PASS 2.1 & 2.2 Examine the reasons for, the problems faced in, and the results of key expeditions of Portugal, Spain, France, the Netherlands, and England (e.g., Columbus) Identify the impact of the encounter between Native Americans and Europeans.
Christopher Columbus Hero or Villain? Successful or not? Should we celebrate? If so, celebrate what?
Reasons for exploring… European kings and queens were motivated by GOLD – which meant wealth for their nations GLORY – for the explorers and nations who found and claimed new lands GOD – they justified their conquering by doing it in the name of God.
Christopher … Born in Genoa, Italy Thought by sailing west – ships could reach the Indies and establish a new trade route He estimated 3000 miles (was closer to 10,000) King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to finance him He left Palos, Spain with three ships … the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria
Quiz… Columbus was from what nation? Columbus sailed for what nation? Name the three ships of the Columbus expedition. Columbus was sailing for what land? Why was he wanting to reach the Indies? Name three reasons the Kings and Queens of Europe wanted to explore the New World.
The expedition departs Palos, Spain August 3rd, 1492
With three Ships and 88 men Santa Maria – Nina and Pinta
Columbus … the 1st voyage He thought it would take one month to reach the Indies … it took two months to reach the Bahamas in North America…
What he didn’t know … ? That North, Central and South America was located between Europe and Asia. That it was 10,000 miles (not 3,000) between Europe and Asia. He thought he could get to Asia in one month, it took two to get to the “New World.”
MUTINY! October 9, 1492 - Sailors aboard the three ships warned Columbus that if land wasn’t spotted soon, they would mutiny and force him to sail back to Europe.
October 12, 1492 … land sighted
Where was he? He thought he had reached the Indies… he had actually landed in what is now called the Bahamas. He named the island San Salvador.
Who did he find in this New World? Columbus thought he was in the Indies, so he called the people he found “Indians”. The name stuck. These people were actually Native peoples who called themselves “Taino”. The Taino people were eventually wiped out by the European conquerors.
Columbus on the Tainos … Sunday, Oct 14, 1492 These people are very unskilled in arms. Your highnesses will see this for yourselves when I bring to you the seven that I have taken. After they learn our language I shall return them, unless Your Highnesses order that the entire population be taken to Castile, or held captive here. With 50 men you could subject everyone and make them do what you wished.
Impact of discovery on Tainos … Prior to discovery, it is estimated the Tainos numbered in the millions, perhaps as many as 3 million. 1542 – Bartolome de las Casas writes that a mere 200 Tainos still live in Espanola Rethinking Columbus: The Next 500 Years
So….. was he a discoverer? Or a conqueror? If you were an European, it was a voyage of discovery … a New World to be explored and exploited. If you were one of 500 Nations of North American Indigenous Peoples, it was an invasion that would result in the taking of your land and the death of millions of your people.
The “Columbian Exchange” begins Columbian exchange was an exchange of goods between the two worlds. Columbus kidnapped six Tainos and took them back to the Queen. He also took some plants and animals. The Queen sends Chris back for three more voyages to the “New World”.
Land Claims of the first voyage… Jamaica Puerto Rico Hispaniola Cuba Columbus Monument in Washington D.C.
Voyages 2, 3, and 4 … He never found the spices, gold or jewels that he thought he would find. Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand are not happy. After 3rd voyage – he is sent back to Spain in chains. After 4th voyage – he returned to Spain a total failure.
A sad end … Columbus never realized he had found a New World. Died thinking he had reached the Far East. Was considered a failure at the time of his death.
Review … Where did Columbus sail from? Where, in the New World, did Columbus land? Where did he think he was? What people did he find? Who did he think these people were? What name did he give them?
Thinking questions … Short answers: Explain how Columbus was a hero. Explain how Columbus was a villain. Explain how Columbus was a failure. Explain how Columbus was a success.