SEE-GRID-SCI The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures contract no GreenView – Refinement of surface and vegetation parameters in SEE region based on satellite images Dorian Gorgan, Danut Mihon, Victor Bacu Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Romania Environmental VO, SEE-GRID-SCI 10 September 2009
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application2/28 Primary contact Dorian Gorgan Technical University of Cluj-Napoca UTCN, third party SEE-GRID-SCI partner acronym Romania Current status Beta Expected availability 1 st April 2010 Licensing status GPL 3 GreenView Application
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application3/28 GreenView Application GreenView - Refinement of surface and vegetation parameters in SEE region based on satellite images The aim of the GreenView pilot application is a refinement of surface and vegetation parameters in SEE region based on satellite images. In the frame of this project, construction, usage and comparison of diverse satellite datasets will be performed. High resolution satellite measurements can be used for numerous environmental studies (climate-related or air pollution modeling). Using the sophisticated environmental data the change of the vegetation distribution in the Carpathian Basin and its climate-related causes will be investigated. It may also be used to extend the urban climate related research, in order to study the impact of urban environment on the vegetation.
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application4/28 Partners and beneficiaries GreenView application development partners: 1.UTCN, NCIT, UVT, and ICI (Romania) 2.Eötvös Loránd University (ELU) from Budapest (Hungary) 3.Research and Educational Networking Association of Moldova (RENAM) Future developments and Beneficiaries: Government Organizations, Environment Agencies, Hydrological Institutes, and Research Groups involved in environment supervision and behavior prediction of natural phenomena, especially in vegetation related studies Based on ESIP Platform developed through the JRA1 activities of SEE-GRID- SCI Project GreenView experience will support the development of other SEE-GRID-SCI partner’s applications: EnviMon (RENAM) Soil Pollution by Heavy Metals (CENS NAS RA - Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia)
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application5/28 GreenView Pilot Application Functionality: Data interpolation Model calibration Uses the ESIP Platform Inputs Satellite image datasets MODIS (MODerate Resolution Imaging Sounder) products. Meteorological data Field measurements Eddy covariance measurements for a particular geographical area. Outputs Vegetation parameters NDVI-FPAR/LAI correlation function Satellite images classified by vegetation indices Statistics on output data Performance evaluation on data processing
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application6/28 GreenView Related Architecture GreenView application GPP computingCoarse to fine Web interface Client ESIP (gProcess) Platform GRID Infrastructure Server ESIP (gProcess) Platform Fine to coarse
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application7/28 GreenView Application Data interpolation Computes data to an arbitrarily chosen grid defined by the user from fine to coarse grid from coarse to fine grid Provides data series for a period chosen by the user, in time steps of the original data or averaged for a certain period Model calibration GPP (Gross Primary Production) the total amount of carbon taken up by vegetation via photosynthesis Determination of GPP Field measurements (eddy covariance technique) – accurate, but limited MOD 17 product (algorithm is based on the BIOME-BGC ecosystem model) Calibration and sensitivity analysis – based on BIOME BGC model Period: 1997–2008, Monte Carlo method Post processing Nonlinear inversion method
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application8/28 GreenView – Application Development Methodology 1.Algorithm identification and analysis 2.Data model definition 3.Identify atomic parts of the algorithms –Parallel or serial processing –Implementation as services, procedures, separate applications 4.Algorithm implementation 5.Description of processing using gProcess –PDG Definition –iPDG specification –Execution 6.Create the application interface –Link the application interface to the GRID level
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application9/28 GreenView - Algorithm identification and analysis Interpolation: eg. neighbor interpolation, bicubic interpolation, bilinear interpolation etc. Solution: Coarse to fine interpolation The missing points will be computed using a distance weighted nonlinear interpolation that computes the value of a Vm point from four surrounding known values: V1, V2, V3 and V4. V i - one of the four surrounding pixels, V i ( ); d i - the great circle distance between two points; d max - the great circle distance between the furthest two pixels of the surrounding four pixels; R - average radius for a spherical approximation of the Earth (≈ Km)
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application10/28 GreenView - Data model definition Identify the inputs, e.g. satellite image types (MODIS, Landsat, Aster etc.) The data model will be defined by a MODIS satellite image representing a certain area of the Earth and temperature data values recorded in specific points inside the same area. The resolution of the MODIS image is 1Km 2 and the resolution of the temperature measurements is about 150Km 2
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application11/28 GreenView - Identify atomic parts of the computation The parts of the processing algorithms that can be executed independently, named atomic parts, should be identified and analyzed for potential parallel execution. The interpolation algorithm used in our example is a simple one and does not involve separate processing steps, so it can be all considered as an atomic part.
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application12/28 GreenView - Algorithm implementation We will need three operators in our example application: system coordinate conversion, interpolation algorithm computation, and the pseudo-coloring.
