What’s new at CSA Vicki Soto, Aquatic Sciences Supervisor Craig Emerson, Vice President, Editorial
CSA Illumina New Usage System – various reports to evaluate and manage your CSA Illumina account COS Funding Opportunities – database of funding opportunities (grants, fellowships, prizes, etc.) Community of Scholars – directory of more than 1 million researchers in over 200 disciplines and 8 countries
CSA Illumina: Full-text linking Sample publishers include: ASM Journals Bioline International Elsevier Science Direct (3 packages) JSTOR (2 packages) IEEE (4 packages) Soil Science Society of America Wiley (15 packages)
ASFA: ASFA Partnership There are now 59 ASFA Partners 4 UN Co-sponsoring partners 10 International partners 44 National partners 1 Publishing partner Full directory
ASFA: ASFA Partnership New ASFA Partners: INAHINA – Instituto Nacional de Hidrografia e Navegaçao, Mozambique Living Aquatic Resources Research Center (LARReC), Lao People’s Democratic Republic Phuket Marine Biological Center (PMBC), Thailand Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO), Canada
Serial Sources: New Titles Marine Biology Research International Journal of Recirculating Aquaculture Ocean Science Marine Drugs Ships and Offshore Structures Estuaries and Coasts International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography
Retroactive Indexing Projects: Kenya: 4,000 records Belgium: 10,000 records dealing with the North Sea Russia: 310 records of Barents and Norwegian Seas literature translated from Russian Russia: 700 records of Caspian Sea literature (complete)
ASFA Database: Recent References Process to include recent, but un- indexed records into the ASFA database. Records will be identified as indexing in progress. Include all titles, not just select serial sources.
CSA Discovery Guides Hydrothermal Vent Communities (C. Scearce) Ice Core Proxy Methods for Tracking Climate Change (C. Readinger) Tsunamis and the International Response: Economic, Social and Environmental Dimensions (B. Fertig, T. Foster, I. Nicholas) Upcoming The Venice Lagoon Mercury in Fish
CSA’s “Deep-Indexing” Project - an Index to Figures and Tables in published research
Researchers are data- hungry
Identifying data – within context – not easy
Why a Figures & Tables Index? Figures and tables represent the distilled essence of research – the closest thing to the raw datasets These objects are not currently indexed directly They are often hidden in the overall context of the article If we can make these objects visible by indexing each table & figure, we would provide an extremely valuable research tool to focus literature searches
Table 1. Depth, physico-chemical and sedimentological variables. Title of Article: “Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and changes in the trophic structure of polychaete assemblages in sediments of Todos os Santos Bay, Northeastern, Brazil” Why are these data invisible to traditional searches? 1. A search for “copper and toxicity” will retrieve many articles in which these variables weren’t actually studied. 2. Data presented in articles are not necessarily the focus of the research:
literature searches can be focused with greatly increased accuracy allows researchers to draw connections between disparate subjects, identifying avenues of new research rather than simply providing answers a side benefit… the index facilitates the collection of figures and tables that could be used in reports and presentations, a bonus for teachers and undergraduates Finding data is great, but the overall value of a Tables & Figures Index includes:
What will indexing involve? 1. Categorization What “type” of object is represented... a map, a graph? 2. Addition of Descriptors What are the dependent and independent variables? What are the units? What are subject, taxonomic, geographic terms? Is there statistical information? … Figure – Graph – 3D Surface Plot Figure – Graph – Histogram/Bar Chart Figure – Illustration – Gene/Protein – Maps & Sequences Figure – Illustration – Molecular Structure Figure – Map – Bathymetric Map Figure – Map – Topographic Map Figure – Photograph – Satellite Image …
What is the status of the Tables & Figures Index? >1,000,000 indexed tables and figures >1,000 journals monitored (and rising quickly) 10-yr backfile for many serials (and expanding back) Focus on publisher agreements (e.g. AAAS, AFS, ASM, AMS, BioOne, Blackwell, Cambridge University Press, Elsevier, Oxford University Press, Taylor & Francis, etc.) Modifications to CSA Illumina to incorporate the index
Article-level Search Results will include “pinkies”
Abstract Records will include “thumbnails”
Tables & Figures can be searched directly
Full display of tables/images in “Object Record”
Object-level indexing and identification of predictive relationships
Object-specific Attribution:
" Overwhelmingly, respondents said the ability to search for specific types of objects would make a difference in their search and discovery processes…... save time... work more efficiently... aid in presentations... find more relevant results." Tenopir, C., & Sandusky, R.J. (2006). The Value of CSA Deep Indexing for Researchers - Draft Final Report The researcher response so far…