6th Expert Meeting Business Process Management (BPM) Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) Complex Event Processing (CEP) Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Event Driven Architecture (EDA)
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl Experiences with inserting and flexibly modifying KPI-sensors in business processes at Audi and Haspa by Markus Hofer Andreas Schindlbeck Carolin Vogl
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl 1) Definition of „Key Performance Indicators“ (KPIs) | Markus Hofer Agenda 4) Difference between KPIs and Pis | Markus Hofer 2) Areas to be analysed | Markus Hofer 5) Implementation of KPIs in the IBM Business Modeler | Carolin Vogl 6) Implementation of KPIs in the Integration Developer | A. Schindlbeck 3) Identification of KPIs | Markus Hofer 7) Experiences | Andreas Schindlbeck
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl Definition of KPI 1/2 KPIs are the detailed specifications used to track business objectives and they usually have a target or ranges or both to measure how well a business is achieving its´ objectives KPIs are calculated using data from multiple runs of the process KPIs make it for business possible to measure an aspect of the business compared with a defined goal Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl KPIs are financial and non-financial metrics used to quantify objectives to reflect strategic performance of an organization KPIs are used in Business Intelligence to assess the present state of the business and to prescribe a course of action The act of monitoring KPIs in real-time is known as business activity monitoring KPIs are typically tied to an organization's strategy Definition of KPI 2/2 Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl Among the areas top management analyzes are: 1. Customer related numbers: 1. New customers acquired 2. Status of existing customers 3. Customer attrition 2. Turnover generated by segments of the customers – these could be demographic filters. 3. Outstanding balances held by segments of customers and terms of payment. 4. Collection of bad debts within customer relationships. Areas to be analyzed 1/3 Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and Pis Implementation in WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl 5. Demographic analysis of individuals (potential customers) applying to become customers and the levels of approval, rejections and pending numbers. 6. Delinquency analysis of customers behind on payments. 7. Profitability of customers by demographic segments and segmentation of customers by profitability. This is more an inclusive list than an exclusive one. The above more or less describe what a bank would do but could also refer to a telephone company or similar service sector company. Areas to be analyzed 2/3 Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl Important is: 1. KPI-related data which is consistent and correct. 2. Timely availability of KPI related Data. Faster availability of data is beginning to become a concern for more and more organizations. Delays of a month or two were commonplace. Of late several banks have tried to move to availability of data at shorter intervals and less delays. Areas to be analyzed 3/3 Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl Identification of KPIs 1/2 It is necessary for an organization to at least identify its KPIs The key environments for identifying KPIs are: Having a pre-defined business process Having clear goals/performance requirements for the business processes Having a quantitative/qualitative measurement of the results and comparison with set goals Investigating variances and tweaking processes or resources to achieve short-term goals Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl When identifying KPIs the acronym SMART is often applied KPIs need to be: Specific Measurable Achievable Result-oriented Time-based Identification of KPIs 2/2 Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl Difference between KPIs and PIs KPI: Company ACompany B Duration of a business process Number of employees Duration of a business process PI: Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and Pis Implementation in WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl Identification of KPIs in the Audi process * GP: Gesamtprojektkosten FL: Fremdleistung Project manager IT Forum, PIO, Project Council, IT Services manager FP-management (CIO) FP- Controlling UEK member record the project proposal check the proposal prepare the decision pass project proposal permit financial aspects of the project Status 1 GP* ≥50T€ || FL* ≥10T€ ja information to CIO via I/FP-13 permit the external service for the project nein GP* <100.T € FL*< 10T€ Status 2Status 3Status 4Status 6Status 5 execute the project GP* ≥100T€ FL<10T€ GP<100T€ FL* ≥10T€ prioritize project proposal
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl How to implement KPIs in the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced How to implement KPIs in the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced (Version ) 1.First of all you have to click in the work area of the Business Monitor to deposit the KPI in the process Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in the WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Business Monitor Audi process
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in the WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences In the Business Monitor you have a Business Measure displayed as a key performance indicator (KPI) 1. Business Measures view 2. Click on the Business Performance Indicators tab 3. Click Add to create a new KPI 3.
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl How to implement KPIs in the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in the WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences In the Business Measures Details window, select the Business Measure type KPI
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl The first KPI „project_proposals_per_Day“ in the Audi process 1. Name-field: Specify the name for the KPI 2. Description-field: Declaration of the functionality of the KPI How to implement KPIs in the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in the WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences 1. 2.
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl Specify an exact value that the KPI should achieve 1. Type-field: Select a specific Type for the KPI, either Number or Duration If you did not select a type, the value is optional and can be any text 2. Target value: For the KPI to achieve If you selected Number as the type, you must type a number If you selected Duration as the type, you must select a combination of days, hours, minutes, and seconds How to implement KPIs in the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in the WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences 1. 2.
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl 1. Range-type: Percentage of target value Actual value 2. Click Add to add a range with range name, start value and end value How to implement KPIs in the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in the WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences Specify a range or set of ranges against which to track the KPI 1. 2.
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl 1. Repeating-field: Period type: daily, monthly or yearly Specify whether you want to see the last full period or the period in progress 2. Rolling-field: Number of previous days that you want to see and specify whether you want to include the last full day (yesterday) or the day in progress 3. Fixed-field: Specify the start date and the end date How to implement KPIs in the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in the WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences Specify a period of time over which the KPI will be monitored
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl project_proposals_per_Day 1. Alert description-field: Describe the conditions under which an alert should be sent and what should happen as a result of the alert 2. Click Add to add a new alert based on the value of the KPI Specify when to send an alert and the action to take as a result How to implement KPIs in the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in the WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences 2. 1.
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl project_proposals_per_Day 1. Dimensions can be data categories such as time, accounts, products and markets 2. Dimension-field: To add a new dimension, click Add and change the default name to the specify dimension Specify the data categories that will be used to calculate the value of the KPI How to implement KPIs in the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in the WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences 2. 1.
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl The second KPI „Duration_until_permission“ in the Audi process How to implement KPIs in the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in the WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl KPI „Duration_until_permission“ How to implement KPIs in the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in the WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl KPI „Duration_until_permission“ How to implement KPIs in the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Introduction Definition of KPI Areas to be analysed Identification of KPIs Difference of KPIs and PIs Implementation in the WebSphere Modeler Implementation in WID Experiences
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 Monitor context instance for every running process: Instance 1 Instance 2 Instance 3 Cube Collecting all data in Data Mart: KPI 1 KPI 2 Different KPIs: KPIs in Web Sphere Integration Development toolkit: A little overview: How to implement KPIs in the Integration Developer
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl How to implement KPIs in the Integration Developer KPIs in Web Sphere Integration Development toolkit: 1.Implement events 2.Create monitoring project 3.Create Stopwatch 4.Create measures 5.Create KPI 6.Create time dimension
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl In contrast to version of the IBM Business Modeler the implementation of KPIs in the version is so easy that everyone would be able to create KPIs. The way to implement KPIs in the IBM Modeler is not very complex but also unspecified. At least it is necessary to import the KPIs in the Integration Development Toolkit for completing them. In our opinion it is too difficult for the standard user so it is necessary for the operating department to be supported by the IT department. Experiences
th Expert Meeting Markus Hofer, Andreas Schindlbeck, Carolin Vogl Thanks for your attention! Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!