Enhancements in Pre-Construction, Construction and Field Products presented by: Cindy Bass, Brad Parks & Chad Schafer Info Tech, Inc.
Overview Pre-Construction Enhancements Construction Enhancements Field Product Enhancements
Pre-Construction Enhancements Cindy Bass Info Tech, Inc.
Pre-Construction Enhancements PES ® projects locked when proposal checked out Tabbed folder functionality bundle Generic fields LAS ® pass to SiteManager ™ CES ® /PES import/export additional fields
Projects Locked When Proposal Checked Out Users requested that when a Project is checked out of PES into CES, the rest of its associated Proposal and Projects be locked in PES Or, when a Proposal is checked out, all of its associated Projects be locked as well
Tabbed Folder Functionality Bundle Addresses missing or incorrect functionality Consistent PES Worksheet and SAPW worksheet labels PES Worksheet - display of all Break Item fields PES Worksheet - modification of Proposal Line Numbers Bid Letting Addenda window filter processing Proposal Tabbed Folder - add/delete of Section Numbers Letting/Proposal Tabbed Folder - add/delete of Bid Time Bid Management Tabbed Folder - display all Bid Tabs
Generic Fields Addition of three functional fields –Ethnic Group Type – Address –FAX Number Addition of new generic fields to Reference Files –Item List Master –Vendor Master –Vendor Address Master
Item List
Vendor Address
LAS Pass to SiteManager Did not pass contracts awarded to vendors without a '01' vendor address sequence Vendor list allowed ‘00’ but passed ’01’ as default Resolution –Changed from looking for a '01' vendor address, to validating the vendor address from the Planholder Bill To value. If the vendor address does not exist, an error is displayed.
CES/PES Import/Export additional fields Needed ability to import and export additional project related fields from Quantity Manager Resolution –Added the ability to import and export six additional project related fields: Latitude Longitude Begin Station End Station Begin Termini End Termini –Added Installation Option to control importing of Project Item Prices
Pre-Construction Enhancements Cindy Bass Info Tech, Inc.
Construction Enhancements Brad Parks Info Tech, Inc.
SiteManager ™ 3.6a Suite Enhancements (Overview) SM ModuleTMR # PriorityShort Description SiteManager 3.6a8575HighSample Information Enhancement (SMSI) (ALDOT, ARDOT, ConnDOT, INDOT, MODOT, NEDOR, NYSDOT, TXDOT) 3860MediumSearch Window - Item code to display with line item number (SMSI – Same) 8704HighLock Sample, Generic Field Func., & Attachments (MODOT, INDOT, NYSDOT) 8666MediumPrevent unauthorized viewing of Independent Assurance Samples (MSDOT) 8733HighMix Design (Superpave & PCC) Copy feature and Termination Date (OKDOT) 8608HighIntegrate new GetTemplate for June 2005 release (MSE) SitePad™ 1.1e8108LowAdobe Reader 6 (MSE) SiteXchange™ 1.0b7694MediumFed/State Project Number display on contract panel (MSE) 7922MediumSubcontract item list needs error icons (MSE)
SiteManager SMSI Enhancements (Overview) New Filter-Search Function Material User Windows New Material User Security User Sampler Testing Personnel Data Conversion Approved Materials Window Sample Information Window Material Detail Window System Table Maintenance Requirements Satisfaction Function Obsolete PowerBuilder Reports New Agency Specific Enhancements
Search Lens Fields (Filter-Search) Adding the Filter-Search menu option to all fields where the Search pointer is already enabled Filter-Search gives the user the flexibility in limiting the data that is being retrieved by specifying a search criterion, i.e., it will only retrieve rows that match the entered values, and it will highlight the first row SiteManager will also introduce the option of opening the Window Key record with search lens facility on User Security window, Material User related windows, and Sample Information window
Material User Window A Material User can be defined as one or more of three classes i.e., SiteManager User (having a User security profile), Sampler and/or Tester Sampler and Tester classes maintained in the Material User window SiteManager Users will continue to be created and maintained in the User Security window
Material User Window Open-Search (& Open) User ID – 8 characters Active/Inactive Indicators Global Tester Deletion allowed if never referenced Qualifications displayed Material User Generic Fields Remarks (user defined types) Address (+generic fields)
Material User – Open (& Search)
Material User - Generic Fields
Material User - Remarks
Material User - Address
User Security Window Open-Search (& Open) When creating new user, if an existing user (Security or Material) with same ID already exists, will retrieve all the existing information for existing user Menu navigation directly to Material User window
