World Geography by Kendra Tollackson, 1 A B C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 World Geography by Kendra Tollackson,
1A What geographic landform is shaded in red? 1. North America
1B The small red arrow is pointing to what country on this map? 1B. Chile
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2A What is the name of this country? United States of America
2B This European country is contiguous with Spain. What is it? 2B Portugal
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3A What is the name of the imaginary parallel line that divides the Earth into northern and southern hemispheres? The Equator
3B What body of water is represented by the red star? The Indian Ocean
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4A What body of water is represented by the smiling face? 4. The Atlantic Ocean
4B Name this Asian country. It has the world’s second largest population. 4B. India
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5A What landform is located across this part of Africa? The Sahara Desert
5B The Appalachian Mountains What important mountain range is located in the Eastern United States? The Appalachian Mountains
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6A What geographic landform is shaded in blue? 6. South America
6B A narrow piece of land that juts out (sticks out) from a mainland into a body of water is called a ________________ peninsula
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7A What is the name of this country? Mexico
7B Name this Asian country that shares its eastern border with Vietnam. Cambodia
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8A The arrow is pointing to what country on this map? South Africa
8B This landform, located in the southern part of Africa is famous for red sand dunes. The Kalahari Desert
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9A The map element that helps you measure distance on a map is called the ___________. Scale
9B Two Asian countries are situated in this region, known as the ____________. Korean Peninsula
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10A This map shows a picture of what European country? Poland
10B This island nation located in Asia was strategically important to the U.S. during WWII. Philippines
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11A What geographic landform is shaded in green? 11. Africa
11B This geographic term means “a part of a sea or ocean that is partially enclosed by land.” Gulf
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12A On this map, the arrow is pointing to what country? Russia
12B What is the name of this African country? Kenya
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13A On this map, what waterway is located at the tip of the arrow? The Panama Canal
13B This European country shares borders with both France and Germany. Belgium
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14A What country is represented in this map? Afghanistan
14B The European nation shown in bright green is famous for its beaches. Greece
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15A What is the name of this Asian country? North Korea
15B This geography term refers to “a thin strip of land with a sea on either side, that connects two larger areas of land.” Isthmus
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16A What geographic landform is shaded in orange? 16. Asia
16B The region of the world shaded in blue tones is known as _____. Western Europe
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17A What is the name of the imaginary line that is 0 degrees longitude and divides the Earth into eastern and western hemispheres? The Prime Meridian
17B What body of water is shown by the blue line on this map of China? Yellow River
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18A What is the name of this European country? Spain
18B All of the countries outlined in purple form a region called ____________. North Africa
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19A What is the name of this Asian country? Vietnam
19B What north African nation is labeled with a red star? Libya
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20A The map element that shows you the major directions on the map is called the ____________________. Compass Rose
20B What country is shaded brownish-yellow on this map? Costa Rica
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21A What country is shaded in green? Brazil
21B These countries are known as a region called _________. Eastern Europe
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22A What body of water is represented by the smiling face on this map? The Arctic Ocean
22B The Middle Eastern country labeled with a purple star is an important oil-producing nation. Saudi Arabia
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23A What island country is this? Cuba
23B What is the name of this small North African nation? Tunisia
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24A What geographic landform is shaded in purple? 24. Europe
24B This line of latitude is located 23.5 degrees south of the Equator. Tropic of Capricorn
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25A What is the name of the mountain range shown by the yellow line on this map? The Andes Mountains
25B These countries form a region known as _________. Central America
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26A Parallel lines that are used to help locate places on the Earth are called lines of __________________. Latitude
26B This yellow star on this satellite image represents what body of water? The Nile Delta
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27A What 4 countries make up “The United Kingdom? England, Ireland, Scotland, Wales
27B What important Mountain range is shown by the yellow line in this map? The Andes
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28A What is the name of the country shaded in brown? South Korea
28B What is the name of the country labeled with a blue circle? Kuwait
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29A The arrow is pointing to what body of water? The Nile River
29B What country is outlined in purple? Colombia
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30A The map element that tells you what the symbols mean on a map is called the ___________. Legend or Key
30B The arrow is pointing to what African country? Nigeria
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31A The small red arrow is pointing to what country on this map? Pakistan
31B This Middle Eastern Country was established after WWII. The national religion is Judaism. Israel
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32A These three countries together are called Scandanavia.What are they? Norway, Sweden, Finland
32B In geography, this term refers to the sediment that builds up at the mouth of a river. Usually it is a fan-shaped deposit of sand. Delta