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application13/28 GreenView – PDG description Temperature values Coordinates conversion MODIS satellite image Interpolation Output Pseudo-coloring {year, month}
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application14/28 Current Status Coarse to Fine interpolation Fine to Coarse interpolation MonteCarlo based model calibration, GPP computation GreenView functionality based on the ESIP Platform Experiment the GreenView functionality over the Grid testbed under gLite middleware Graphical user interface for Web application Experiments over the See-Grid infrastructure (access through WMS at ICI and UVT, the effective execution over the following nodes:
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application15/28 On-Line GreenView Application GreenView application is available on Internet: Wiki GreenView
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application16/28 Coarse To Fine Interpolation
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application17/28 Map area selection
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application18/28 Time interval specification
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application19/28 Fine To Coarse Interpolation
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application20/28 GPP Computation
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application21/28 GPP Computation – uploaded files
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application22/28 Results
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application23/28 Results
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application24/28 Coarse to fine – performance evaluation
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application25/28 Coarse to fine – performance evaluation
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application26/28 GPP computation
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application27/28 GPP computation
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application28/28 Conclusions on the experiments On the Grid infrastructure the time execution of a job means Time to search free nodes of the Grid Time to send the required information Time required to execute the job Time required to retrieve the results from the Grid The gap that appears in these charts is determined by Time for searching free nodes on each site The computation power of a node The network traffic and bandwidth Only the applications that require large processing data volume and the applications that are using the parallel computing power of the Grid infrastructure should be implemented as Grid applications
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application29/28 Deployment and support GreenView is a web application The user accesses by Internet the computation resources and environmental data that are provided by the Grid infrastructure The GreenView application is based on the ESIP platform and related methodology
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application30/28 Future development GreenView Application Tests and optimization Tests on other data provided by partners Include tests on extended set of data (e.g. beneficiaries) Extend the GreenView functionality according the new requirements (eg. EnviMon, soil pollution by heavy metals
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application31/28 Dissemination Participation to the Regional Environmental Science Workshop, Sofia, May 6-8, Presentations: 1. Victor Bacu, Dorian Gorgan, Teodor Stefanut, "GreenView”. Reference: SEEGRIDSCI-NA4-RO-001- GreenView_EnvVO-a ppt 2. Victor Bacu, Dorian Gorgan, Teodor Stefanut, "ESIP Platform”. Reference: SEEGRIDSCI-JRA1-RO- 001-ESIP-a ppt Participation to SCICOM09 - 7th International Conference on "Large-Scale Scientific Computations", 4-8 June, 2009, Sozopol, Bulgaria.Presentation: 1. Dorian Gorgan, Teodor Stefanut, Victor Bacu, Danut Mihon, Denisa Rodila, “Grid based Environment Application Development Methodology” Participation to HiPerGRID - 3rd International Workshop on High Performance Grid Middleware, 28 May, 2009, Bucharest. Presentation: 1. Victor Bacu, Teodor Stefanut, Denisa Rodila, Dorian Gorgan, “Process Description Graph Composition by gProcess Platform" Participation to the Student Scientific Communication Session, 22 May 2009, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. Presentations: 1. Denisa Rodila, Victor Bacu, Dorian Gorgan, “Integration of Satellite Image Operators as Workflows in the gProcess Application” 2. Danut Mihon, Dorian Gorgan, Victor Bacu, Teodor Stefanut, "Grid Based Environment Application Development- Green View"
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application32/28 Papers to Conferences 1. Gorgan, D., Bacu, V., Stefanut, T., Rodila, D., "Grid based Satellite Image Processing Platform for Earth Observation Applications Development". IDAACS' IEEE Fifth International Workshop on "Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications", September 2009, Rende, Cosenza, Italy (2009) 2. Gorgan, D., Stefanut, T., Bacu, V., Mihon, D., “Grid based Environment Application Development Methodology”, SCICOM09 - 7th International Conference on "Large-Scale Scientific Computations", 4-8 June, Sozopol, Bulgaria, (to be published in LNCS, 2009) 3. Bacu V., Stefanut T., Rodila D., Gorgan D., “Process Description Graph Composition by gProcess Platform”. HiPerGRID - 3rd International Workshop on High Performance Grid Middleware, 28 May, Bucharest. Proceedings of CSCS-17 Conference, Vol.2. ISSN , pp , (2009) 4. Rodila D., Bacu V., Gorgan D., “Integration of Satellite Image Operators as Workflows in the gProcess Application”. ICCP2009, 27 Aug, 2009 Cluj-Napoca (accepted for publication)
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application33/28 5. Mihon D., Bacu V., Stefanut T., Gorgan D., “Grid Based Environment Application Development – GreenView Application”. ICCP IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, 27 Aug, 2009 Cluj-Napoca (accepted for publication). 6. Denisa D. Rodila, Victor Bacu, Dorian Gorgan, "Semantic Annotation based Service Composition for Grid Workflow Description and Execution". SYNASC Symposium, 26-29, September 2009, Timisoara, (Accepted for publication in IEEE Computer Press) 7. Gorgan D., "Earth Science Application Development Methodology by ESIP and gProcess Platforms". Abstract sent for the workshop "Federation and interoperability of Earth Science Digital Repositories: data discovery, access and visualization" within the Conference EGEE'09 - Uniting our strengths to realise a sustainable European grid, Sept, Barcelona (2009)
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application34/28 Users, Results, Plans for Future Possible long-term developments The ESIP Platform and the set of tools and components from the Application Oriented Level could be used in: Development of other environmental and geographical data based applications in SEE and CE regions Development of tools and application required by other related European projects such as EnviroGRIDS, Basic software platform for related national programmes from the SEE and CE regions Center for Ecological-Noosphere Studies of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia - CENS NAS RA Development of environment applications. For instance, soil pollution by heavy metals GreenView experience will support the development of the EnviMon application (RENAM) Data access services to data repositories provided by the GENESI-DR Project
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application35/28 GreenView developing plan
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application36/28 Acknowledgments This research is supported by SEE-GRID-SCI (SEE-GRID eInfrastructure for regional eScience) project, funded by the European Commission through the contract nr RI Climate change data have been retrieved from the PRUDENCE data archive, funded by the EU through contract EVK2-CT MODIS data have been produced and distributed by NASA through the EOS Data Gateway system. Biome-BGC version was provided by the Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group (NTSG) at the University of Montana. NTSG assumes no responsibility for the proper use of Biome-BGC by others.
NA4 – User communities support, Environmental VO - GreenView Application37/28 Thanks for attending!