Lesson Snapshot BLOOM’S TAXONOMY Creating Objective: What should the student be able to do by the end of this lesson? Students will know resources for the study of technology history and will ne able to create eight entries in a class timeline. Long Range Learning Target: I can create eight entries in a class timeline. Essential Learnings (s): What knowledge and skills are embedded in the objective? (Backward Mapping) Short Range Learning Targets: I can create nine PowerPoint slides. I can insert tables in PowerPoint I can insert text boxes in PowerPoint. I can locate and summarize needed information Assessment: Describe, briefly, what students will do to show that they have mastered (or made progress toward) the objective.RUBRIC and/or graphic organizer attached. Julius Zuke Co-Teacher: Wilson Subject Date: Periods:
Long Range Learning Target: I can create eight entries in a class timeline.
Helpful Hint—This study guide is available online at
5 Technology Timeline
Insert Timeline Text Box Table Technology Impact
Technology is the process by which humans modify nature to meet their needs and wants. Technology is the usage and knowledge of tools, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem. Anything that improves results is technology.
Example of a Timeline
This is a text box. It was created by clicking INSERT and then TEXT BOX.. Text boxes are containers for typing information. ThisIs aTable.
Are we there yet? Self-Assessment Rubric for period ____Teacher___________ I can do this very well. I created eight slides which followed the prescribed format and gave all required information, including the citation. I pointed out inventions which were important, evil, and useless. I submitted my work in the digital drop box. I can do this.I created seven slides which followed the prescribed format and gave all required information. I’m still working on this. I created six slides which followed the prescribed format and gave all required information. I need help.I created fewer than six slides which followed the prescribed format and gave all required information.
Alignment to National Standards-- Information Literacy Indicators (AASL): 1. Inquire, Think Critically, and Gain Knowledge. 2. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. 3. Share Knowledge and Participate Ethically and Productively as Members of Our Democratic Society. 4. Pursue Personal and Aesthetic Growth.
Self-Assessment Indicators Monitor own information-seeking processes for effectiveness and progress, and adapt as necessary Use interaction with and feedback from teachers and peers to guide own inquiry process Monitor gathered information, and assess for gaps or weaknesses Seek appropriate help when it is needed Determine how to act on information (accept, reject, modify) Reflect on systematic process, and assess for completeness of investigation Recognize new knowledge and understanding Develop directions for future investigations.
Technology/Authentic Audience/Real Life Connections Connect understanding to the real world Participate and collaborate as members of a social and intellectual network of learners.
ASSESSMENT LIMITS 1.f Use search strategies.
Sources of Information/ Getting There Recommended web sites Ways to Record Information Power Point template Ways to Share Information Digital Drop Box
m/od/timelines/a/twentiet h.htm timelines.org.uk/events- timelines/12-technology- timeline.htm
Example of a Timeline
Skim. NOBODY understands everything. Do not copy word-for-word. Pretend you’re texting. Write only enough words to record the thought, then stop writing.
Date Invention Area of Impact Positive Effect or Impact Negative Area of Impact Areas of Impact Transportation Safety Economy Convenience Health Comfort Recreation Citation
Date1973 Investigated by: Mr. Zuke InventionCell phones were first invented in1973. Compared to today’s cell phones, they were much larger and very expensive Area of ImpactCell phones impact convenience, safety, and the economy. Positive Effect or Impact Cell phones are indispensible when people have car breakdowns or medical emergencies. They enable to people to keep in touch easily. Businesses can keep track of their workers and direct them to where they need to be. Negative Area of Impact Driving while on the cell phone has caused numerous car accidents. Some people do not like being called all the time. Some people are annoyed when people use phones in schools, churches, restaurants, and movies. Areas of Impact Transportation Safety Economy Convenience Health Comfort Recreation Citation "History of mobile phones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Feb < mobile_phones
The Big Picture by Which piece of technology definitely made life better? Exactly how did it make life better? Which piece of technology definitely made life worse? Exactly how did it make life worse? Which piece of technology did not make a difference, either good or bad? Type answer here This is your 9 th slide.
