Last SMS Core Release August 2012: 66+ enhancements, plus 85 Ready to Go (or already gone), 7 New Features and 1 New Module … Previous Year 135+ enhancement … Previous Year 7 new features 15 Connect Releases AC,TC,PC,SC 115 Stu Connect enhancements … Previous Year 45+ enhancements Comment: We continue annually to make adjustments to the Report Card.. Hard for schools but NECESSARY – very very dangerous to go to a custom report card. Student Road Map
6 Webinars (New Release, Scheduling, ) Forum Updates.. (great resource) 20 Adds/changes to support documents, updates to Gradebook Training Series (3 videos) How to for ParentConnect Video Online Video Thoughts? Advanced Gradebook Student Support
GOAL OF THIS SESSION Review of the top student adds and/or changes since CIMS Conference 2012 Orange, italicized text indicates available but not released changes Review Goals for 2013 Student Best Adds
School Office Growth eFiling : Most customers doing - estimate storage now at 15-20Meg per Student 1,500 to 33,000 images (not including REP) … WOW! ing : Huge amounts of Activities : **New** but great success at ? Districts who is using??? eFile Report Cards : Confirm all districts are eFiling.. How many not printing report cards? Gradebook : 4 Districts actively using gradebook 100,000 assignments! Web Form/BB : 4 Districts actively using these utilities ParentConnect/SC : Not good.. Largely under 50% SADE (In BC) : Concern for accuracy.. From 230 to 19,300 bad records Elementary Report Card : 2 Districts onboard, 1 Going Analyzing the data: (.894’s, Pivot tables, ATT.520, GRD.558): Still Low Student Product Growth
Reminder: SES.900 To search for Items Student Best Adds
Student Activities Demo/Review Usage at schools, other departments? Comments from users?! Viewable only in AC, TC, potentially PC - not in CORE Limitation of only ONE activity per student per day for the same activity type Reminders: If a student is at multiple locations – all records are stamped with registered at school Reminders: In TC any teacher teaching that student can edit any/all records for that student – even if student does not belong to that school Enhancements, Thoughts Currently non-annual meaning entries continue to grow - district choice to start afresh each year and house the old records in the frozen libraries Special Category Activity that would HIGHLIGHT that student to TC,AC - not sure whether activity is the right place, needs date sensitive! Student Management
Details report STU.512 – kids and details How many and what summaries - STU.515 Student Management Student CON DET PAR MTG SMITH, SCOTT SANTOS, JULIE 3 4 SICKET, DAVID 1 5
MANAGEMENT STU.389 Print Student PSR Cards Added option to PDF to student’s file (one student) STU.255 Parent Authorization Codes Added option to inactivate an ID so it cannot be used (delete would rebuild it every night so this blocks usage) For security purposes do not display password IF parent has signed in and has an address on file STU.551 Student Guardian/Emerg Contact Listing Added option to include students scheduled in your school but not enrolled Student Best Adds
MANAGEMENT STU.649 Update Tag/Attrib Based on Web Form New option to update/add a tag and/or an attribute to students based on the response indicated on a specific web form Reminder: has been rewritten - Send Message works awesome in Core and in AC, TC. Look for your own to confirm progress. Look to STU.526 Log of activity Student Best Adds
SCHEDULING SCH.410 Course Requests Remove “block” of attendance updates on dates owned by another school When sending a message to the ADMIN GRP using F8 and the “admin” is defined as , then the message to them vs. sending as a Teacher Connect message SCH.515 Print Potential Conflict Matrix Added exclude district group so you can mark “OT” (out of timetable) courses and not have them appear Student Best Adds
SCHEDULING SCH.570 Master Sched Tchr/Blk Enrollment Report New report for BC Bill 22 that gives peak enrollment by teacher and block for a specified date range with a breakdown of enrollment for each day in the range SCH.630 Remove Unscheduled Requests Added limit to request type (Elective, Alternate, etc) Added report and report only function so you know what will be/was deleted Did significant work with SCH.551 catalogue so you would not have to maintain a 2nd time in Word, Publishing package! Scheduling Flowchart is your BEST FRIEND Student Best Adds
GRADING GRD.572 MB Grad Requirement Status Report GRD.573 BC Grad Requirement Status Report If student has GRA tag but is short credits then indicate with a message on the report GRD.559 Print Stus with Specific Comment Codes New report of students with a specific comment code and/or having no comment code. Great for finding who is missing performance indicators!! Student Best Adds
GRADING TCH.610 Copy Tchr Course Assign. to New School New option to copy all of a teacher’s assignments from another school (previous or current year) including attachments to another school. Great for when teacher changes schools! TRA.928 Mass Drop Unfinished TRAX Course Reqs New option mainly for BC alternate schools to drop all unfinished TRAX course requests at yearend so that they are not carried forward. Student Best Adds
STUDENT FEES SGH.430 Student Assessment/Payment Disallow an assessment line to be changed once payment has been made against it SGH.535 Assessment/Payment Edit Listing Added option to include only fees with outstanding balances SGH.530 Student Assessment/Payment Grid List Added “O” option only those with a balance owing (exclude credits) … had Y for balance (owing and credits) or N includes all Student Best Adds
PROJECTS ON THE LIST … Any others ?? PayPal Online Payment and integration to school fees and schoolbooks (not Kev) Parent Teacher Interview requester … through parentconnect (details in PC session) Online approval process for Elementary Report Card between Teacher and Admin. Ability for Parents to edit more information (health text, call sequence order, absence reason??) Student Goals 2013