Primarily Qualitative Ethnographic/Anthropologic Practice focussed Methods Case Studies/Auto Biography Interviews Observation Practice as research
Research Outcomes Improved access into HE/Training Routes Increased opportunity for Disabled Leaders in Dance: Lecturer, Choreographer, Director, Producer, Manager Extend discussion in this area, beyond the ‘inclusive’ dance community and offer a perspective and practical suggestions for the dance sector in general
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