Materials and Resources Power Point Directions 1.Start 2.All Programs 3.Microsoft Office 4.Microsoft PowerPoint 5.Home 6.New Slide (every time you want a new slide) 7.Insert 8.Textbook (every time you need a text box) 9.Insert 10.Table (you want 2 boxes across and 6 boxes down) 11.Circle in upper right hand corner 12.Save as Inserting Pictures 1.Find a picture on the internet. 2.Right-click on the picture. 3.Save as 4.Save in My Pictures 5.Insert 6.Picture 7.From File 8.Look in My Pictures 9.Click on the picture you saved. 10.Click INSERT.
Drop Box 1.Go to 2.Click the LOG IN button at the top of the screen. 3.In the username box, type your student ID number. 4.Check to make sure that the CAPS LOCK key on your keyboard is OFF. 5.In the password box, type your first name. The first letter should be a capital letter, and all of the other letters should be lower case. 6.Click the LOG IN button. 7.In the MY COURSES section of the web page, click on the link for your teacher. 8.On the left hand side of the screen, click COURSE TOOLS. 9.On the right hand side of the screen, click DIGITAL DROPBOX. 10.Click SEND FILE. 11.In the NAME box, type your first and last name. 12.Click the BROWSE button. Locate your report in My Documents. Click on the name of your report. Click the OPEN button. When you do this, the FILE box will fill up by itself. DO NOT TYPE IN THE FILE BOX! 13.Type the word HELLO in the COMMENT box. 14.At the bottom of the screen, click the SUBMIT button. 15.Click the OK button. You now have a copy of your report in the digital drop box. In addition, the teacher has now received a copy of your report. 16.Ask for help if something goes wrong.
Citations—Page Two 1. Go to 2. Click “book” or”website,” whichever applies. 3. Make sure the search box is empty. 4. If you are using a web site, skip to step #8. 5. If you are using a book, type in the title of the book, and click “find book.” 6. Click the green check next the book you used. 7. Skip to step # Paste the URL (web address) into the search box. Make sure the URL begins with 9. Click “load information.” 10. Click “add to my bibliography.” 11. Scroll to the top of the page and copy your citation. Paste it into your project. Citations should be in alphabetical order. My information came from health.nih.gov. "NIH - Health Information." NIH - Health Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Feb
1. Go to 2. Tell the computer what kind of resource you are using. 3. Type in the book title or address, then click the FIND or LOAD button Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
5. Click here. 6. Scroll back to the top of the page.
7. Copy the citation exactly as it appears.
Clearly defined limits Frequent breaks Seating to reduce distractions Tutoring assistance (peer, pal, teacher, etc.) Proofreading to refine grammatical conventions. Proofreading to refine spelling conventions. Proofreading to refine writing structure. Proofreading to refine citations. Using technology to enhance the finished product. Using technology to submit the finished product. Using technology to publish the finished product within the local learning community. Using technology to communicate with the instructor. Researching to investigate a sidebar to the main topic. Researching to find alternate viewpoints. Reflecting and relating current knowledge to new situations or applications.
Review Additional time for reading assignments Adjustment of time allotment Amount of work the student is expected to complete
EXIT TICKET Name__________Date________Starting Time_______Ending Time_________ I worked within the time frame allotted and completed the task. True_____False_____ I lost focus during library research and needed direction. True_____False_____ I was unable to work independently in the library. I accomplished little. True_____False_____ I found most of the answers I was looking for. True_____False_____ I did not find very much useful information. True_____False_____ The materials I used were very helpful. True_____False_____ The materials I used did not help me very much. True_____False_____ I asked for help from the teachers in the room. True_____False_____ I used the help from the teachers in the room. True_____False_____ Here are some resources that I know not to use again: Here’s the new information I gained today: Based on the answers I just gave, here is what I need to do next time: Use of this form complies with the following AASL standards: