Watch me demonstrate the following dialogue. It’s a typical dialogue used when meeting a Deaf person. It’s a typical dialogue used when meeting a Deaf person.
A: HI. B: HI. A: ask for name (Wh question) B: ME NAME: ________ (fingerspell name) A: YOU DEAF YOU? (Y/N question) B: Confirm “YES” or correct (WAVE-NO, and tell that you are hearing) A: OH I SEE, ME NAME _______________ B. NICE MEET-YOU A. NICE MEET-YOU
the dialogue Now that you have seen the dialogue, -- practice it with me. ‘ Signer A ’ I will be ‘ Signer A ’ ‘ Signer B ’ and you (as a class) will be ‘ Signer B ’
A: HI. B: HI. A: YOU NAME WHAT? B: ME NAME: ________ (fingerspell name) A: YOU DEAF YOU? (Y/N question) B: Confirm or correct using a full sentence. A: OH I SEE, ME NAME _______________ B. NICE MEET-YOU--BYE. A. NICE MEET-YOU—BYE.
Now I will be-- and you (as a class) will be Signer A ‘Signer A’ Signer B ‘Signer B’
A: HI. B: HI. A: YOU NAME WHAT? B: ME NAME: ________ (fingerspell name) A: YOU DEAF YOU? (Y/N question) B: Confirm or correct using a full sentence. A: OH I SEE, ME NAME _______________ B. NICE MEET-YOU--BYE. A. NICE MEET-YOU—BYE.
Before we continue… Remember, in English we use our voices to show inflection and meaning. Like this!
Facial Expression NMS In ASL it is your Facial Expression and Non-Manual Grammar (NMS) that will clarify and give meaning.
NMS Review Remember your Non Manual Grammar for each question! YES/NO QUESTIONWh qUESTION
NOW… ALL grade Follow the same basic dialogue format and learn ALL the first names of the people at your table AND what “grade” they are this year– (Sophomore, Junior, Senior) HOW? I’ll show you.
S OPHOMORE S ENIOR JUNIOR First which are you?
Use full sentences. Use full sentences. YOU FIRST NAME WHAT? SOPH/JR/SR ME FIRST NAME _________. ME SOPH/JR/SR ME.
Practice the following list of names. Practice the following list of names. The goal— smooth and clear, not fast or sloppy.
Practice each name: Ann Ron Eve Bob Ted Bob Ted Liz Pat Deb Jon Deb Jon Sam Dan Ben
Each of you will get a card with a new identity. DON’T DON’T show anyone your new name or identity! Practice‘til it’s smooth! Memorize it!
A B I will come around and tell you if you are signer ‘A’ or Signer ‘B’ You will sign the dialogue this time with partners. You will sign the dialogue this time with partners.
A 3 differentB All Signer ‘A’s will find 3 different signer ‘B’s to sign the introduction dialogue. Remember – WH questions eyebrows DOWN for WH questions Y/N questions eyebrows UP for Y/N questions
If you are an ‘A ’… …remain seated. All ‘B ’s need to stand up --go introduce yourself to three different ‘A ’s who are seated. REMEMBER — REMEMBER
Wait ! Wait ! “introduce” A’s You may not “introduce” yourself to ANY A’s who are from your own table group. You must “meet” new people at different tables. You must “meet” new people at different tables.
Find three people still seated and introduce yourself! Go Ahead…
A: HI. B: HI. A: YOU NAME WHAT? B: ME NAME: ________ (fingerspell name) A: YOU DEAF YOU? (Y/N question) B: Confirm or correct using a full sentence. A: OH I SEE, ME NAME _______________ B. NICE MEET-YOU--BYE. A. NICE MEET-YOU—BYE.
B All ‘B’ Signers *Take your seats when you are finished! *Take your seats when you are finished!
Signer A Signer B ‘Signer B’ now is ‘Signer A’. ‘Signer B’ now is ‘Signer A’. Signer B becomes Now switch! Signer A
AGAIN— A Signer ‘A’ remains B Signer ‘B’ goes to meet three new people at different tables. (use your new names) (use your new names) seated.
A: HI. B: HI. A: YOU NAME WHAT? B: ME NAME: ________ (fingerspell name) A: YOU DEAF YOU? (Y/N question) B: Confirm or correct using a full sentence. A: OH I SEE, ME NAME _______________ B. NICE MEET-YOU--BYE. A. NICE MEET-YOU—BYE.
Nicely Done!