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33A What geographic landform is shaded in yellow? 33. Australia
33B The light gray countries in this map make up a region of the world known as ______________ The Middle East
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34A What is the name of the country shaded in brown? Egypt
34B This South American country (shaded in green) is named after the line of latitude that crosses through it. Ecuador
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35A What is the name of this country? Iraq
35B This country, found in Central America, shares borders with Honduras and Guatemala El Salvador
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36A What is the name of this country? France
36B What is the name of the Middle Eastern country shown in yellow? Jordan
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37A What is the name of the Mountain Range shown in green on the map of Asia? The Himalayas
37B What is the name of the country shaded in light brown? Guatemala
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38A On a map, Northeast (NE), Southeast (SE), Northwest (NW) and Southwest (SW) are known as the ______________________ directions. Intermediate directions
38B What is the name of the land-locked country shaded in green on this map? Paraguay
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39A Vertical lines that run from the North Pole to the South Pole and are used to measure the Earth are called lines of ______________________. longitude
39B This line of latitude crosses the earth at 23.5 degrees north of the Equator. Tropic of Cancer
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40A What is the name of this country? 40. Canada
40B These countries make up a region known as __________. West Africa
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41A What important Arizona landform is shown here? The Grand Canyon
41B Name the country outlined in purple on this map. Bolivia
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42A What is the name of the Mountain Range that is represented by the brown color on this map? The Rocky Mountains
42B This Asian nation is composed of more than 17,000 islands. Indonesia
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43A What body of water is shown by the line of red dots on this map? The Colorado River
43B What is the name of the country labeled with a black on this map? Honduras
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44A What body of water is shown by the red star? The Gulf of Mexico
44B In geography, an “area” of the world could also be called a _____________ of the world. Region
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45A What body of water is represented by the smiling face? 45. The Pacific Ocean
45B What is the name of this North African country? Morocco
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46A What is the name of the country shaded in white? China
46B What is the name of this country, shaded in green? Peru
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47A What body of water is shown by the red star? The Mediterranean Sea
47B What landform covers both Southern Arizona and Northern Mexico? The Sonoran Desert
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48A The Mississippi River What body of water is shown by the darker blue line on this map? The Mississippi River
48B A ______________ is a length of water that joins two other bodies of water (usually seas) Channel
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49A On a map, North (N), South (S), East (E) and West (W) are known as the ______________ directions. cardinal
49B What country is outlined in purple on this map? Nicaragua
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50A What country is shaded in brown? Turkey
50B This body of water and its tributaries is found in central Africa. The Congo River
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51A What is the name of waterway that connects the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea? The Suez Canal
51B This small Middle Eastern country is often in the news. Lebanon
52A What country is shaded in brown? Algeria
52B What body of water separates the United Kingdom from mainland Europe? The English Channel
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53A What country is shaded in green? Argentina
53B The countries on this map (except for Australia) make up a region of the world called _______________. Southeast Asia
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54A What body of water is shown by the blue line on this map? The Amazon River
54B Parallel lines used to measure the earth are called lines of ________________. Latitude
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55A What is the name of the country shaded in brown? Austria
55B The country represented by the pink star is called ______. Thailand
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56A What is the name of the country outlined in purple? Panama
56B The country labeled with the green smiling face is _________. Uruguay
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57A What is the name of the country outlined in blue? Iran
57B The river represented by the blue line is the longest one Asia. What is it? The Yangtze River
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58A What is the map element that tells you (in general) what the map is about? The Title
58B What body of water separates northern Mexico from the Baja Peninsula? The Gulf of California
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59A What is the name of this boot-shaped country? Italy
59B What country is shown in green on this map? Venezuela
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60A What is the name of the country shaded in yellow? Germany
60B The body of water that forms part of the southern U.S. border as well as part of northern Mexico’s border is_____________. The Rio Grande
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61A What landform is located at the most southern point on the Earth? Antarctica
61B This small island nation is one of the poorest in the world. Haiti
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62A What is the name of this island nation in Asia? The Philippines
62B The imaginary lines that run vertically from the North Pole to the South Pole and are used to measure the earth are called __________________ Lines of longitude
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63A What landform spans much of southern Arizona and northwestern Mexico? The Sonoran Desert
63B The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea to this body of water. The Red Sea
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64A This island nation is a world power located in Asia. Japan
64B Collectively (together), these five bodies of water are called __________. The Great Lakes
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