User Security Child Windows Child windows will be identical to the Material User windows, with the following differences: –File Open (Only Security Users in Picklist) –Search (Only Security Users in Picklist) –Remarks (Editable – shared with Material User) –Address (Editable – shared with Material User) –Generic Fields (Editable – shared with Material User)
Sampler Qualifications Window Renamed from Inspector Only qualifications maintained Menu navigation to Material User window Qualification Type now picks Material Category Type (MATLCATG), replacing old association with INSPQUAL code table [CNMATCAT relation] Dates (incl. Future) Sort Order Copy Function
Sampler Qualifications Child Windows Child windows will be identical to the Material User windows, with the following differences: –File Open (Only Samplers in Picklist) –Search (Only Samplers in Picklist) –Remarks (Editable – shared with Material User) –Address (Inquiry Only – shared with Material User) –Generic Fields (Inquiry Only – shared with Material User)
Testing Personnel Qualifications Window Only qualifications maintained Menu navigation to Material User window Dates (incl. Future) Sort Order Copy Function (includes test methods)
Testing Personnel Qualifications Child Windows Child windows will be identical to the Material User windows, with the following differences: –File Open (Only Testers in Picklist) –Search (Only Testers in Picklist) –Remarks (Editable – shared with Material User) –Address (Inquiry Only – shared with Material User) –Generic Fields (Inquiry Only – shared with Material User)
Approved Materials Window Producer/Supplier table association (w/ search-lens) replacing Manufacturer code table
Sample Information Window Open-Search (& Open) Sample Date: –required field –default to current date –When saving a future date, confirmation will be required –If changed, the following fields will now be “blanked- out”: Producer/Supplier, Product Name (if enabled), Manufacturer, and Inspector Manufacturer will be disabled until a material is selected
Sample Information Window If Material “Brand Name Required,” Product Name will be enabled and required; Manufacturer remains protected and will be populated based on Product Name. Otherwise, if no Brand Name Required, both are enabled; Product Name selection forces Manufacturer. If Material changed, in addition to the current business rule (e.g. Producer/Supplier and Manufacturer blanked out), the Product Name and Inspector will also be “blanked-out”
Sample Information Window Product Name will use the Filter-Search lens functionality and will display only those product names that match both the material selected and where the Sample Date falls between the effective date and expiration date of the approved material
Sample Information Window Producer/Supplier: The Search capability will be added to Producer/Supplier Name field Filter-Search functionality modified to select Producer/Supplier by Name; Producer/Supplier code field will be protected The Filter-Search will display producer/suppliers for the selected material where the Sample Date falls between the producer/supplier material Effective and Expiration date or the Sample Date is greater than Effective date and Expiration date is ‘0’
Sample Information Window Manufacturer: The Search capability will be added to Manufacturer Name field Filter-Search functionality modified to select Manufacturer by Name; Manufacturer code field will be protected Only active manufacturers from Producer Supplier Material table will be displayed and allowed to be entered in the Manufacturer field. i.e., the Sample Date must fall between the producer/supplier material’s effective and expiration date
Sample Information Window Sampler: –New label (old “Smpld By”) –If the selected material is in “Controlled Material Categories”, then Sampler will be restricted to active inspectors who have active qualifications for the material category on the sample’s material, and where Sample Date falls within the active qualification’s date range. Sample Unit (Addt’l Sample Data Tab): –Moved and label removed. –On a new sample, unit defaulted to material unit on Material Detail (based on the Sys Op Parm ‘Default Sample Material Unit’)
Sample Information Window Sample Authorization function changed to only allow authorization of the sample if the Sample Status is one of the codes that are contained in the new Sample Status Allowing Authorization (SMPLAUTH) code table.
Sample Info – Contract Tab Add Satisfied Represented Material Quantity (same as Daily Work Report - Work Item tab) Add Item Code New Contract Item Select (see next slide)
Sample Info – Contract Tab Contract Item Select When adding a new Contract Item row(s), the pick list will include a Contract ID search lens facility. Once a valid contract is selected, it will display the line items on the contract, where one or more line items can be selected using standard Windows select functionality.
