Land Use and Land Cover Change Isaac Gerg
Land Cover & Usage Timeline History Playing Field Visible Multispectral Hyperspectral SAR
2008 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 2013 - VIIRS 2011 - EnMap 2009 – TanDEM-X 2008 - GeoEye-1 2008 - ARTEMIS 2007 - Worldview-1 2007 – TerraSAR-X 2007 – RADARSAT-2 2006 – PALSAR 2006 - Kompsat-2 2004 - FORMOSAT-2 2003 – Orbview 3 2003 – LISS-3 2002 - NEMO 2002 – MERIS 2002 - ASAR 2001 – Quickbird 2001 – Orbview-4 2001 – CHRIS 2000 – Hyperion 2000 – ALI 1999 – MODIS 1999 – MISR 1999 – Landsat-7 1999 – Kompsat-1 1999 – Ikonos 1999 – ASTER 1997 – Orbview 2 1995 – RADARSAT-1 1995 – ATSR 1994 – SIR-C/X-SAR 1992 – JERS-1 1991 – AMI 1987 – Seasat 1986 – SPOT 1978 – AVHRR 1972 – Landsat 1 1990 1980 1970 1860 1870 1880 1890 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940
History 1858: First aerial pictures by French photographer and balloonist Nada over Paris, France. 1959: Explorer 6 takes first satellite image of earth. 1972: Birth of Landsat and birth of spaceborne MSI. 1972: Blue Marble from Apollo 17. 1977: KH-11 series satellites give first near real-time imagery. 2007: Worldview-1 has current lowest commercial GSD @ 0.5m for a satellite.
The Playing Field (μm) Sample HSI Sample MSI
Synopsis of Imagery Sensors Visible (Spaceborne) Iknonos, Quickbird, Explorer 6 (1959), KH (197), WorldView-1 Multispectral (Spaceborne) Landsat, MODIS, ALI, MISR, SPOT (86 – 2002, 5 satellites) Hyperspectral (Satellite) Hyperion TacSat-3 SAR (Spaceborne) SIR-C/X-SAR (1994), SRTM(2000), TerraSAR X TODO (insert more of these here) Hyperspectral (Airborne) AVIRIS (1994), HyDICE (210 bands 400-2500nm), ARCHER HYperspectral Digital Imagery Collection Experiment
Visible Wavelength Sensors Launch Date GSD [m] Country Orbview 2,3 1997, 2003 USA Kompsat-1 1999 6 Korea Ikonos 1 Quickbird 2001 0.6 FORMOSAT-2 2004 2 Taiwan Kompsat-2 2006 Worldview-1 2007 0.5 GeoEye-1 (Orbview-5) 2008 0.41
Houston, TX 10/07 via Worldview-1
Houston, TX 10/07 via Worldview-1
Visible Light Sensors Ikonos (1999): 1m resolution Quickbird (2001): 60cm resolution Worldview-1 (2007): 50 cm resolution GeoEye-1 (aka OrbView-5) (2008): 41cm resolution. Orbview 2, 3 (2997, 2003) 3 is now out of commission FORMOSAT-2 (2004) (Twain) 2m resolution. Kompsat-1 (1999) Korea 6m resolution. Kompsat-2 (2006) Korea 1m resolution
Utility of MSI NDVI Crop growth stage Fire detection Surface Temperature Landcover usage (NLCD) Deforestation monitoring Mineral mapping Soil Brightness Index (SBI) Green Vegetation Index (GVI)
Multispectral Sensors Platform Launch Date Country MSS, ETM+ Landsat 1-7 1972-99 USA AVHRR NOAA POS 1978-88 SPOT 1986-2002 France ATSR ERS-2 1995 ESA MODIS Terra, Aqua 1999, 2002 ASTER Terra 1999 MISR (multi-angle look) ALI EO-1 2000 MERIS Envisat 2002 LISS-3,4 ResourceSat-1 2003 India VIIRS NPOESS 2013
Land Cover Classification
MODIS Fire Map
Multispectral Sensors Landsat (1972-1999) MODIS (1999, 2002) aboard Terra and Aqua satellites. ALI (2000) aboard EO-1 MISR (1999) aboard Terra, multi-angle look imagery. SPOT (1986-2002) France. ASTER (1999) aboard Terra MERIS (2002) aboard Envisat. ATSR (1995) aboard ERS-2 AVHRR (1978-88) aboard NOAA POS. VIIRS (2013) aboard NPOESS LISS-3/4 (2003) aboard IRS-P6 (aka ResourceSat-1, India).
