EGovernment Interoperability: Concepts, research results from the IST project and plans for a European study at local and regional level within.


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Presentation transcript:

eGovernment Interoperability: Concepts, research results from the IST project and plans for a European study at local and regional level within INFSO MODINIS programme CEN eGov Focus Group 16 February 2005 Efthimios Tambouris Head of eGovernment Unit University of Macedonia & Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH)

CEN eGov Focus Group, 16 February 2005 IST A research project, funded by EC under 5 th FP (IST programme) Objective: to specify an architecture and develop a prototype platform for back-office integration at all levels by addressing all relevant interoperability issues 7 partners from 3 Member States Project coordinator: CERTH/ITI Web site:

CEN eGov Focus Group, 16 February 2005 MODINIS Interoperability Study “Study on Interoperability at Local and Regional Level” Project started December 2004 (26 months) Funded by MODINIS programme (open call for tenders) Consortium EIPA - European Institute of Public Administration CERTH/ITI - Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Informatics and Telematics Institute Ifib - Institut für Informtionsmanagement Bremen GmbH

CEN eGov Focus Group, 16 February 2005 MODINIS Study: Objectives To identify eGovernment Interoperability good practices and include them in the EC Good Practice Framework To conduct a Study of Interoperability at local and regional levels, which will include amongst others: Status in Member States Main achievements Main success factors Key barriers Recommendations to stakeholders To organize four main workshops in Brussels To organize four local workshops in Member States

CEN eGov Focus Group, 16 February 2005 eGovernment and Interoperability – 1 eGovernment: The use of ICT in public administrations combined with organisational changes and new skills, in order to improve public services and democratic processes and strengthen support to public policies Interoperability in Computer Science "The ability of two or more systems or components to exchange information and to use the information that has been exchanged" (IEEE Standard Computer Dictionary)

CEN eGov Focus Group, 16 February 2005 eGovernment and Interoperability – 2 Interoperability in the context of eGovernment “Interoperability means the ability of ICT systems and of the business processes they support to exchange data and to enable sharing of information and knowledge” (IDA, European Interoperability Framework) "Interoperability is the ability of a system or process to use information and/or functionality of another system process by adhering to common standards." (eGovernment Working Group of the European Public Administration Network - EPAN) “… the means by which this inter-linking of systems, information and ways of working will occur: within or between administrations, nationally or across Europe, or with the enterprise sector” (EC, Role of eGovernment for Europe's Future” COM(2003) 567 final)

CEN eGov Focus Group, 16 February 2005 Aspects of Interoperability Elements of an Interoperability Architecture (EPAN 2004)

CEN eGov Focus Group, 16 February 2005 Some Relevant Initiatives National eGovernment Interoperability Frameworks, projects and initiatives, e.g. UK (e-GIF) France Germany (SAGA) Sweden (SHS) Greece (e-GIF), etc. European projects and initiatives, e.g. IDA: eLink, MIReG, Multi-channel delivery, etc. IST: TerreGov, OntoGov, eGOV,, etc. eTen: RISER

CEN eGov Focus Group, 16 February 2005 The five views of Interoperability – 1 1. Data Access: Each organisation accesses only its own data Each organisation may access data that belong to another organisation Only some organisations may access data that belong to other organisations There is a set of common data, which are accessible by all organisations 2. Communication Structure: There are direct, bi-lateral communications between organisations Communication exists between a central unit and many local units Communication is through a clearing house (or broker, or intermediary) Communication is between organisations that belong in a (value- added) chain

CEN eGov Focus Group, 16 February 2005 The five views of Interoperability – 2 3. Stages (a service consists of stages, when different parts of the same service are performed by different authorities): The service provided does not involve stages i.e. the service is provided by one organisation The service provided involves stages; that is, parts of the service are performed by distinct but cooperating organisations 4. IOP of Common, Auxiliary services (e.g. payment, ID management): The involved services use different auxiliary services that are not interoperable The involved services use the same auxiliary services The involved services use different auxiliary services, which however are interoperable The involved services do not use auxiliary services 5. Common Service Directories: The system does not include any common service directories The system includes common service directories at local/regional level The system includes common service directories at national level The system includes common service directories both at local/regional and at national level that cooperate

CEN eGov Focus Group, 16 February 2005 MODINIS Study: Current Work – 1 We are looking for: Individuals in the public sector with involvement/experience in Interoperability (IOP) initiatives, project etc. eGovernment initiatives, projects, events etc that can be considered IOP good practice. We are therefore looking for local and regional authorities with eGovernment projects / initiatives where interoperability was a key concern and they have produced important results Initiatives, projects, programmes etc with a keen interest on interoperability wishing to assist us in organizing a local event

CEN eGov Focus Group, 16 February 2005 MODINIS Study: Current Work – 2 We offer: The opportunity for your experiences and successes to be included in the European Commission’s Best Practice Framework An opportunity to discuss with experts and colleagues with extensive experience, online or in one of our workshops A Study on Interoperability to allow you learn from others experience

CEN eGov Focus Group, 16 February 2005 MODINIS Study: Next Steps Identify and analyse good eGovernment Interoperability practices at local and regional level Prepare the first version of the “Interoperability Study” (one version every 4 months) Organise the first (out of four) main workshop in Brussels Plan the first (out of four) local workshop in one Member State

If you know an eGovernment Interoperability good practice, please let us know ( Thank you for your attention!