Sample Info – Tests Tab Start Date: Required; defaulted to the current system date Used to validate testers active qualifications If altered after testers have been associated with the test, the qualifications of all associated testers will be reconfirmed before accepting the start date
Sample Info – Tests Tab Only qualified testers will be able to access test results in an update mode. Otherwise, read-only mode. When test results are saved, the tester (i.e., the current User ID) is compared to the list of testers shown in the Sample Testers window. If tester is already there, Last Modified Date is updated. If the tester is not there, they are added.
Sample Info – Testers Window The tester search lens filter will be restricted to those testers who have valid test method qualifications, by either having global access to test, or by having an active qualification (using the test start date). Deletes only available until the test results have been recorded Display current Last Modified data
System Table Maintenance “Sample Status Allowing Sample Authorization” (SMPLAUTH) that will allow users to enter codes which indicate the status of a sample suitable for authorization. “Controlled Material Categories” (CNMATCAT) describes the material categories that require samplers to have active qualifications. When deleting the last code in “Change” or “User” type code table, the window currently deletes the parent header table. This will be changed so that deleting the last code for a “Change” type code table will not delete the header code table.
Calc Contract Sampling & Testing Requirements Satisfaction Function Sampling Checklist Report will additionally create a log file Recalculating Requirement Satisfaction: –The Maintain Sample Information window and Contract Sampling and Testing requirement window will call the Calculate Contract Sampling and Testing Requirement Satisfaction function. The function will be called at the following events (for optimization purposes): When the user opens a different sample When the window is closed When a save is performed –The Change Order final approval process will also call the Calculate Contract Sampling and Testing Requirement Satisfaction function
Obsolete PowerBuilder Reports The PowerBuilder reports affected due to the base table changes in this enhancement and those from the SiteManager Contract Sampling & Testing enhancement will be removed from the application and documentation. Materials Expiring for Sources Report Material Sources Report Producer/Supplier Materials Report Contract Producer/Supplier (Exceptions) Report Failing Samples Report Inspectors Report Testing Personnel Report Approved Material Report Approved Material Expiring Report Producer/Supplier Report
Other Agency Specific Enhancements Sample Locking: When locked, only the user(s) with access will be allowed to update or authorize the sample. All other users will have inquiry only access. The sample can be locked at the following levels: –User Level: allows update access to only the locking user. –Office Level: allows update access to users in the locking users office and all office levels in the chain above. –No Locked: allows update access by any user with proper window rights (as previous). –Limited Access: allows view and update access to only those in the “Limited Access Sample Group” (typically the Independent Assurance Group) specified in SysOpParms. (Only this & No Lock option available for users in Group.)
Other Agency Specific Enhancements Add the standard Generic field functionality to the Material Details table and window.
Other Agency Specific Enhancements Add the standard Attachment functionality to Producer/Supplier Plants and to Producer/Supplier Materials.
Other Agency Specific Enhancements New copy mix design function has been added to both Superpave & PCC Mix Design windows If Material Code is changed (on existing as well as copied mix design): –Material Gradations are reset ready for new assignment. –Termination Date is blanked-out.
MSE Enhancements SiteManager 3.6a Object Store updates (including “GetTemplates” function) making the OBS a 100% consistent code base across all Trnsport modules. SitePad 1.1e Conduit performance issue updates resulting in a 72% time savings Adobe Reader 6.0 upgraded from Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 SiteXchange 1.0b (see next slide for screen dumps) Fed/State Project Number display on contract panel Subcontract item list needs error icons
SiteXchange 1.1b Screen Dumps
Construction Enhancements Brad Parks Info Tech, Inc.
Field Products Enhancements Chad Schafer Info Tech, Inc.
FieldManager ® Releases FieldManager 4.1a –Released June, 2005 FieldManager 4.2 –Planned Release Date: May 24, 2006
FieldManager 4.1a Major New Functionality –Multiple database support FieldManager & FieldBook™ –New version of FieldNet™ –Managing office comments –Inquiries against multiple contracts –Items List window contains original quantity column –Attachment improvements –New contractor area for item association
New Log-In
Managing Office Comments
Multiple Contract Inquiries
Multiple Contract Inquiries: Contracts Summary
Additional Contractor Functionality
Contractors General Tab
Assigning Items to Contractors
Adding Attachments
FieldNet Setup
FieldNet Main Menu
Field Products Enhancements Chad Schafer Info Tech, Inc.
Enhancements in Pre-Construction, Construction and Field Products presented by: Cindy Bass, Brad Parks & Chad Schafer Info Tech, Inc.