Landsat Program Sats launched 1972-1999 7 satellites (Landsat 6 failed to reach orbit) Only 5 and 7 still functioning Multispectral (MSS) on Landsat 1-5 Thematic Mapper (TM) sensor on Landsat 4 & 5 0.45 um – 2.35um + thermal band (10.4-12.5) Enhanced Thematic Mapper (ETM+) on Landsat 7 Landsat 1: 18 day revisit, RBV, MSS Landsat 2: 18 day revisit, RBV, MSS Landsat 3: 18 day revisit, RBV, MSS, first with thermal band Landsat 4: 16 day revisit, TM, MSS, 30m max resolution Landsat 5: TM, MSS, 16 day revisit, provide global archive of satellite photos, TM Landsat 7 (ETM+, 16 day revisit, 15m resolution panchromatic, 60m thermal resolution, Current, cloud free imagery) ETM+ has 8 bands including thermal Multispectral Scanner (MSS)
Utility of HSI Material abundance maps (MAMs) Subpixel detection Automatic target recognition (ATR) Crop health Crop type
Hyperspectral Sensors Platform Launch Date Country Hyperion (220 bands) EO-1 2000 USA CHRIS PROBA-1 2001 ESA Orbview-4 2001 (DNO) ARIES Australia NEMO Cancelled 2002 ARTEMIS (~400 bands) TacSat-3 2008 EnMap 2011 Germany DNO – did no orbit
Mineral Maps of Cuprite, NV
MAM from Moffett Field, CA
Hyperspectral Sensors Hyperion (2000) aboard EO-1 220 bands ARTEMIS (2008) aboard TacSat-3 ~400 bands EnMap (2011) Germany ARIES (Australian) NEMO (NRL) Cancelled 2002 Orbview-4 (2001) failed to orbit. CHRIS (2001) aboard PROBA-1 (ESA) CHRIS:
Utility of SAR Polarization All weather DEM Urban density Soil moisture Crop type
SAR Sensors Seasat 1987 USA AMI ERS-1,2 1991, 1995 ESA JERS-1 Platform Launch Date Country Seasat 1987 USA AMI ERS-1,2 1991, 1995 ESA JERS-1 1992-1998 Japan SIR-C/X-SAR Endeavor 1994 RADARSAT-1,2 1995, 2007 Canada ASAR Envisat 2002 PALSAR ALOS 2006 TerraSAR-X 2007 Germany TanDEM-X 2009
SIR-C/X-SAR SAR Examples
References See slide notes.
SAR Sensors Seasat (1987) First spaceborne SAR - NASA SIR-C/X-SAR (1994) aboard shuttle JERS-1 (1992) Japan (returned to earth in 1998) RADARSAT-1,2 (1995, 2007) Canada ASAR (2002) aboard Envisat (ESA) AMI (1991,95) aboard ERS-1/2. PALSAR (2006) aboard ALOS (JAEA) TerraSAR-X (2007) German TanDEM-X (2009) Germany (DEM)
ERS European remote sensing satellite ERS-1: 1991, ERS-2: 1995 Ers-1 Radar altimiter, Radiometer, SAR, Wind scatterometer, MWR (microwave radiometer) ERS-2 GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment) Added Radiometer bands for vegatation / chlorphyll analysis. Sucessor is ENVISAT
ENVISAT 35 day revisit Launched 2002 ASAR, MERIS (MEdium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer), AATSR (Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer), RA-2 (Radar Altimeter 2), MWR, DORIS (Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite, Used for accurate orbit position 10cm), GOMOS (Global Ozone Monitoring by Occultation of Stars), MIPAS (Michelson Interferometer for Passive Atmospheric Sounding), SCIAMACHY (SCanning Imaging Absorption spectroMeter for Atmospheric CHartographY) ASAR = Advance SAR
Airborne Photography First = French photographer and balloonist Nadar in 1858 over Paris, France Airborne Real-time Cueing Hyperspectral Enhanced Reconnaissance (ARCHER)
MODIS MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) 1999, 2002 (Terra and Aqua) 36 bands (0.4 µm to 14.4 µm)
Miscellaneous Blue marble Apollo 17 1972
Commercial Imagery Today Ikonos (2000) GeoEye 0.8m-4m resolution, MS and PAN, 144 day revisit for true nadir 3-5 day revist for off-nadir Orbview-2,3 (1997, 2003 respectively) Orbview 2 has NASAS SeaWiFS stands for Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor. Quickbird (2001) 60sm resolution PAN and MS
EO Sats MODIS Hyperion ALI 36 bands covering 0.4 µm to 14.4 µm Hyperion 220 bands ALI 8 bands MISR (Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer) (1999, NASA) 9 cameras (multiangle) ASTER 15 bands MSS, Stereo